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I am! :) At least, as much as I can. Writing with a 3 month old around isn't as easy as it sounds. I'm only up to about 3800 words, so I'm woefully behind and need to spend a few days kicking butt with word counts to make it up.


How are you doing?

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WOOOO!!!! congrats you! I haven't joined this year with my make-over and all, didn't have time. I've yet to reach the mark though. Haven't been able to finish it the two times I participated.


What was your story about?

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I wrote 2 actually, one is about a woman opening a haunted bar in Savannah and the other is a weird version of the King Arthur legends. Fun, either way.


What about you? (nice to see you, btw!)

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I finished one story this year. :) Not the story I intended to write (which is sitting at two chapters and still needs more world-building, fun with fantasy), but it was enjoyable, if a bit chaotic. November was nuts for me. We had our local anime convention (of which I am an assistant director), and we re-floored half the downstairs of our house (which meant emptying out all three bedroom/office spaces into the living area. We have lots of sorting and putting-back to do. :wacko:

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