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FL's new Newbie Greeter: Amegakure!


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An important part of the FL's work is meet and greet new members and help them find their way around the boards and the various options they can join in on. This is initially done on the Introduction Boards up top of the main forum site, but also in the Welcome Inn of the PSW and on our own FL public board.


This is an important role, because whoever greets the newbies will give them a first impression on who we are, what we stand for and what they may expect if they ever venture in to our little area of Dragonmount. Not to mention that it's an important aspect of our recruitment efforts to draw in new members for us to RP with. :biggrin:


The staff and I felt it time for us to find a new Newbie Greeter and we found one!


So please help me in congratulating Amegakure, who has generously agreed to take on this position. :biggrin:



A Newbie Greeter is someone that welcomes people to DM and helps them find their way around. They answer questions the newbies might have, guide them through the various places to find relevant information and points out people they may need for whatever actions they wish to do. They help break the ice between the newbies and the older members and act as an inofficial mentor where needed.


Needless to say that the way a newbie views us as a group very much depends on how well the newbie greeters do their job. So I hope you'll all support Amegakure in his task and help him make our visitors and new members feel welcome here.

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Congratulation Amega!! I know you'll do a great job wrangling us in some new blood, and just generally helping newbies find their way! I know it's a big job, and its kinda DM wide, but with your approchable face and friendly way I'm sure you'll help a lot of people!!


*throws confetti* Yay! Newbie Greeter Amega!!! Lord of the Newbs!!!

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