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I'm here, will add a story later when I'm awake enough to think


Ok, my mom's side of the family is huge, and I remember this one time when a lot of the family was in my grandma's tiny house, and there were literally 5 different card games going and everyone was laughing and all of us kids were running around, getting popcorn, or sitting on an aunt/uncle/parent/older cousin's lap :) It just was a lot of joy and love and relaxed fun in the house that time.


We celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, but that one stands out the most in my memory right now

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Here! *yawn*

Favorite family gathering memory:

It was Thanksgiving and we were able to get all of my dad's family together at her house for a meal featuring everyone's specialty dishes. Before eating someone led a sharing of what we were thankful for and prayer. After the meal many games of 42 (a dominoes game). It was a blast. The football game was on in the living room, my sister was shooting hoops, family was in the kitchen, and conversation flowed all around. After my grandfather passed away the extended family stopped coming for Thanksgiving, some moved away, and it just hasn't been the same as those 6+ years where we all gathered annually to celebrate and support one another. Now there are more often small gatherings of close family or family and friends that are special in their own way.

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Hey Hey!


Favorite Memory:


We went on a big family meal the night before I flew overseas to Germany. My mom, my brother and sisters, my cousins, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles.

Usually we'd hang out at nana's house, this time, we went to GOlden Corral.


It was the last time we'd all be together. :(

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You American's are weird having your Thanksgiving in November :biggrin:


When I was younger everyone went out to my greatgrandmother's house for Christmas and the year Finding Nemo came out my uncle went around the house talking like Crush :biggrin:

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LOL, blame it on a President with weird timng issues, Lessa.


My favorite memory is probably the year before my grandmother had her accident. She was hospitalized and never came back home the next summer. It was actually Christmas, not Thanksgiving, but everyone was in one place at the same time. My cousin bullied my grandmother and her four kids into taking pictures in front of my uncle's fireplace and even mawmaw (my grandmother) was smiling. My nephew was a baby and even my husband, who was then only my boyfriend, enjoyed himself. That's what sticks out the most, I guess. It was the only time I had ever seen all of those people together and happy.

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Here! For at least a few moments. :biggrin:


Favorite family gathering memory... oh that's hard. My family has had SO MANY great gatherings, and a lot of them have a lot of similar elements (like all our Christmas traditions, for example) :) . I think one of my favorites though has to be (to be fairly recent) the first Christmas my brother's wife (at the time, new fiancee) spent with us. It was just a blast all around, and I remember staying up until FOUR in the morning on Christmas morning because we had to finish the Christmas Puzzle before we could move it out of the room with the Tree! So my sister-in-law and I stayed up alllllll night working on this 1500 piece watercolor of Noah's arc. SO MUCH BLUE SKY. lol.


There are so many good family gathering memories though. I can't sum them all up. :biggrin:

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Guest Tiren Sedai

I'm here.. mentally AND physically! LOL


But I'll have to think of a good story "family time" before I post it. As LadyWordsmith said.. there are just too many. I'll come back with my story :). But I might not post it till the end of the week - I'm reallllllly busy with work/life this week. It'll be good though, I promise! *bounces all excited* I love story time! LOL

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