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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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Ahhhh. I did wonder - since he seemed to be an obvious candidate for a mafia character.


Poor Westley dead also. Ah well - we still have Inigo and he would make a great Dread Pirate Roberts lol.


AH - why are you coloured in as dead on your lists? Are you being overly dramatic perhaps. If you are Town Masons, you are unlikely to get NKd till end game as at the moment no-one is sure if you are really Town or not. Once one of you dies it will confirm the other. Then again, you might not be getting NKd cos you are really Mafia - but with the stronger bad characters still lurking out there somewhere I really doubt that.

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Ancient Booer is too little a role to be Mafia - there is still Prince Humperdink, Man with 6 fingers, Bloke with Keys at the gate (unless that was Yellin?) And the Albino who are more likely to me mafia than a 2 minute dream sequence character.



Well that's just it.. With 4 scunm likely left.. You have humberdink, Man with 6 fingers and the albino.. (yellin was the gate guy)... Whose the 4th scum? Best bet is ancient booer imo.. Unless the assistant brute (from imdb) is in the game... (Which is why I think we should save Turin for last)


Also, re: character reveals, it's almost certain that the 3 you named are going to claim Townsperson of Florin, and potentially the brute (if in game)... We have two of them alive, and what 5 unknowns? It's a good bet that atleast 3 scum are in the pool below, I'd imagine we have the princess and valerie left to claim (if westley was the princess protector, then I'd assume princess is in game).. And if Turin is not scum, and the assistant brute is in the game, then there's 4..


That would leave 3 scum at least out of 5 players. It's the real shame about lynching Rhea cause she didn't claim her role properly, had we lynched one of the below instead, we'd be even better of.. Anyway, scum have painted themselves into a corner by cop hunting instead of killing the masons, that's the good news.. The bad news is that they'll have a real good shot of hitting cop with tonight kill






Naught bunny

Ithi 2


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If we have 5 mafia, then there is a good chance they will be:


The Prince

The Count

The Albino


Yellin (Meesh)


So I don't think Turin would be Mafia...unless this Booooing has been put on from the start -which would be hard to continue! He could be solo win.


as for CTM's reveal...could be, but also an easy one to pinch, however we did have the Queen. someone asked whether we would have someone from the dream sequence, well we had the old crone! so we could.


Nyn, I'm still not sure of. I think it would one hellva a move after my reveal!


I'm suspicious of:








I'll have to do some more reading on those.

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to the mafia for killing Westley. And who woulda thunk it? BG was town again? inconceivable.


I agree with CTM's idea that the mafia are running out of "safe" named characters to claim and think that a character reveal would be interesting. I just woke up and checked back in so I am not sure about the pros and cons yet. Might not be worth it. Need coffee.


Of the folks on the list I am most suspicious of wombat. He has been even more quiet than normal and the speed lynch quip was off to me. Maybe a vote or two will get him to put more than 4 words into a post.



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*Glares at CTM* I thought I felt a disturbance in the list force.


Dead Townie Dead Mafia Dead 3rd Party

Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason

2. Smiley

3. Song--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--killed N1

4. Ithi #1--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--random lynched D1

5. Turin--claims Anchient Booer--town--vanilla w/pr

6. Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason

7. Rhea--Queen Bella--town--Vanilla--Lynched D2

8. meesh--Yellin--mafia--goon--killed N1

9. PaetIthi #2

10. BG--Westley--town--Guard of the Princess--Killed N3

11. Matt McsCTM--claims King Lotharon--town--?

12. Locke

13. Piano--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--Lynched D3

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. Nyn--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. Ape--Impressive Clergyman--town--Vanilla w/ PR--Killed N2

18. wombat

19. Sol--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal--Vizzini--Serial Killer--killed N2


@ Ithi

1) a. yes I'm being dramatic at this point (as was stated many times earlier); I hate being out in the open like this and feel the mafia watching me...... Always watching >.>

b. I know me and Des are town, and just make my list reflect that with a green color. I know we aren't "dead" like the top of my list says but *shrug* we are basically confirmed like usually only dead townies are.

