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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nolder for not letting us know he was in the game. Or is that a MODess issue? No, rule ! never blame the MOD. It could lead to an unfortunate PR.


@Despo. If we had been able to reach a consensus and lynch Rhea D1 then we would have already had the infor we learned yesterday and would have most likely gotten MORE info. IMO we are one day behind in finding out about Player and a few others.


@John, you put me on your top FoS list for doing the same thing you did. Being on Rhea's lynch train both days. Why is it okay for you and not me?

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nolder for not letting us know he was in the game. Or is that a MODess issue? No, rule ! never blame the MOD. It could lead to an unfortunate PR.


@Despo. If we had been able to reach a consensus and lynch Rhea D1 then we would have already had the infor we learned yesterday and would have most likely gotten MORE info. IMO we are one day behind in finding out about Player and a few others.


@John, you put me on your top FoS list for doing the same thing you did. Being on Rhea's lynch train both days. Why is it okay for you and not me?


Because I know my own alignment. :rolleyes:


Because I'm beginning to question the reality of having 2 PRs both be town, plus the old BOO hag was very much not a fan of the princess.


Because I've been casing Rhea on her play since early on D1. While you were primarily riding other people's cases and just joining the trains. Meaning you didn't do the same thing I did. I was town making a case on town, and you came along for the ride.


As for the remarks to Despo about being "one day behind" - I disagree. There have been 4 deaths, and 1 was scum - while 3 were roleless. We haven't lost any power roles, and we've managed to only take out roleless townies with our mislynches. I'd say we are doing just fine. We also avoided any further role reveals on D2, another plus. So don't feign concern over us being behind... its relatively disingenuous.

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO John for carefully choosing words with no "w's" in them in your first sentence.


i know my alignment too. so if your theory is right that we both are not town, then it looks bad for you from where I sit. The clergyman was definitely a lackey of Humperdinck's. The Hag was the manifestation of Buttercup's doubt in marrying said scummy Humperdinck. So which is more likely to be town? yeah, yeah, yeah. game the MOD is bad. I would say it has been somewhat accurate from the roles claimed with the names associated with them. So either the flavor has some game merit or the people claiming are LLL's.


You said I followed along. Fair enough to an extent. I agreed with some of the things said about Rhea. Even with you about her not saving us from the random. I was the first to comment about the flip avoidance of the florin question. That slip of hers was a portion of why many voted for her. Those two things were why I preferred her for D2. I stated my position early in the day and stayed with it since that was the way the town moved.


We have been LUCKY with the mislynches. But would you rather have the Player issue already resolved? It likely would be. Yesterday you started there and did not move until it was to hammer Rhea.


Dramatically, I might add. Is that a common thing where you play? like slamming the Dominoes down in the game?

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO John for carefully choosing words with no "w's" in them in your first sentence.


i know my alignment too. so if your theory is right that we both are not town, then it looks bad for you from where I sit. The clergyman was definitely a lackey of Humperdinck's. The Hag was the manifestation of Buttercup's doubt in marrying said scummy Humperdinck. So which is more likely to be town? yeah, yeah, yeah. game the MOD is bad. I would say it has been somewhat accurate from the roles claimed with the names associated with them. So either the flavor has some game merit or the people claiming are LLL's.


You said I followed along. Fair enough to an extent. I agreed with some of the things said about Rhea. Even with you about her not saving us from the random. I was the first to comment about the flip avoidance of the florin question. That slip of hers was a portion of why many voted for her. Those two things were why I preferred her for D2. I stated my position early in the day and stayed with it since that was the way the town moved.


We have been LUCKY with the mislynches. But would you rather have the Player issue already resolved? It likely would be. Yesterday you started there and did not move until it was to hammer Rhea.


Dramatically, I might add. Is that a common thing where you play? like slamming the Dominoes down in the game?



Yes. That is how to hammew vote with style on JN... paw fow the couwse.


As far as "the Player issue", to me, your making a moot point. Most people were down with Player or Rhea, so if we lynched Player yesterday, we might still be lynching Rhea next. 6 to one, half-dozen to another. Its presumptuous to think if we lynched Rhea, then Player, that on D3 we'd be in any better a situation than still trying to find scum.


Player should be the next lynch. Then we can look back at the competing trains. Its the right way to build information, and low-risk because at worst we lose another roleless townie... at best we nab lying scum.

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Interestingly, when I was looking at the characters of Princess Bride, I found this wiki site and a separate category for the villians:




Funny that the old woman is mentioned there. I can't really see her as Mafia per se but maybe not a town role..*shrugs* it was just a thought. Especially as we have two people with PR's.


Also I'm not liking Verbal's play. I don't think he has given a decent post with some actual content in the whole game. Locke as well, something he said earlier sounded off, I will have to find the post and read it again to see if I can see what it was.

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Interestingly, when I was looking at the characters of Princess Bride, I found this wiki site and a separate category for the villians:




Funny that the old woman is mentioned there. I can't really see her as Mafia per se but maybe not a town role..*shrugs* it was just a thought. Especially as we have two people with PR's.


Also I'm not liking Verbal's play. I don't think he has given a decent post with some actual content in the whole game. Locke as well, something he said earlier sounded off, I will have to find the post and read it again to see if I can see what it was.



