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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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Brew theft!! Evil, black hearted Cav brat!! That's mine and Brid's bonding present, you keep your mucky paws off. Phhfft.


The Pirate will be back very soon, hopefully tonight. There was a technical issue with his account but it's been sorted now.

No touchy the MG brew Dicey!  *winks*


Yes, technical difficulties.  *nods sagely*


HORN!!!  As long as I am the only official Groupie, I'll allow it.  :tongue:


Kitteh, remove thy head frometh the guttereth!  :graendal:

Edited by BridMorgan
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.... um.... yeah.... the gutter thing might not be doable....


sorry, I'll understand if you have to unuser group me.

No worries dear, I'll probably be hanging out there with you quite a bit. ;0) Edited by BridMorgan
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.... um.... yeah.... the gutter thing might not be doable....

sorry, I'll understand if you have to unuser group me.

No worries dear, I'll probably be hanging out there with you quite a bit. ;0)

oh, thank heavens... you had me worried... I very much like it here, but... well, you know kittehs. especially on Friday nights...

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oh and... lord, please forgive me for what I'm about to do... consider it a blood sacrifice...


*....................... deep breath ............. s.... ssss... spppp.... spills drop of precious fermented joy.... a perfect fraction of the only happiness that can always be counted on in this life.....


......... and sobs forever.........*



*crawls under the bar in shame and self loathing....*


oh... oh why... why...






edit to make it more shameful....


oh... nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Edited by cindy
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.... um.... yeah.... the gutter thing might not be doable....

sorry, I'll understand if you have to unuser group me.

No worries dear, I'll probably be hanging out there with you quite a bit. ;0)

oh, thank heavens... you had me worried... I very much like it here, but... well, you know kittehs. especially on Friday nights...


*strokes the kitteh's head*  No worries love, you will find me residing in the gutter quite often.  I was trying to be funny, but apparently caused you worry.  For that I must give you unlimitd nip and salmon.  *nods*

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Well I do suppose depending on who you ask, it isn't the size of the pole, it is how you use it. Others would say that the size of the pole matters.


*sprinkles some nip around for Kitteh*  That might help you a bit.

*rolls in the soothing green balm for woe... crying but more interested in nacho cheese Doritos now... odd*


and there are much more Important things than either of those first two but...


my gutter is too low to visit from here.

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*gasps at cindy*




You spilled it! You spilled BREW!!!! For violating Band Law, cindy, you must find the Jak o' the Shadows thread, read the instructions (in the first post), and write your very own two verses! Your topic is to be regarding the sacredness of brew.

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