2) 1/4 of players are mafia. 21 players, one being 3rd party, leads us to believe there are 5 mafia


Looking over things--will vote in a minute

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I'm suspicious of:








I'll have to do some more reading on those.


These are 5 of the 6 people that haven't revealed anything yet, at least according to AH's last post. Could this be Talya's way of directing any attention away from herself if she is a misclaimed town? I don't like much the strategy of lynching claimed townies so we could try something else today, but I'm not convinced of the honesty of the townie reveals. I'm suspicious of everyone. But mostly Smiley.



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Also, since people were talking about how to best search through all a person's posts in this thread, imo, the best way is to go to their profile, click "find my content", sort by all posts, and then Ctrl F Princess.


So I was wondering. Are we going to continue lynching from the pool of townies who have claimed townfolk of Florin? It hasn't worked especially well for us, but if we quit now we could be letting scum off the hook. The only ones left who claimed that role are Nyn and Talya, and I had suspicions of them already this game. Buuuut, this strategy is starting to seem kind of uninspired, and because of the reasoning behind the lynches, it's going to be very difficult to analyze the voting trains of them


Absolutely not. Doing so is pretty much random lynching with a scum:townie ratio of getting a scum lynch. We need to scumhunt and lynch based off behavior. Also, keep in mind that if the mafia have been given safe fake claims, they could claim an actual character, while we lynch actual townsfolk of Florin.


I haven't posted all weekend, but I did keep up with what was going on. FOS at Rhea for unvoting Des and pointing out that her vote was a joke vote. Why did you find it necessary to point that out?


I said before the weekend that the case on Des seemed strange to me, and it still kinda does. But because of Rhea pointing out that hers was a joke, mabe we are onto something. At least it struck me oddly when I read that. So I'm going to Unvote Ape, Vote Des for now.


That post by Sakaea is still scummy. I went through the rest of her posts though, and nothing else really stuck out to me much.


CTM I've gone back and forth on throughout the game. I don't see the King as mafia though. Could be a fake claim, however CTM has taken time to point out scum having been given fake claims many times throughout the game which wouldn't make much sense as a scum given a fake claim.


Next, Tina:


9. Player, very suspicious by all above stated reasons. His vote on the dead Rhea doesn´t change my mind about him.


I don't think your hammer of Player was scummy, but implying that his vote on Rhea was scummy? Player was obviously in a state of mental befuddlement when he said that, completely irrelevant to alignment.


I´m going to read through the last day and see what I can find. Player is of course a suspect and I voted him yesterday (although I was okay with Rhea too). I can see why Turin looks more suspicious but as I said before, I have never seen a mafia with post restrictions like this before. I would rather judge Turin by his play. I will check out his posts again. I will also take an extra look on CTM.


Imo good post here.


Anyway, I do agree with you. The scummiest player this far is Des. So I´m going to vote Des and start a real bandwagon.

Vote Talya. She is acting very weired. I will check in again before I go to sleep to see if I need to change it for consolidation.


Sketchy Day 1 votes here.


I'd still like to look at Smiley, Turin, Wombat, and Nyn too before I vote. Paet (Ithi) doesn't have much to look back at, and I'm believing Talya/CTM for now.

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I dropped in but didn't vote yesterday because within a couple hours of me posting the hammer got dropped. I've been following along, but haven't been compelled to issue an opinion since my first real one wasn't too popular.


yeah that one didn't turn out to good for you, watch out if your voting again, this time it might just get you lynched :baalzamon:


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According to sparknotes:

King Lotharon - The King of Florin, and Humperdinck's father. King Lotharon, by the time of the story, is quite old, deaf, and difficult to understand.


