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The Church of Thorkinomics


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1. the top storey of my house is a different color to the bottom storey

2. i ALWAYS back the bad guy

3. i slept with a little teddy with my name on it until i was 12

4. i am a nerd


You still sleep with it.

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1. the top storey of my house is a different color to the bottom storey

2. i ALWAYS back the bad guy

3. i slept with a little teddy with my name on it until i was 12

4. i am a nerd


You still sleep with it.


Damn you.


2 and 4 are clearly true. That means I need to take 1.

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Okay, given that Thorkin has forgotten... my lie was about the zebra.


Melanesian Frenchman was just some chap from New Caledonia who happened to be walking past. Tandoor happened when I was working in an Indian restaurant and as for the funerals, well, I'm an organist.

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1. I nearly fell into a tandoor once.

2. I was once spanked by a Melanesian Frenchman.

3. I make a habit of critiquing funerals.

4. I have cuddled a baby zebra.


Those Melanesian Frechman can be that way. You've already said it

was #4. I would have guessed #2. Sorries!


1. the top storey of my house is a different color to the bottom storey

2. i ALWAYS back the bad guy

3. i slept with a little teddy with my name on it until i was 12

4. i am a nerd


I'm going to say #1.


My turn:


1. I make money reading the Tarot

2. I love brussel sprouts

3. I was a Cub Scout leader trainer

4. I don't really like dogs


OH, now these are very good Lily! Hmmm...I'm going to say #2. I would

so pay you for a Tarot reading any day though. :biggrin:

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My turn:


1. I make money reading the Tarot

2. I love brussel sprouts

3. I was a Cub Scout leader trainer

4. I don't really like dogs

I'll agree with Krak. You love dogs.

THe brusselsprout thing is too absurd to be a lie.

ANd I've known women who worked with Cubscouts.

Tarot thing is possible.


Can I make a new list?

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My turn:


1. I make money reading the Tarot

2. I love brussel sprouts

3. I was a Cub Scout leader trainer

4. I don't really like dogs




1) I just high-fived my ex-wife because she went on the first post-marriage date either of us have had

2) I'm good friends with a guy who routinely fools around on his wife

3) When I play football, I'd rather play running back than any of the other offensive positions

4) I once drove down a highway with my hood flipped up and blocking my windshield

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1) I just high-fived my ex-wife because she went on the first post-marriage date either of us have had

2) I'm good friends with a guy who routinely fools around on his wife

3) When I play football, I'd rather play running back than any of the other offensive positions

4) I once drove down a highway with my hood flipped up and blocking my windshield

4 sounds the most likely.


1. I got married on a beach during a hurricaine.

2. One of my ex-boyfriends is now a woman.

3. I am violently allergic to strawberries.

4.I was named for a Country and Western Song.


4 is true


I'm going to go with 1.


You are right that 4 is true,

That's even the right song!

I got married Sept 11, 2004 on Panama City Beach Fl.

The first rains from Hurricain Ivan's far bands rained down upon the ceremony. Landfall was a few days later next day, but we

still got rained on from the storm.


Incidentally, Ike affected our 4th anniversary.


2. One of my ex-boyfriends is now a woman.


im gonna say that this is the lie...

but if i'm wrong, ouch, did that hurt your ego at all? :biggrin:

not everyone can say "yeah, i turned my ex into a woman" :tongue:


That, too is true. I only dated her for a few months, and we broke up because He [at the time] was a super clingy pathological liar.

Ego not hurt at all. He dated several other ladies before becoming one.

And now she's a lesbian.



The lie is #3. I love strawberries. But my mother is violently allergic.

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1) I just high-fived my ex-wife because she went on the first post-marriage date either of us have had


This is true. It was a bittersweet high-five, but I walked in at 2am after a night out with friends, and she came back at 2:10 after what she then told me was a date. Not a good one, but a date. Good for her. We both need to move on.


2) I'm good friends with a guy who routinely fools around on his wife


Also true. He and his wife have a horrible relationship, and she knows he goes out and fools around. He knows I think what he's doing is shitty - and if she didn't already know about it, I'd be in a bad spot. But that's their relationship, they're working on it, and it's not my business to get in between it.

3) When I play football, I'd rather play running back than any of the other offensive positions


This is a lie. I only play offensive line (and defensive). I'm not close to the biggest guy on the field, but I'm a technician - and if I'm going to play football, I want to hit somebody on every play. Hence, O-Line.


4) I once drove down a highway with my hood flipped up and blocking my windshield


Also true. It popped up while I was driving, there was no shoulder and I had to get to the exit to get off. Luckily, it turns out that, due to the curve where the hood meets the windshield, if you crouch down you can look through a sliver of clear glass at the bottom of the windshield - so I threw on my flashers, and drove another minute or so to the exit.

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1. I got married on a beach during a hurricaine.

2. One of my ex-boyfriends is now a woman.

3. I am violently allergic to strawberries.

4.I was named for a Country and Western Song.


4 is true


I'm going to go with 1.


You are right that 4 is true,

That's even the right song!

I got married Sept 11, 2004 on Panama City Beach Fl.

The first rains from Hurricain Ivan's far bands rained down upon the ceremony. Landfall was a few days later next day, but we

still got rained on from the storm.


Incidentally, Ike affected our 4th anniversary.


Tricksy! That's not "during a hurricane". I'm a miami boy, I know the difference.


OK, Miami hurricane version:


1) I once played football on concrete during a tropical storm, running over my 10 year old cousin in the process

2) I lost a friend in Hurricane Andrew

3) The first time I ever saw Comedy Central was during a hurricane

4) During one tropical storm, a kid in my class was the only fatality in Florida.

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  • Club Leader

Since this game has been so much fun, I'm going to start awarding points for playing.


10 pts for posting your 3 truths and 1 lie

5 pts for making an incorrect guess

15 pts for the first person who makes a correct guess


I've gone through the thread so far and award points accordingly.


Krak 20

Moon 60

Thor 45

Lily 20

Locke 15

Kivam 70

Berfs 35

Pandy 30

Hoof 15





Kivam, I had my hood fly up on a freeway overpass once. I had to do the same thing, but not for quite as long.

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