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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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Love the Assassin's Creed series! Such a great set of games!  That reminds me, I need to start playing those again...hmmm.


Ubisoft can just shut up and take my money. *laughs* The Black Flag one which we demoed at PAX looks really amazing, although i'm having a bit of a hard time with the Assassins with guns as the point of being an Assassin is to kill silently and having a gun seems to, you know not be silent. *laughs* I'm pretty hard core about that series though. Although Altair is my fave of the Assassins *nods* Bioware can shut up and take my money too now that I think about it...as well as Square Enix. *laughs* 

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Platform game on the Master System, about the last time I was able to complete a game :)


You have to work your way up the level, collecting diamonds (that come in all the colours of the rainbow, working to collect one of each colour each level in order to earn a big diamond at the end.  If you earned all the big diamonds something special was supposed to happen - unfortunately our copy just sent us back to the beginning again.  Since this was before you could save games my sister and I took it in turns to complete to see if anything changed on repeat (it didn't).


But you get to kill bugs with rainbows, how can that be bad?



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I've only played the first Assassins Creed if it helps. *laughs* Altair was super fun to play but I got lost in Damascus all the time. Then i'm no good at the fighting/eavesdropping part of the game. So I died a lot. *laughs*  I figured out that I needed to let my brother do all that. So we ended up tag teaming the game.


Here BFG the trailer for the game so you aren't totally lost. :)


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Thanks Rashi - yeah, no.  It looks like it requires skill and stuff.  The lego Harry Potter/Batman/LotR are about the limits i can play at (and I still haven't actually completed one of them properly yet, just never seem to have the time) (and the only reason I have them is because I won a wii at a conference a few years ago - I had to wait a couple of years before I had a TV to connect it to, but it was worth the wait)


Horn - there weren't.  My sister and I played it through three times in a row (taking it in turns), earning the big diamonds each time and nothing.  Still good though, although that particular time we drove our Mum potty.


But, more games that are fun (that I can play)



(although ignore the voices - the original version had text across the bottom of the screen)


I mean how can you not love a game that starts with you painting a tree red, so George Washington thinks its a cherry tree so he'll chop it down so the person in the future is no longer trapped in a tree and can steel false teeth from a horse to 'decorate' a mummy so you can enter the 'best human' competition...

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Must......  Not.......  Click...... the....... link.........


Is sucked into a whirling mass of colour and diamonds and bugs






(You do know there is now absolutely no way MotM will be up before the weekend?) :tongue:

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I know this is late but

*raises drink in honour of the pink loincloth*


But assassins creed is rather fun. I am eagerly waiting for the new one that has pirates.


And vodka is good. Very good. Specially mixed with more vodka and a side of vodka

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Not to mention the chaser of vodka, a necessity as any true vodka drinker can testify.


Went to a vodka bar up in Aberdeen (once or twice) on portcall and became rather fond of the Aero and Mars Bar vodkas as well.  Although I suspect that (fondness) had something to do with the other vodkas we started on :)

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