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The Implications of Technology + Dimensional gaps


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As the story unravels, we see that techology is being developed in Randland. In the academies Rand sanctioned, Tovere has made telescopes, someone made a steam engine and of course aludra is making canons. How will these things come into play for TG? There are awesome implications for fireworks of course and we saw some of that in Mats battle vs the seanchan in KoD. A steam engine may lead to development of trains, cars?, mechanic calvary?

I am pretty certain these new technological inventions will play a vital part in the last book.


In the AoLegends, there were flying cars that used the power, shocklances (perhaps some sort of lightsaber-gun), ter-angreals like that balefire stick the blacksister has. If any kind of technology so advanced appears in Rand's age, that would make a big difference right? We also know that Stasis boxes kept things from being smashed up by the breaking, is it possible that a store of these things survived? All this angreal stuff survived the breaking, why can't those?


Also, i forgot which book but there was mention of a 'music box' which can play 100s of tracks. This is a freakin CD player/boombox! Now tell me there is rock n roll in Randland! tell me!! Rand should find taht thing and blast the freakin trollocs with some Korn.


There were glowbulbs in the AoLs, they used the power rather than electricity. This has probably been discussed to death somewhere but i'm sure the AoL did not have electricity, they ran on the One Power as an energy source for everything technological. The flying cars etc only flew because there was a way to enchant things with the One Power and allow them to work even if the person using it cannot channel. How can the forsaken not know how this is done? If knowledge like this seeps out, the entire Randland can transform in a matter of heartbeats from a 16th-17th century age to something that surpasses even our own modern age! They can have computers that run on the OP! wtfffff how much better the world would be without electricity using the OP instead-no oil, no bush wars, no pollution, no global warming!


Moghedien in CoT was put into a 'vacuole' where time can pass very slow or very fast, you could be stuck in it forever and basically a dimension separate from the pattern. Does anyone else see a possible implication here? That Rand doesn't kill the DO or seal him back up in the Bore but rather, just chucks him into a vacuole? The DO would be lost, drifting forever in nothingness.....yeeha, effectively ending the enternal battle because the DO can't get out forever.


It has always confused me how there are portals where people can go from one world to another. There was the one where colours were reversed, one were Lanfear pretended to be Selene etc. What stops them from coming to a dimension where the world is like ours? there are guns, cars, 50 cent, marijuana and more importantly- all the STDs ever to exist. What would the implications of that be? Rand can skip from world to world and if he lands somewhere like this, he could take home technology/disease that kills the entire world/ even Britney spears....Yo!

Think about it ppl! We know that if TG is lost and the DO breaks free, all the worlds are doomed yeah? So it culd be possible that ppl from other worlds want to go to Randland to help win TG?


hope i raised some interesting issues, if i'm wrong anywhere please correct me. i want feedback!


as for why the forsaken dont create things that existed in AOL: RJ said (dont have the exact quote.) that Aginor, who had some serious biological experiments, and created trollocs, and worse, couldnt really create anything in Rand-time, since he lacked the tools to make the tools to make the tools to make whatever he wanted. The Forsaken knew how to make things with the tecnology that was in AOL. they have not a clue here...


As for the rest of the forsaken, pretend you and I were thrown back to a world like Randland. Just because we have an mp3 player or a jetski, doesn't mean we would know how to make one in that world. The forsaken lived in a time where all those things were used, but except for Aginor and his "creatures" none of them were involved in actually creating any of it.


ja....but don't you guys think its all about the weave? Would you agree that the AoL did not function with electricity but the OP as energy? that means they didn't have lets say mobile phones but rather, those box things that calls a person with another box thing and to do that you channel or press a button (that box thing created with the OP so that ppl that can't channel can also use it). That simply implies that they didn't need to know how to make a gizmo but rather, simply know the weave?

okok i'm getting a bit messed up.. yes maybe you're right and the forsaken don't know how to make them...as for the multi-world theory of mine? or the stasis box store possibility? I simply do not believe that men who randomly burn themselves out using the OP can destroy the entire land without leaving gaps and places untouched.


