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COOOKIES................................I love that book, will go nicely with my Cupcake book!...thank you so much..


congrats Tina, I know you will do a wonderful job, you have been doing well so far...


A posy of White and black roses...in honour of how well the light and shadow go well together...we just don't like to let on we do ;)




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i knew nothing of gifts until i saw the lovely ones given here, and the immensely scary hello kitty, as well as dish scrubber, given to our lowly selves...


and what with that heart sitting there being so needy, i figure Tina would know just what to do with it.


goddess and all, ya know?


but your gift will touch her heart more than the heart i proffered...

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COOOKIES................................I love that book, will go nicely with my Cupcake book!...thank you so much..


congrats Tina, I know you will do a wonderful job, you have been doing well so far...


A posy of White and black roses...in honour of how well the light and shadow go well together...we just don't like to let on we do ;)




Thank you, Talya. They are beautiful! And you are of course right. *nods*



ooooh, i forgot the gift....


dearest mistress of infinite shadow love, will you accept from me des's broken heart, and heal it, or devour it, as you see fit? he has a great sad, but his heart is still juicy and nutritious, i am sure.


Cindy, Des´s broken heart already belong to me. :baalzamon:


Gift? teh kitteh said noting of gifts... I am at a loss here. I can only offer you my dish washing skills. And this gently used black cape. I would be honored if you added it to your collection.


Dish washing skills are the best gift you can ever give me.



Congratulations Tina! ^-^


Thank you!

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