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how long has it been?


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i've read other people's ideas about this, but how much time has passed in the series?


by my calculation, it's been 1 year (EotW opens in the late winter (April?); then TGH and TDR happen within about two months (up to beginning of July?); then TFoH sees the drought, which carries on into what should be the fall; then the Bowl of Winds is used in PoD in what should have been the fall already (beginning of November?); the winter storms are striking up in the sea in chap 21 of PoD (beginning of November?); then WH is obviously in the winter, and then once the Choeden Kal are used (mid-December?), it's been 12 days by the time the prologue of KoD comes around [tsutama: "twelve days past...well u know what happened as bloody well as I."--but they still think it's the Forsaken].

Guest Majsju

If that timerline is correct, Winternight happens spring 998, and KOD ends late spring 100, so slightly more than two years.


Blood and Ashes! (Damnit, I'm just a day off)




According to this timeline, Rand is born on Danu the second... now, that had been November 25 converted into our calendar.


When I first looked at it, and in the second chapter, I thought: "Wow! Rand is born one day after the 25th, November 26! ...That's my birthday!" And excitement and all..


Now I see that the 26th was one day after, and it was on the 25th that he appeared to have been born in; I was counting a day ahead. :(


Neat, though, if it is true that the fortelling and subsequent death of the Aes Sedai occured as Rand was being born.



~Werel Wolf

~Tim S.


So we have been reading the series for fifteen plus years but there it's been two. Hmm, wheel years and human years. If we get through Elayne's pregnancy in Memory of Light, that should be a timeline of what, 7 months at least? Hopefully longer.


I doubt we are going to see Elayne's children born. My guess is that aMoL will last around one hundred days... 10 weeks or a bit over 3 months.


I agree about the time frame for the main action, but epilogues and "tie up" chapters give Jordan plenty of lee-way to jump forward a few months after the climax of the action.



I'm not saying he will. I'm not saying it would be good or bad. I'm just saying the option is there in a coherent storytelling.


Okay, sappy I know, but I want to see the kids. I want to read about how Rand will feel child birth. How would RJ have that experienced through the bond?


Obviously female anger issues over sharing this delightful experience with your spouse, really sharing.

Guest cwestervelt
i've read other people's ideas about this, but how much time has passed in the series?


by my calculation, it's been 1 year (EotW opens in the late winter (April?); then TGH and TDR happen within about two months (up to beginning of July?); then TFoH sees the drought, which carries on into what should be the fall; then the Bowl of Winds is used in PoD in what should have been the fall already (beginning of November?); the winter storms are striking up in the sea in chap 21 of PoD (beginning of November?); then WH is obviously in the winter, and then once the Choeden Kal are used (mid-December?), it's been 12 days by the time the prologue of KoD comes around [tsutama: "twelve days past...well u know what happened as bloody well as I."--but they still think it's the Forsaken].


Where your getting mixed up is the fact that The Great Hunt doesn't end until late fall. Rand's attempt to portal from Cairhien to Falme caused his party to loose the entire summer. Then, if I remember right, The Dragon Reborn doesn't start until several months after Falme making it late winter/early spring again. About 1 year passes between in the first 3 books alone.


Edit: Screwed up the first posting. Only got the quote.


My timing might be off but I think it's like this:

The Eye of the World: A month or two, during spring

The Great Hunt: Midsummer at the portal stone incident, late fall at the end

The Dragon Reborn: The following spring

The Shadow Rising: Summer

The Fires of Heavan: Fall

Lord of Chaos: Early Winter

A Crown of Swords: Mid Winter

Winter's Heart: Late Winter

Crossroads of Twilight: Late Winter

Kinfe of Dreams: Early to mid spring


So ya, two years give or take, we might have as much as a year left, and I hope the epologue stretches several years beyond that.


Won't Elayne's twins have to be born though because of her saidar issues, unless Rand seizes saidar for her :lol: . I could wrong, and someone please correct me if I am, but might mot her pregnancy be faster because she is a powerful Aes Sedai and he is LTT Reborn?

Guest Majsju

Why would Elayne have to give birth? Nothing says that she has to be there during TG, other than maybe leading her army til the place for the battle, and then bounce back to stay out of harm's way.


As for the pregnancy being faster because she's a channeler...You were joking, right?


Elayne doesn't have to give birth, we could always go on wondering what about the twins, that is up to RJ.


Why introduce them though. All of our main characters are childless, except for Mat and Olver, and well Mat didn't give birth. Other than Min seeing Elayne safe until the babies are born is there any other mention of the Dragon Reborn and little dragons?


I expect that Min is also pregnant now and Avienda is on her way to take over from Min and likely will get pregnant also. All children to be born before the last battle most likely.


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