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I'm working on it right now. Then I have to run it by Maria so she can make corrections if necessary. There were a few that Brandon wasn't sure about.

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I'm working on it right now.

Terez, who are the people on the 'looney theory' panel? I don't know fandom-celebrities by sight.

All of them had name-placards except for me. Sarah Bernard was between me and Matt Hatch (who is Tamyrlin of Theoryland) - she played Moiraine in the TOM trailer - and Kristy Pew was the girl in red boots who played Vanna White. She and Sarah are Team Moiraine, and as far as I know they don't hang out at any forums, though they seem to be good friends with some of the forum higher-ups. I liked Sarah a lot, but perhaps that's because she kept asking me questions and you know I love that.


Oh, and also, Peter Ahlstrom (Brandon's assistant) was sitting behind the Musical people and wearing a green shirt. Shannan Lieb, who made the opening announcement, is the trivia/forum track coordinator for JordanCon and DragonCon, and a higher-up at tarvalon.net. Jake Ro is also one of the tarvalon.net VIPs and he used to do panels but has for some reason quit (which is a shame because he is a lot of fun on a panel), and he was the guy sitting against the wall by the camera who brought up the Band of the Red Hand thing for the Musical guys. I don't know if you guys would know any of the other people there, though I met a few of them and know a couple from various websites.


Hey im new to the whole wot thing and what exactly happens at jordancon ive figured that its a meet up for wot fans and you discuss wot but what are all these trivia panels and black tower panels you speak of?


also thanks for the transcript


JordanCon has a variety of things going on. It's organized mostly by Dragonmount people, particularly jenniferl. There are a few panels like this one centered around theories and run by various people, like me and Matt and Team Moiraine did this one, and Maria and Alan (RJ's assistants who are a very important part of Team Jordan) and Harriet (RJ's widow) and Linda from 13th Depository and Aubree/Muirenn from here, etc. Luckers will probably do some panels next year since he's going. The Last Theory Panel will be up relatively soon I think, and me and Matt did that one with Aubree. Be sure to comment and favorite the videos if you like them!


Aside from that, there is usually one big panel with Brandon and Team Jordan where they discuss important book things, maybe do a Q&A. Last year we got a general Q&A session, but this year it was more limited. There is also the opening ceremonies, with some cheesy speeches and skits and whatnot. Most of the people in that one are properly introduced. Richard Fife is a tor.com blogger - he dressed up as RJ for the costume contest.


Speaking of the costume contest, it usually precedes the major social event of the Con, which usually involves drinking and loud music. It seems like it had more of both this year? I dunno...I don't get into it. I hung out on the porch at the smoking tables, where every now and then it is possible to have a good conversation with Maria, who is made of awesome. Alan doesn't smoke, alas, so I don't get to talk to him much.


This year they started doing Kaffeklatches, which are private chats with, for instance, Brandon and Team Jordan, or Harriet and the Rigneys, or the guest authors, who conduct panels in the writer's track all weekend.


There are usually two major trivia events - team trivia and individual trivia. Theoryland has dominated the team trivia the last two years in a row, but we all went out in the first round this year in individual trivia. If you don't have a team, you can show up and they'll put you on one, and if you're lucky you'll get on a team with me or Leigh Butler or Luckers, and share in our glory. :wink: I'm really hoping Luckers joins in next year anyway...that would be good fun. Matt is always on my team, and whatever other Theorylanders happen to be available. Hopefully we'll have a fantastic showing next year like we did last year - last year we had three Theoryland teams, and we all tied for first place.


Aside from that, there is a signing event with Brandon and Harriet (sometimes two), and you can get your books signed by whoever else happens to be around too, like Team Jordan or Peter (I didn't manage to get signatures from any of them this year, which makes me sad - perhaps I'll get them next year). Some people from tor.com used their copy of TOM like a yearbook and got everyone to sign it. At the official signings, it's customary for the HCFFs to ask Brandon a plot-related question while he's signing our books. Only a handful did at the signing I recorded, though - I gather that's pretty standard (at least, I hope I didn't scare anyone away by recording - that would suck).


Some people only do costumes for the contest, but some people wear a different costume every day. It's good fun all around - plenty of different things going on for everyone. Linda does a lot of work for costuming panels, and there are also sword-fighting panels where they use practice swords, etc.


thanks for the information, i read on i think theory land u made a post saying you won both the trivia? is the trivia just like who wielded the flows of callandor in cleansing of sai dean(an example) and questions like that? and will you be making a post in this section when you are finished with the report from jordancon?


Yup, I'll report here. Also, I only won team trivia this year. Last year I won individual trivia at both JordanCon and DragonCon, but this year I sort of felt like a schmuck for hogging it all so I declined to use my free pass on a question I wasn't sure of in the first round. The girl who won was pretty good (even though she had this airhead act which annoyed me), and so were the next two places.


It's all in the facial expressions, and the giggles. And nearly every answer was given as a question, like 'oh gee I'm not really sure if this is right!' She was good though. :wink:


Very interesting stuff in the Brandon interview about Rand and his random TAR appearances. How strange. I'd completely forgotten about that Ishamael encounter in TGH. Though I would never have thought that that, or him being present in TAR in VoG, were really connected to him appearing in TAR in TDR, since presumably he was actually asleep in TDR.

It does present some interesting Nakomi possibilities though, if TAR is perhaps more fluid in nature than has been shown so far... But then, Brandon said Rand was 'unique' in this way or something.

Meh, I dunno where I'm going with this.

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