I would think he would just be a vanilla like Queen Bella (who was Humperkinck's stepmother btw), but then again, he is the King. CTM hints at something important




CTM I am suspicious of--he’s been trying to direct actions and has done a few other scummy things. He claims a character and he almost seems to be hinting at a power role when in both the book and the movie the King is basically a useless figurehead by the time the story unfolds. He seemed to reveal that way earlier than necessary too, but I can understand revealing when you’re going to be gone and are afraid you’re going to get lynched in that time.


Wombat has been very quiet and that one comment about the quick lynch was odd, plus the way he rarely gives his reasoning isn’t helpful in the least


I also still don’t like Sol and Tina.


Nyn and Tayla I’m still leaning towards believing, everyone else I’m keeping an eye on.


For now I’m going to vote Wombat

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I was so looking at the townies and meeshes character I didn't click about Verbal's character...*slaps head* ...I didn't really take much notice of him when i was going back over the voting.


Thanks Locke, That is a good way to search...I will try that.

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I've tried to have a look at some of the those I mentioned. So far been through Tina, Locke and Ithi. I'm still unsure about Tina, I can't make my mind up, I'm sure she has been a lot more active in games, but that isn't a reason to think she maybe mafia. Maybe she's more active when she is mafia! Locke really does a lot less he is certainly above Tina, especially after his second vote on Sol on day one, Something about the vote is a little odd, but then he hasn't been on to do much else! Ithi/Paet very inactive so we didn't get anything from Paet, except his vote on Turin which he never took off. Ithi has come in and is definitely a lot more active, though apart from the post below has said nothing of value. now when I replace I like to have a good read and then say a few thought. but all she says is she would be up for a Locke lynch...then why doesn't she vote him?


I would be ok with a Locke lynch - from what I have seen so far. I have mixed feelings about Tina.


I think Turin is likely to be Town, CTM - seems to be Town.


Ancient Booer is too little a role to be Mafia - there is still Prince Humperdink, Man with 6 fingers, Bloke with Keys at the gate (unless that was Yellin?) And the Albino who are more likely to me mafia than a 2 minute dream sequence character.


She also asks why we think there are 4 mafia left. Considering there were 21 to start and so far this looks like a pretty normal game (plenty of roleless town, mafia, masons, doc and hopefully cop) there would be about 5 mafia to start...1 down...etc, not hard to see. I know she's not a noob, so an odd question! who knows.


although I'm also suspicious of Locke, I am little bit more of Ithi...



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Well done Tayla. I never said there were not 4 more Mafia players, I just asked CTM why he thought there were 4. You are very good at twisting words - :smile:


As for saying nothing of value - when I joined the game it was still night. So, your vote on me consists of me having suspicions about Locke, pointing out your error in thinking Vizzini was still alive and that he could be part of the Mafia team, and basically making one(ish) daytime post.


My casting suspicion on Locke seems to have rattled you somewhat. I think I like that. You move up my list, although you were already quite high.


Also - the 'helpful help from Locke' points to 'we are definitely not talking on a QT honest guvnor'.


Finally - your first couple of posts do not have Paet/Me even on your suspicion list, but now you are voting me. Quite a contradiction I think.


And I will cast my vote when I am ready too. As you very kindly point out - I have just joined the game again, I think I will bide my time and not rush into anything. I do think you should probably have words with your team for feeding you to the dogs like this though. Your flip flop change of opinions and weak case are giving me the bestest smile I've had all day.

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HAHA!!! nothing like trying to make my vote on you makes me look like scum! Funny that I wasn't even on you post that actually had a couple of suspicions, but I have gone up on your ;list...


I got a reaction, quite a large one in fact, thank you...

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I´m about to go to bed. Someone said that I don´t write much. I try to do my best.


Locke is nice to me even though I voted him. Is he trying to win me over?


I find it odd that the votes are so spread out but maybe that is good since we have been so determined to lynch Rhea and Player, and that didn´t work out very well.


I will comment more tomorrow when I´m not half asleep.

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