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A dark incidence of insurgence.

Moon Sedai

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DarkMoon observes the pitiful lightfuls practicing their swordforms and channeling their "One Power." Chuckling to herself, she seeks a few victims. After stabbing a few guards who were too busy checking out the young washer ladies to really do their job, Moon sneaks onto the Grounds of the Tower.


Turin is walking the grounds of the Black tower when he sees something in the dark. It is a young woman. She is not one of the wives, and even they are not supposed to be in this part of the tower grounds after dark. If this was one of those trollops trying to sneak into the barracks she would get soon be disabused of that notion and whoever she was going to see would catch it too. Turin assumed the oneness and prepared several weaves of Saidin and saw that the true power was there waiting as well. One could never be too careful.


Hey you there! come into the light. What are you doing here?


Sensing she'd been thought of as a Trollop, the visitor to the tower suppresses her inner Rage. The True Power already prepped for a shield, she steps slightly forward into the light, allowing the hood of her cloak to drape around her hair.


Why, hello sir! I've lost my little puppy dog. I think she ran out into the tower grounds when I had my back turned.





You cannot be here. This area is restricted to civilians. Go on back the way came. You may give me a description of your dog and it will be found. Turin is suspicious of this one for some reason. Then he sees it, the saa moves across her eyes...immediately drawing the true power he prepares his defences, for if someone else with access to the true power is here they must have a mission for the Great Lord.


Hey now dark sister, what is your purpose here?


Moon looks at her potential ally quizzically. Sensing a hint of Power in him, she prays to the Great Lord. Oh, let this work. Using a whisp of Air to make her cloak fall back, she smiles evilly at her darkened brother.


Ah, You see, the Great Lord has asked me to do just one thing.


Paint the Black Tower Red with the blood of silly lightfuls so that we might know his glory.








**Note so we're clear- this is NOT a Red Ajah thing, this is a Shayol Ghul thing. Do not get mad at the White Tower because my DarkSide is prevailing**


This Black Ajah sister certainly was ambitious. Turin decides to see how she plans to fulfill this mission. Do you have a plan? you will not be able to prevail over the entire Black Tower alone. Even with the Great Lord's gifts, there are literally hundreds of channelers here, many of considerable power.


She frowned for just a moment as Turin finished speaking...


A dark form suddenly catapulted onto the scene, standing straighter to reveal the feral lycan form of Despothera. He turned towards the other two Friends of the Dark, and loped towards them in a sauntering sort of manner. His ghastly grin of sharp canine teeth inhaled the cold air of the Black Tower grounds, filling his lungs as a low, slightly unfriendly growl began to form from deep within him.


Good evening, Turin. Fancy meeting you on one of my late-night jaunts. I trust you are treating our... visitor well? Hello there Moon. It's strange, you say you're here on a mission of the Great Lord, and yet I smell no lightie blood on that glistening knife you seem to be hiding. Those guards you entertained yourself with some time ago were sent there by me specifically, and were told to look the other way to allow you entry. It is no matter though, their bodies have already been disposed of and they held little value for the GGM.


Now then, I suggest you begin making good on the task you were sent here for, and head for the Lightie's quarters. You shall find your target there, more than likely snuggling disdainfully with some wretched puppies. Use your nose, weak though it might be; the smell of fresh baked brownies will let you know you have found your mark.


Displaying a wicked rictus of a smile for the resident of Shayol Ghul as she walked away with a distrusting look on her face, Despothera turned back to Turin and licked his lips. He looked around with his eyes very briefly, deciding that now wasn't the time for him to take down the prodigious foe who, much to his chagrin, had become his superior recently.


It might be a good idea for us to keep an eye on that one, Storm Leader. Should she fail in her task, or stray ever so slightly from her goal, I think it would be a good idea for us to let her know the Great Lord's displeasure ourselves.




He flashed another of his trademark sneers, then launched himself into the air with powerful predatory muscles. Howling out a quick cry of frustration at having to bide his time to take his nemesis down, he decided to enjoy himself for the time being and set off for a hunt. His nostrils sniffed the air and quickly found the trail of another victim for him to toy with for a time.


Moon frowned for a moment, and considered her plan. Thus far, she's met no Lightfuls.

Ah, Despothera.

No lightie blood? Ah, you see, my Black Ajah compatriots found me a precious new knife for this very mission.


I thank you for helping me find my path.

Puppies, you say? Too bad I actually couldn't bring my darkhounds.


Seeing a campfire on the opposite side of the grounds, Moon extends her Power to force the fire to grow, leaping out of control.


Ah, but you see, I'm stuck with a choice. Do I Stab you to maintain your cover, or do I recruit you in hopes to have allies in my suicide mission. . .


hrmm..... The Great Lord's biggest request is the stabbing of one called Tayla


The Dark Mistress S'ithi enjoyed the peace of the night. Although newly arrived she was gradually finding her way in this place.


The Storm Leader Turin was also abroad in the dark and was talking to someone. The one called Despothera also seemed to be involved in whatever it was they were all up to. She saw the glint of a blade in the new comer's hands and mention of Lighties. She was neither Shadow or Light at this time ... But best not to tempt fate. She began to move away from the group and head back to her current quarters.


Out of the Corner of her eye, Moon catches movement. It's Ithi. Unsure of her affiliation, Moon Nods her head towards the girl.

Can we trust her?




Rey was, as usual smoking a cigar on the battlements just outside the Shadow division of the camp.


He smoked, oblivious to all that was occuring.


Was Rey on the side of dark? Moon had no idea. But, he was an oblivious, unaware target, the most irresistable kind. Chuckling on the inside, Moon snuck up behind Rey, whispering into his ear


Hey there, bigboy. HOpe you don't mind a little visit from my buddy Vera, my very favorite dagger.