You have to remember that the men went insane and sometimes lived for years before they met whatever horrible end that fate had decided for them. This combined with the fact that most of these men were well trained in how to use the Power in a wide variety of ways leaves so much room for a lot of destruction to occur.


Also even if male channelers didn't manage to destroy everything the decades if not centuries of chaos and anarchy following the end of every nation probably did a good job of it.

That Rand doesn't kill the DO or seal him back up in the Bore but rather, just chucks him into a vacuole? The DO would be lost, drifting forever in nothingness.....yeeha, effectively ending the enternal battle because the DO can't get out forever.


Actually, I think the Prison where the Dark One is already is the equivalent of a vacuole, a place outside of the Pattern and time. Resealing the Bore in its original state would put the Dark One into exactly such a place, where he can never get out, unless someone in Randland-world creates a new Bore to go in and get him (which will happen again next time the Wheel rolls around).


I forget which book it's in and who says it but in place of electricity there was something called standing flows that could be accessed by anyone. With the breaking whatever maintained these flows was destroyed one way or another and from there it's essentially like Mesaana's example. The flows were there when all the foresaken were born and the ones that would know maybe how to recreate them; Shai'tan and maybe Ishamael and Lanfear must not regard it as a high priority. Cuz logically they will all have unlimited time after they win. Just my contribution


ahhh yes. The DO's prison is in fact outside the pattern yeah. But then leaves us with an unanswerable question that; how could anyone in randland world/dimension access something outside the pattern and effectively bore a hole into it? There is a subtle difference between the prison and a vacuole though; it mentions in CoT that it drifts away randland dimension and is never found again. This would imply that the DO if thrown into a vacuole, can never get back to Randland dimension.


Ah thats a good point dude, standing flows. Perhaps a massive ter angreal generator/factory thing kept them functioning (like the thing in far madding which keeps ppl from channeling) hm... Yet i do believe that if any of the forsaken knew how to use the OP as an energy source, they would take full advantage of it- trollocs riding in flying cars with shocklances firing lightning would be much better than trollocs charging with spears like a bunch of retards.


Another insight i just got is that the Aelfinn and Elfin must know everything; they can tell you any three things that you want to know provided you pay for it yeah? so what stops ppl from stepping through that doorway and asking about stuff like; how do i get to another world? how can i build guns? how can we recreate AoL technology? etc.


Also, is it possible that there are continents on the randland earth that are thriving yet undiscovered by randland inhabitants? afterall, it took a few thousand yrs until someone like Megallen to travel the world. I do think the sea folk have enough nautical technology to travel across the seas (yet they don't go to seanchan?). Is it possible that those ppl still live in the AoLs? afterall for example, China takes technology from the US and implements it at home, then the US blows up for some reason, it doesn't affect China.


Ok i'm doing a lot of speculation but i still think Rand should use those portal poles to come here and we could teach him how to make a bombs.


Problem with the portal stones is that they lead to alternate, current realities. If I rememeber correctly, all of those worlds were the worlds that could have happened, had something occured differently (If the trollocs had won the trolloc wars for example). All of our technologies were found in the first age, and many were probably prototypes for AoL technology. But either way that was probably at least 6000 years ago for Randland (if we guess at least 3000 years for the approximate minimum time-frame for an age). Alternate realities on the same time frame would all have changed 6000 years as well, making it unlikely to find our current situation in a PSW. And even should there be one, it would be a VERY unstable reality, since the possibility of it happening was dang near impossible (at least I don't see our civilization making it another 6000 years as is).


As for AoL 'electricity' I kind of imagined the OP as the ultimate answer for alternative energy sources we are looking for nowadays. A never ending source of energy that powers the movement of time itself . . . nifty stuff. Beats the heck out of oil anyway.


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