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The Church of Thorkinomics


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Tricksy! That's not "during a hurricane". I'm a miami boy, I know the difference.


OK, Miami hurricane version:


1) I once played football on concrete during a tropical storm, running over my 10 year old cousin in the process

2) I lost a friend in Hurricane Andrew

3) The first time I ever saw Comedy Central was during a hurricane

4) During one tropical storm, a kid in my class was the only fatality in Florida.


We counted it as one. . but S. Fla gets beat up by more hurricaines than the Gulf.


Okay, Kiv,

the loss of friends is a little too serious for me to think it's a lie.

I'm going to go with 3- because Hurricaines often black out power.

I don't know if that's the case.

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Sorry, it was 2 (I'm a bad person, I know).


First time I ever saw Comedy Central was in an interior room at the hospital my mom worked at - we went there to shelter from the hurricane, since all the rooms in our house had windows. We didn't have cable, but the hospital did . . . it was awesome.


4, sadly, is true. His cousin decided that a tropical storm would be a great time to teach him how to surf. He fell (shocking), hit his head on an underwater rock, and drowned. The only fatality in the entire state.

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1. Billy Joel is my favorite recording artist

2. Bernini is my favorite sculptor

3. Ultimate Frisbee is my favorite sport

4. Harrison Ford is my favorite actor


3. You like Soccer better than ultimate frisbee.


1 has to be true. It just has to.

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1. Billy Joel is my favorite recording artist

2. Bernini is my favorite sculptor

3. Ultimate Frisbee is my favorite sport

4. Harrison Ford is my favorite actor


Hmmm...Star Wars being fav+Harrison Ford as fav actor...Oh, yes I see

a pattern developing here quite nicely. I like the way you think btw.


I'm going to go with #1 as I guess Bernini is a good one and Ultimate

Frisbee just sounds cool. How's that?

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Harrison Ford will always hold a high place in my heart, but as I've grown older I've realized his style isn't my favorite anymore.


Ultimate Frisbee is a blast. It's a marriage between football (soccer) and frisbee.


Ultimate is a non-contact sport played with a 175 gram flying disc. The object of the game is to score points by passing the disc to a player in the opposing end zone, similar to an end zone in American football or rugby. Players may not run with the disc, and may only move one foot while holding the disc (pivoting).

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Harrison Ford will always hold a high place in my heart, but as I've grown older I've realized his style isn't my favorite anymore.


Ultimate Frisbee is a blast. It's a marriage between football (soccer) and frisbee.


Ultimate is a non-contact sport played with a 175 gram flying disc. The object of the game is to score points by passing the disc to a player in the opposing end zone, similar to an end zone in American football or rugby. Players may not run with the disc, and may only move one foot while holding the disc (pivoting).


So I was right, Krak? Awesome,

I need to stop posting tired. I said

I'll go with 4. Indiana Jones SOlo is awesome.

What I should've added was "but not your favorite."

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Ohh...okay, I thought of some now.


1. I played college football at Carl Albert as a fullback.

2. I had a dog named Domino when I was a child.

3. My 3rd grade science teacher actually haz pics of himself cutting

Elvis' hair before he went off to the war.

4. My favorite character in Mistborn is Kelsier.

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My turn:


1. I make money reading the Tarot

2. I love brussel sprouts

3. I was a Cub Scout leader trainer

4. I don't really like dogs


I totally knew this. Just fyi.




1. I am a King

2. I've broken a window with my head

3. I ran 2 miles in 13 minutes

4. I've stolen a watch

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My turn:


1. I make money reading the Tarot

2. I love brussel sprouts

3. I was a Cub Scout leader trainer

4. I don't really like dogs


I totally knew this. Just fyi.




1. I am a King

2. I've broken a window with my head

3. I ran 2 miles in 13 minutes

4. I've stolen a watch



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