Good research, turin's not going anywhere she'll either be investigated or swinging from a tree branch before this game is over

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Interestingly, when I was looking at the characters of Princess Bride, I found this wiki site and a separate category for the villians:




Funny that the old woman is mentioned there. I can't really see her as Mafia per se but maybe not a town role..*shrugs* it was just a thought. Especially as we have two people with PR's.


Also I'm not liking Verbal's play. I don't think he has given a decent post with some actual content in the whole game. Locke as well, something he said earlier sounded off, I will have to find the post and read it again to see if I can see what it was.



Good research, turin's not going anywhere she'll either be investigated or swinging from a tree branch before this game is over


turin isn't bad just because a website says so, use your heads to decide who is bad and who is good

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JN for having so much style.. jk that sounds pretty cool.


As for my point you say that Player is the place to look when day comes. I am saying that if rhea had gotten lynched D1 instead of random.org killing Ithi(luck was on our side there to not lose a power role) we could have looked at Player yesterday and would be looking at what seemed logical next. Whether that is the PR people, or some of the other "townsfolk of Florin" or something else that might have popped up during that discussion. In that way I find we will be a day behind. Nothing can be done about that now so I guess I'll just drop it.


@Talya, That is odd. I never put her in with the villains. Maybe I am ebil. *checks* nope. :biggrin:

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JN for having so much style.. jk that sounds pretty cool.


As for my point you say that Player is the place to look when day comes. I am saying that if rhea had gotten lynched D1 instead of random.org killing Ithi(luck was on our side there to not lose a power role) we could have looked at Player yesterday and would be looking at what seemed logical next. Whether that is the PR people, or some of the other "townsfolk of Florin" or something else that might have popped up during that discussion. In that way I find we will be a day behind. Nothing can be done about that now so I guess I'll just drop it.


@Talya, That is odd. I never put her in with the villains. Maybe I am ebil. *checks* nope. :biggrin:


Actually if it was you that were saying we're a day behind, I agree 100%.. Also if Rhea got her role right, but I digress


So when's daybreak?

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Interestingly, when I was looking at the characters of Princess Bride, I found this wiki site and a separate category for the villians:




Funny that the old woman is mentioned there. I can't really see her as Mafia per se but maybe not a town role..*shrugs* it was just a thought. Especially as we have two people with PR's.


Also I'm not liking Verbal's play. I don't think he has given a decent post with some actual content in the whole game. Locke as well, something he said earlier sounded off, I will have to find the post and read it again to see if I can see what it was.



Yep. The BOO HAG was boo'ing the Pwincess... thewefowe, not loyal to hew.


Meanwhile, the Clergyman was the one that didn't tell Humperdink that the marriage was invalid because they didn't say "I do", thus helping Buttercup avoid marrying the Hump. Obviously, not as loyal to Humperdink as Turin is trying to insinuate. Just sayin'

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I have to admit I didn't really expect to see her there. But because I guess she was against Buttercup. But I see it more a neutral character or on the side of DPR


Smiley, I don't think anyone is going to use websites to chose who is evil and who is not, except for the obvious...but I can't see them revealing their characters...rolleyes.gif It just shows that people will see things diferently and not just to assume what you might think someone is, the glorious Modess might not!

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JN for having so much style.. jk that sounds pretty cool.


As for my point you say that Player is the place to look when day comes. I am saying that if rhea had gotten lynched D1 instead of random.org killing Ithi(luck was on our side there to not lose a power role) we could have looked at Player yesterday and would be looking at what seemed logical next. Whether that is the PR people, or some of the other "townsfolk of Florin" or something else that might have popped up during that discussion. In that way I find we will be a day behind. Nothing can be done about that now so I guess I'll just drop it.


@Talya, That is odd. I never put her in with the villains. Maybe I am ebil. *checks* nope. :biggrin:


Actually if it was you that were saying we're a day behind, I agree 100%.. Also if Rhea got her role right, but I digress


So when's daybreak?


It weally doesn't mattew.


25% of the game is scum. 25% of the dead bodies is scum.


So far, so good... considering the way D1 ended. My only concern is that the 2nd death on N1 was probably a SK, I would have expected a Vig to either holster or shoot Rhea, tbh.

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CTM - john asked you a while back about how you searched the topic for people's post, how did you do it, I can only do it for board (the BT), not down to this actual thread!


Yeah, i search for the board and user and then just scrolled till I found the posts. They're we're only 14 of them!

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You can search the actual topic if you enter your query while you're on the thread itself. Look at the search space right now and it'll say "in this topic". The only thing I haven't figured out is how to search someone specifically... because all this does is search posting content. But I'm sure it's just a matter of playing around with it. I just don't have time to do it right now. Sorry.





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I tried that Nyn, I can't see anywhere where you can search for the person just search for words.


thanks CTM, I was hoping there was another, i was going to go through someone that has been spaming these boards so 10 pages later I hadn't got to the beginning of the game!

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Rhea, Rhea... *shrugs head*


I usually don´t speak much during the night but I noticed CTM´s "I think I will be nk´d tonight" comment and I didn´t like it. A little more subtle way of saying "Hi doc, protect me tonight." Verbal could contribute more, as someone already has pointed out. I guess Paetric will be replaced?


I don´t think I have ever played in a game were scum has been given a PR from the mod but maybe one of Ape and Turin is mafia? I would rather look at how people have played than guessing alignment based on their PR.


More thoughts tomorrow.

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