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Sheathing the sword.

Arath Faringal

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CrazyMike, so much of what you say here is so complete unadultrated nonsense that it shocks me. I'm not gonna answer in this thread though, this isn't the place for it, but come and share your views over in the debates section and I'll be happy to rip your ignorant views to pieces.


Just one thing: your label of this war as a holy crusade is exactly the kind of idiocy that gives the US such an unjustifiably bad name over here in the Middle East. I can only thank God that people who think like you do are, thankfully, a minority.


The US doesn't need to offer any help considering the horrible, lie-infested, propaganda that the state controlled media in the mid-east puts forth.


Papers publish fake Jewish recipes for cookies that include virgin arab girls? That all Jews and non arabs are actually apes in disguise? I've seen the papers and watched the TV shows there. Don't tell me that America is to blame because that is just nonsense.


Considering that's been the story since before America existed, I doubt that we've done much to harm our position there.


And racha, if you're going to bring it up, provide details. Don't reference some unnamed country as evidence. Name it, or stop talking about it.


You people call Americans ignorant of everything, imposing our will where it doesn't belong, when America is but one nation among many who's hands are currently in that mid-eastern cookie jar.


If someone showed up in your home town and killed over 2000 people, what would you want done? Would you want your nation to make sure it never happens again? All I can say is that I am glad that the war is there and no longer on my doorstep.


The irony of this whole situation to me is that the people being touted as righteous and martyrs, slaves of American oppression, are actually some of the most vile, lie spewing, two faced, evil men in the world.


I look forward to the day that Iran actually attacks Israel. It will be the day that Iran no longer exists.


The reason I did not name a nation is that it DOES NOT MATTER. European country going downhill fast after America and the West shoved capitalism down its throat should suffice. You are pulling at straws. Our noses do not need to be over there when we have problems at home that need attention before we can pretend to know it all and shove our morals and laws down any other nation's throat.


America is a capitalist, democratic country. Which in theory should work just fine. however, as we can see it is eroding the support that this country stands on-our middle and lower classes. We can not offer everyone jobs because we are outsourcing them in the name of free global trade to third world countries where "employees" will work for pennies on the dollar. This is not a safe and sturdy country anymore. It's about the dollar and not about the people.


Trying to ignore the crap,

I believe sheathing the sword as a concept does not only have to refer to a sword but also to any act where a voluntry death leads to a victory or chance of it. Using the last scene of 'enemy at the gates' where the reporter (name?) shows himself and is shot so that the german sniper is revealed and killed. this was aurguably the only to kill him and saed countless lives while being a big blow to german morale and helping to win the battle of stalingrad.


There is also a case when a swiss captain threw himself onto an austrian pike formatioin causing himself to be speared several times and die, however this lead toa gap his country men could exploit and the swiss won the battle halting the invasion. A bit vague but can't remember all the details without my books.


These were not skilful acts and could be aurgued as acts of foolishness or suicide, however it has the same effect as sheathing the sword, as refered to by Lan, i.e. there is something worth more than living which can be acheived in death, saving stalingrad, saving switzerland and lives in both cases. Truly brave men and women can die if they believe they will save even one life in giving there own, with no reason other than saving that life.


Sorry but I just cant stop laughing at the homophobic anti-muslim american who beleves USA is the most human rights motivated country in the world, :lol: with all your statements you head further towards disproving that and people like you are the reason the USA is one of the most hated countries in the world. British muslims have faught for Al qaeda but if you tell me because of this we support the terrorists then you truly are a blind christian fundamentalist. Christmas is coming people.


*rollseyes* and this is why I'm leaving this post alone in hopes the off topic discussion gets it deleted. Give it a rest will ya??

yeah Dark Justice if there would have been a lot more men like you in the world before and during World war 2 Adolph Hitler would be your GOD now


Correct me if im wrong, but if more men like you Crazymike (the vietnam vet who never saw any combat) had 'fought' in World War II then wouldnt we have come to the same conclusion.


How about you learn to spell and stop talking crap.


I dont know about anyone else, but I rather like the idea of 'sheathing a sword' through Crazymike's head.


Do not blame Mike for getting this post off topic. It is my fault entirely. I saw something foolish written and felt the need to address when I should have left it alone. While ignorant and blind he is not responsible for the off topic nature of this thread.


okay, well said glad to see someone stand up and take resposibility, although i was also guilty of stupid off topic posts so we'll live and get over it and move on.

Christmas is still coming people.

British muslims have faught for Al qaeda but if you tell me because of this we support the terrorists then you truly are a blind christian fundamentalist. Christmas is coming people.


Please forgive me if i have misunderstood you here. But are you implying that you have fought for Al qaeda and that you support terrorists?


Christmas is still coming people.


Also the references to Christmas coming. Are you just excited about Christmas or is this some kind of insider terrorist joke about a forthcoming attack over the holiday period?


This is not intended to offend, i was just wondering.



British muslims have faught for Al qaeda but if you tell me because of this we support the terrorists then you truly are a blind christian fundamentalist. Christmas is coming people.



Please forgive me if i have misunderstood you here. But are you implying that you have fought for Al qaeda and that you support terrorists?


No what i meant was, muslims from muslim countries go to fight as terrorists, this does not make that country any more pro terror than the UK as a whole, which has also had muslims (UK sitizens) go to fight as terrorists, I am NOT a supporter of any terrorists at all, in fact more of a tinker lol.


Visit the tinker forum thingy.


Just excited about christmas because partying begins and schools over for a while and I was tryin to lighten the mood and spread some goodwill and peacful excitement. :lol: not offended: didn't really make myself clear did i


I will admit to a few things as being true, but only the things I list here:

(1) Many if not all nations have SOME people that support terrorist and terrorist causes; and that does not make those particular country's Terrorist Nations, but it does raise questions about them,,, even in the USA , Irish Roman Catholics raised money to support the IRA in Irland and our (USA) Government ignored it for the most part even tho open condeming it we basicly allowed it by not actively prosecuting the people that did it,,, also Irish protestants did the same,,, and in that way we contributed to the many deaths in IRELAND over the years,,, my appologies IRELAND and ENGLAND...


(2) Many, if not all, Countries have Criminals that profit off of Wars and Conflicts by selling Arms and Weapons and Inteligence to the Waring Factions,,, and most of those countrys try and arrest and imprison such people,,, but not all ,,, some pretend to make efforts to find them and prosecute them ect. but in reality hide them and encourage them and even assist them in that criminal enterprise ; those countrys are criminals and need to be destroyed ...


(3) and some countrys actualy harbor and assist and train and equipe Terrorist,,, and those countrys are at war with the United States and its Alies ,,, some of those Countrys are IRAN and Syria and Jordan and one that used to do it was IRAQ ,,, the populations of those Countrys are as Guilty of the Crimes of the Terrorist as are the Terrorist themselves...




Wow, what a thread :shock: . This really should be in Debated and Discussions. Though the rhetoric I've seen is too harsh not to be modded there... Some incredible bunny, too ridiculous even to be offensive. The Iraq issue tends to be beaten to death there save for what to do now and that is currently for the Americans, but really, if people want to talk of it, you folks can start a new thread there. But speak less heatedly, really, over there.


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