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Home for dinner.


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TinaHel has come home for dinner. What's for dinner, you ask? Wait, you didn't ask? Well, Imma gonna tell you anyway.


Bunnies. Bunnies are for dinner. We were going to serve broiled Ed, but it turns out the "it tastes like chicken" adage doesn't apply to him. He tasted like women's lipstick and burnt hair. Don't ask how I know that.



What is the purpose of this post? I'm not sure - I might have inadvertently spiked my afternoon coffee. If so, then fantastic - you are all treated to screwy posts from me for the remainder of my afternoon. Enjoy.


Oh, and welcome Tina to the Shadowspawn as our newest Trolloc. Beware. Especially Ed.

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Is it really true?! I have always thought that Ed have a good side and since it´s obvious not the back side or the front side I guessed it could be the inside. But now you tell me that´s wrong too? Well, well... bunnies will do I guess...

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Is it really true?! I have always thought that Ed have a good side and since it´s obvious not the back side or the front side I guessed it could be the inside. But now you tell me that´s wrong too? Well, well... bunnies will do I guess...


You shall fit in well with my Shadowspawn. Well indeed.



Also, I like ponies. Just sayin'.

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congratulations, TinaHel! and thanks for playing cookpot with me for so long, which is what got me to come over to the dark side and join in all this stabbity fun with these dear, muderously amusing humans. *stabs* lightly and with joy, just piercing an ear for a new decoration for your raising. :smile:

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@Cindy - they knew what they did when they started the game. We didn´t and now it looks like we are stuck. :biggrin:


*looks around to see if anyone nearby looks yummy enough to put in the cookpot*

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*stabs the new trolloc in the liver*


Welcome to the Shadowspawn, TinaHel.


Its too bad that you did not join the Dreadlords. We are much cooler than the Shadowspawn are. biggrin.gif


Wow, never heard that one before.





No, seriously. I've never heard that one before. Dreadies poking fun at people? Did the apocalypse occur and I missed the memo?

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*stabs the new trolloc in the liver*


Welcome to the Shadowspawn, TinaHel.


Its too bad that you did not join the Dreadlords. We are much cooler than the Shadowspawn are. biggrin.gif


Yeh, we don´t care about being cool because we are so hot!


*stabs Vambram - not in the liver*

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Actually, Verb, one of the times you were away, cowering in a dark corner because you realized your exact position in Shayol Ghul, we were having some fun.



Somebody must not have read the books and realize exactly what Shaidar Haran is. ;-)

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