*Stabs Rey in the ribcage, causing him to bleed*


A shape looms up behind Moon. "I approve of stabbings in general, but don't hurt him irreparably, all right? Good minions are so hard to find these days..." The shape resolves into a tall man in a black coat. "Tsorovan M'Hael Mawthtex, at your service. Now, who are you and why wasn't I notified of your arrival?"


Ley made a walk late in the evening. He sometimes did, if he couldn't sleep. Some figures stood a few span ahead. He walked to them. He recognized Des, Turin, Maw, Ithi and Rey. "Shadow party?" he asked. You couldn't trust those Shadowies. The he noticed the figure that was talking with them. No Black Tower member. "Who are you?" he asked. "If you walk in the Light, tell it."


Ah, so you're the M'Hael...

Funny, I thought you'd be taller. . .

As, I am Ahmoondah Shaidar Sedai, Black Sister and representative from Shayol Ghul on this raid.

As to why you were not alerted . . .

That I cannot answer.

I'm here to cause some havoc and paint the Tower red with the blood of lightfuls.


Mawthtex cocks an eyebrow. "I don't believe you were invited, Asha'man. If you stick your fingers in the wrong places, they may get burnt. Back to your quarters." He turned back to their visitor. "As for you, your education could do with a bit of broadening. I am a Storm Leader, second to the M'hael. Turin, there, is the other. Carry on, but try not to get blood all over the village. It would take a while to clean up." The Storm Leader walks away, to make sure those under his command knew enough to avoid the strange lady on her strange mission.


Talmanes stood in his quarters, high a top the Black Tower. Using the Power to amplify his vision and hearing, he witnessed the group interact. He was only mildly interested in the affair, but would watch to see what would happen next.


Still no answer... "I asked it, and I will ask it again, who are you?" He looked to Maw. He seized saidin, just to be ready, might Maw want to attack him. If it was True Power, well, then he would only get a warning if the weave was visible, but Maw didn't have enough power to block him from the True Sorce, so Ley wouldn't get any problems. He turned back to the unknown figure, waiting for an answer.

  On 11/19/2011 at 7:15 AM, Leyrann said:

Still no answer... "I asked it, and I will ask it again, who are you?"


  On 11/18/2011 at 11:46 PM, Ahmoondah Sedai said:

Ah, so you're the M'Hael...

Funny, I thought you'd be taller. . .

As, I am Ahmoondah Shaidar Sedai, Black Sister and representative from Shayol Ghul on this raid.

As to why you were not alerted . . .

That I cannot answer.

I'm here to cause some havoc and paint the Tower red with the blood of lightfuls.


:biggrin: Lightie fail!


Moon, feel free to stab away :myrddraal:


S'ithi was leaving the courtyard when someone else arrived. She paused to see what would occur. He seemed very confident as he approached and challenged the woman, but received no reply apart from a curt dismissal from the Shadow Storm Leader. The Shadow Faction turned their attention back to the woman ... There was mention of a mission for the Great Lord? Another member of the Dark Side then, and nothing to do with her whatsoever.


She made to leave when she heard Leyran muttering to himself.


  On 11/19/2011 at 7:15 AM, Leyrann said:

seized ... True Power ... power ...True ....wouldn't get any problems


Of course ... Leyran was quite a ways in the distance so she couldn't actually make out everything he said lol


S'ithi listened in shock! Ley's True Allegiance was revealed it seemed. He was a Shadow Spider weaving webs of evil and deceit in the middle of the Lightie Camp. No real Lightie would ever say that they could touch the True Power, let alone brag that they wouldn't have any problems because of it even from a StormLeader. There was only one thing left to do. She created a weave learned in secret from when she was a Novice. Everyone had a couple of slightly dubious weaves ... And this was one of her favourites. She finished the weave and held it in front of her. It shimmered slightly ...waiting.


Leyran is of the Shadow. He speaks of the True Power. He Serves the Great Lord of the Dark.


The words were absorbed by the weave and then, like autumn leaves blowing in the wind, they were carried around the whole of the Black Tower. A seeming whisper, but one that everyone heard and acknowledged.


Leyrann is of the Shadow ... Leyrann is of the Shadow ... He speaks of the True Power ... Leyrann and the True Power ... He Serves the Dark ... He is of the Shadow ...


Whispers and secrets - even in the ears of those now sleeping. In the morning everyone would no and Leyrann would have some serious explaining to do. At least it was a little less likely he would end up with a knife in him tonight. But for now ... It was definitely time for her to find her own bed.


Moon looks at this other person, who seems to think he has the right to question her.

You must be a lightful.






Hearing Ithi's lies, Ley almost had to laugh at this ridiculous idea. A glimmering, and Moon stabbed for his heard. Just in time, he wove saidin and stopped the dagger with Air. "Swear you will abandon the Shadow and return to the Light now, and I will leave you alive. If not, then you have a good reason to be afraid." Time to handle that joke from Ithi off. He wove a weave of Air from his time before he even was a Soldier. Then, he wove a weave almost the same as the weave to give your voice more power. He finished the weave, and the exact words of what he muttered earlier were heard again, but now hundreds of times louder:


  On 11/19/2011 at 7:15 AM, Leyrann said:

He seized saidin, just to be ready, might Maw want to attack him. If it was True Power, well, then he would only get a warning if the weave was visible, but Maw didn't have enough power to block him from the True Sorce, so Ley wouldn't get any problems. He turned back to the unknown figure, waiting for an answer.


Of course, it didn't sound exactly the same, but that was only useful, because Locke knew that the sound was different when using this weave. So Locke would know what this was.


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