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Eurovision Song Contest - Semi Final 1 (Tuesday 10th May 2011)


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16. Portugal

- times must be tough in Portugal!

- is Ron Burgundy in the link up? The one with the megaphone

- come back next year, Portugal

- having said that, the music is quite catchy



17. Lithuania

- is this the first time that sign language has appeared on ESC?

- very simple, but effective

- good strong vocals to pull off the song

- thoroughly enjoyed that!

- very beautiful



18. Azerbaijan

- this sounds like something else...

- definitely the best song so far

- nice beat and nice vocals

- thoroughly enjoyed that



19. Greece

- and the last song of a disappointing night...

- a real mish-mash of music

- should we send Eurovision back to Greece to bankrupt it even further? Or should we make Germany win again as they are the only European country with money!

- doesn't work

- a terrible end to a poor show

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Sad thing is, I think Portugal might go through, just because it is so absurd.


But, my 10...






San Marino






Edit: Got Serbia and Suisse confused

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My ten songs to go through are as follows:


1. Georgia

2. Lithuania

3. Switzerland

4. Hungary

5. Finland

6. Iceland

7. Azerbaijan

8. Norway

9. Serbia

10. Armenia

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While we seem to have a break in the show, we are getting a clip about Blue. But what I want to know is why does Europe think Blue can win this year for UK?

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And the ten qualifiers for Saturday's Grand Final are:


1. Serbia

2. Lithuania

3. Greece

4. Azerbaijan

5. Georgia

6. Switzerland

7. Hungary

8. Finland

9. Russia

10. Iceland


So that was 8 correct guesses for the finalists!

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Thank you for hosting this, ehm, interesting evening Corki.

Not a problem! Hope to see you on Thursday and Saturday for more fun and games, including Jedward!

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Spain is also a "Big Five" country. Used to be the "Big Four": Germany, Spain, France and the UK, but then Italy is participating this year and it became the "Big Five". Trivia: Germany became the first "Big Four" country to win the Contest since the rule was made in 2000.


I didn't watch the semi-final yesterday. I might watch tomorrow, but I don't know. I really, really don't like Sweden's entry. I might just turn the sound off when it's his turn.

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5 countries (Germany, last year's winner, the UK, France, Germany and Italy) are all guarenteed a place in the final as the Big 5 as it is this year.


You said Germany twice.:tongue:

I meant to have put Spain.


*goes off to edit*

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