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Emond's Field Darkfriends

Winespring Patron

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Who are they and when will they be uncovered? Maybe they're still in Sleeper mode? There's supposed to be DF's in every village, town, and city; occupying all social niches from beggar to noble, according to Moiraine. You'd have thought Fain would have contacted and utilized them during his "Scouring of the Two Rivers" in tSR. I don't remember Tam or Bran reporting sabotage of the village defenses during the Shadowspawn attacks when they gave sit-rep's to Lord Perrin. I was kind of expecting one of the Coplins or Congars to be caught in the act, it seems like they would be prime DF recruiting material if you consider their reputation as malcontents. Maybe having 3 Ta'veren and a Wisdom who poked her nose into everything left no room in the Pattern for DF's to gain a foothold in the Village? If Emond's field is that perfect and pure, it's no wonder Mat felt it necessary to pull his pranks. He was doing the community a service by livening things up and preventing terminal boredom... I'm sure all of his victims really appreciated the laughs, except maybe one over wrought Wisdom and a cranky badger or two.


There's a difference between being a prankster or generally unkind person and swearing yourself to the antithesis of the Creator. Combining the isolation and the lifestyle of the villagers makes more sense for there to be no darkfriends.

I was kind of expecting one of the Coplins or Congars to be caught in the act, it seems like they would be prime DF recruiting material if you consider their reputation as malcontents.


Careful. Your starting to sound Like a whitecloak.


You got to remember two rivers is tiny. Four small villages and some farms. Not exactly darkfriend breeding ground. And why I be surprised if there were none I would expect most to disappear when the raids started not rally to help him. Remember A, Fain was already a renegade at this point, and B, How would he even know them?


Darkfriends aren't a trusting lot. Even the Black Ajah, so far the most organized group of Darkfriends we seen so far, each only knew a couple of others. Most groups we seen so far have been individuals brought together at the command of fades or the forsaken.


I don't think the DO would have used Fain if he already had an agent inside 2R.

The old blood is still strong there, so they will be less inclined to seek out the DO and join him.

And nobody was interested in some villages at the end of the world. They probably thought nobody lives there and the 2R tabac appears like magic every year.


You got to remember two rivers is tiny. Four small villages and some farms. Not exactly darkfriend breeding ground. And why I be surprised if there were none I would expect most to disappear when the raids started not rally to help him. Remember A, Fain was already a renegade at this point, and B, How would he even know them?


I realize the TR district is small and isolated; the Manetheren bloodlines probably resist the Shadow better than other populations. It just seems the Law of Averages would dictate that there would be one or two Darkfriends among several hundred villagers.


Darkfriends have "standardized" secret signals that they use to recognize and communicate with each other. In one of Fain POV's (in an earlier book) he discusses contacting and using Darkfriends in his schemes.


I don't think the DO would have used Fain if he already had an agent inside 2R.

The old blood is still strong there, so they will be less inclined to seek out the DO and join him.

And nobody was interested in some villages at the end of the world. They probably thought nobody lives there and the 2R tabac appears like magic every year.


Fain was supposed to have been a senior experienced DF already familiar with the region that was handpicked for the assignment to find the DR. The GL himself had Fain subjected to significant compulsion treatments to insure he stayed on task. That caliber of DF is probably not present in the TR and it would have also been noticed if a local villager or farmer mysteriously disappeared for the weeks required for the compulsion treatments and reporting in to SG. However, that would not rule out several low level DF's being present, i.e. flunkies or people set to watch or send an occasional message by pigeon.


Yeah, fain was uniquely suited to the task of hunting the dragon. As for DF's, I don't know, I'm sure there are some there now with all the influx, but RJ might have been using the two rivers as a calm bay in the great storm. Perrin is really the only one who has been able to avoid outright catastrophe from has TVishness.


I really don't know, and I don't think there will be an answer.


It's possible that some from the Two Rivers (now with Perrin) could be Darkfriends we just haven't had the chance to see Perrin betrayed as yet, (not including Aram - who failed miserably). The forsaken have only recently found out what Perrin looks like, so maybe some late orders or infiltration will be seen in AMofL.


I too find it hard to believe there are/were no Darkfriends there Cuendillar.


If you want to discuss the law of averages, then on a standard bell curve distribution, someone has to fall at the low end of the scale, and perhaps that is the Two Rivers.


I look at it as someone is not born "dark". To become "dark", that person has to be shown the path or corrupted in some manner. Since the Two Rivers is isolated and by all descriptions only exports items, then the chance of an outsider being able to corrupt others is slim.


Who are they and when will they be uncovered? Maybe they're still in Sleeper mode? There's supposed to be DF's in every village, town, and city; occupying all social niches from beggar to noble, according to Moiraine. You'd have thought Fain would have contacted and utilized them during his "Scouring of the Two Rivers" in tSR. I don't remember Tam or Bran reporting sabotage of the village defenses during the Shadowspawn attacks when they gave sit-rep's to Lord Perrin. I was kind of expecting one of the Coplins or Congars to be caught in the act, it seems like they would be prime DF recruiting material if you consider their reputation as malcontents. Maybe having 3 Ta'veren and a Wisdom who poked her nose into everything left no room in the Pattern for DF's to gain a foothold in the Village? If Emond's field is that perfect and pure, it's no wonder Mat felt it necessary to pull his pranks. He was doing the community a service by livening things up and preventing terminal boredom... I'm sure all of his victims really appreciated the laughs, except maybe one over wrought Wisdom and a cranky badger or two.

I think the only possible DarkFriend in Emond's Field was Kari al'Thor, and I think Tam might have helped her along to her next rebirth. Or I think that is possible. I do agree that the isolation of the Two Rivers would have been very good for keeping out dark Friends. Remember, the shadow had to use Fain to find the Taveren it was looking for. If any shadowsworn had been around would that have been necessary? Has anyone else noticed that the wildcard effect of Fain seems to help Rand? Morgase roused from her stupor by news of rebellion, Elaida getting more erratic every day, thus keeping the Tower divided until Rand re-integrates himself, Pedron Niall kept fruitlessly scheming until he's assassinated...

One other thing. In Book Eight, Rand mentions a Congar who died of the Dreads. Could that have been a male channeler who got the taint early?


I think the only possible DarkFriend in Emond's Field was Kari al'Thor, and I think Tam might have helped her along to her next rebirth.


If it was anything other than a false vision, it seems most likely she was somehow trapped after death...



"The Lord of the Grave is stronger then he once was... ...The Father of Lies has a honeyed tongue for unwary souls"


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