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Welcome to the Band Graendals favourite!!!


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Howdy and welcome to the Band of the Red Hand!!! I'm sure everyone will be along shortly to welcome you! I'm Kaylen and a member of the Infantry. I do hope once your permissions are set up that you will stop by and visit us :biggrin:


The rest of the Band should be along soon! Corki, our esteemed MG, Jeannaisais, our esteemed UC, and Horn, our esteemed slacker XO, will be along shortly to welcome you, get you set up, and to send you some pertinent information! If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Also you might want to check out the "So You've Joined the Band... Now What?" thread located HERE. It's full of good information about the Band and such :biggrin:

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Welcome to the band! I'm Jea, the under commander and in charge of countin your points! Horn should be along in a bit to I've you some more information about being a recruit while corki will sit back and watch horn do all he work ;)


Hmmm and I just realized corki no longer gives the official speal..... But a lot has changed in the past few monthsso that's okay lol


And don't forget these * hands the newbie some of her extra special chocolate fudge brownies and a large mug of brew tea* enjoy!

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Welcome to the Band! :biggrin:


I have asked you to be added to the Band's usergroup, so a load more boards should become visible shortly. In the meantime, jump into our various threads and get involved!

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Well you don't have to be in a huge hurry to choose.. You will get to be really wooed during your recruit bagging time :wink: That's when we all try to bribe you into joining our regiment.. Of course the Infantry regiment is by far the best... I mean just ask any Infantryman (or woman) we'll all tell you that the Infantry is the most fun and coolest regiment :wink:

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