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*eyes off the offered brownies*


heya all,


So umm about me. Well lets see i could tell about that time i ran over a kangaroo, or maybe about the time a ate the kangaroo, or the time i ran over and killed then ate the kangaroo, or even about all the times i've stole ed's ears. *holds up her collection* See, but he always seems to grow them back. There is just to much to tell really. I live in the Land of Oz, I have 1 older sister, I am currently an insomniac and i Love to eat lollipops. I do like killing very much. Maiming is also fun, but only if you are around to watch them struggle with what they try to do after. I have not channeled before, but I imagine it would be a good thing to do. Sew, What is this place full of housewives or something.


Little dragons can be very fun to play with it just depends on who is around.

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Welcome Mottlee! It´s nice to see you here too! I´m one of the Storm Leaders of the Shadow and if you have any questions just let me know.


*takes some of the brownies*


I have to take a doggy bag. My, ehm, dog wants some.

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Well Eddie does tell me that my gramma and stuff suck all the time, so meh. Plus i'm to lazy to go back and check. I just type and then hit post. :biggrin:


Is this better for you :tongue:.


*eyes off the offered brownies*


heya all,


So umm about me.

Well lets see i could tell about that time i ran over a kangaroo, or maybe about the time I ate the kangaroo,

or the time i ran over and killed then ate the kangaroo, or even about all the times i've stolen ed's ears.


*holds up her collection*


See, but he always seems to grow them back.

There is just to much to tell really.

I live in the Land of Oz, I have 1 older sister, I am currently an insomniac and i Love to eat lollipops.

I do like killing very much.

Maiming is also fun, but only if you are around to watch them struggle with what they try to do after.

I have not channeled before, but I imagine it would be a good thing to do.

Sew, What is this place full of housewives or something.


Little dragons can be very fun to play with it just depends on who is around.

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Leyrann speaks the truth!


Welcome to our Tainty Abode.

Also, Ed, I win by default, it's in my sig. :biggrin:


You be cray cray. I got this tattooed on my arse.



Plus you're the org leader. That kinda overrules a lot.



PSSH! Like that matters any....



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