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Post your favorite DM memory.......


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Guest Segurant

I think this was back in 2000 or 2001. The Warder's Org had a huge RP going on. Matalina was captured by a Forsaken, and we mounted a large offensive to rescue her.


Ben-T Gaidin led the attack force and we beat a lot of shadowspawn just to get to Mat. As wew rescue her, our party got assaulted by a Gholam. Josef al'March and I stayed behind to cover the retreat. We managed to get away, but I nearly lost an eye and Josef was mortally wounded. If not for the WT healing and the many Accepteds tending to Josef, he defeated death as well.


another memory of mine is meeting a bunch of DMers at various times throughout DM history.


I have alot of DM Memoires I'll try to list them in order of oldest to newest


1. Meeting Swordbard (ie: Mandien) in the Spring of the Mourning Inn.


2. Attending my first bonding party of Phoenix and Marrion (can't remember how to spell her name).


3. Sathinar setting me up with my first bond holder Tari (Rembry Fortran now)


4. Dragonmount's first breaking when we really "broke" DM for a week or so before launching our new website


5. Sathinar kidnapping Kathana while a Trolloc Raid was besiging the Tower. My first RP in which I actually didn't write it Ben did. And my beginnings of being Second in command of the Warders.


6. Yveva asking me if I wanted to bond after we had a converstation.


7. Going to Cairhein and my character Matalina wearing a dress for the first time.


8. Dragonmount going into DM6 where the RP and the Orgs split. And my breaking of the bond with Yveva and going to the Dark side and being bound by Raeyn.


9. Matalina's meeting of Alexander Namere and all the things that followed.


That about brings it current. I'm sure I left out a few things...


Oh yeah, the first ever Grinning Battle in the Spring of the Mourning Inn by Ben and Lonewolf.


And I of course remember the thread Seggie posted about, that was a fun one. I also think that Swordbard and his bond holder died in the battle before I was kidnapped so that Swordbard could become Mandien and lead the Aiel to their glory. (Only allowed one character at the time)


I have met my husband through Dragonmount and some of my bestest friends as well. I'm not going to name names cause I'll forget someone and I don't wanna do that. DM has been a large part of my life and continues to be even after having 1 youngster and a second on the way.




Where do you even begin?


1. The Aiel. I had my first DM experiences as Aiel, and I remember Caire who was once my near-sister and a good rl friend. There was Remy who was my character's boyfriend, and we had some great laughs. There was my arch-nemesis whose name I can't even remember anymore, but it was fun and I was young and innocent and I loved every minute of it.


2. Joining the Tower. One of the biggest memories was on the old boards when we had those scroll down menus. I remember when I decided to go Gray and I could see the secret Gray boards. That was huge.


3. The split. Seriously, through all the crap, it was also fun. Perhaps mainly because it's been so long that I can't really remember any of the bad stuff anymore, but still.


4. LEWS (Lunatics Even Without Saidin), the Rainbow Tower (the LIME Ajah and Floof Oolf), Elemental Chaos (the most kick-butt band to ever strike the halls of the White Tower) and just my novice/Accepted time in general.


5. Cordelia, Kamarile, Cyndrid, Lola, Rainie, Marigween, Delphi, Eggy, Juls. So many people whom I've known and considered my friends. I have no idea where most of them are today, but I loved them and I really really miss them.


6. Going Blue and being welcomed into the Blue Ajah by Eggy, Cyndrid, Lola and Kammie. They made me feel at home the moment I joined them, and while I'm technically not really Blue any more, I will always have a home there. If for nothing else than that my best friend is their Head.


7. Harry Potter week. 'nuff said.


Seriously, I could go on forever, but I'm stopping here. This has been an amazing six years, and here's hoping for six more!




*laughs* I have a thread like this that I keep updating for myself calling "memories of a (X-year old~enter year here) Aes Sedai." It just keeps making me feel older every time I read it! LOL


if I had to pick one? I couldn't do it, so... let's try this...


1- Joining

2- Getting raised on the Community Side, then on the RP side.

3- Bonding my warder, on both sides. lol

4- Adopting my sisters.

5- The birth of the Kin and subsequent change from Discussion Group to Org.<---this one is probably my favorite, actually...

6- Getting the MoN job on the Community Side.


Ok, I edited it and shortened it to my favorite stuff. I remember a lot. LOL One of the curses of a good memory, I guess.


It's been a helluva time for the last two and a half years. Here's to many more memories, be they good, bad or whatever!


Where to begin...


1. Forming the Black Tower for the first time and building the walls..months before Winters Heart came out. I remember everyone accusing me of being RJ in disguise.


2. My one and only Bonding, that lead to a real life one...


3. Joram, Lilli, Emp, Jhae, Dav, Mike, April, Mazzie of course list goes on of some of the coolest people I have known.


4. Nekkid paintballing with all the orgs! *grins*


So many memories not enough time or space. Please forgive the ramblings of an old dm'er :)


Happy birthday DM. Many more!


Happy Birthday, DM! (slightly belated) :D


- If that's the first big RP I was in, Seg, it was 2000 (maybe even 1999 still). Where Mat and Marron (sp) were kidnapped by Ishy I think it was? I was a still a novice I think, and I got to go disguised as the Amyrlin (snd she got to stay at the Tower and do my chores... MUWHAHAHA). If not, umm ignore me.


- One of my first ventures into RPing (as a whole) and having fun being a novice even though the system needed tweaking (so there were a lot of headaches), and my MoN was a tad... off.


- Meeting Lasir, Jayce and several other people I don't remember the names of in the Spring of the Morning Inn.


- Meeting Jason/Phoenix/Jarron at the Inn not knowing who he was and stumbling all over myself in embarassment... haha. Then him asking if I wanted to maybe play one of his bitc... err romantic prospects (because Marron was leaving I think).


- Lasir, Jacksyn and Jayce always getting us into trouble.


- Deciding to go Blue after almost all but deciding on Brown (because Lasir and Joram made me... haha... j/k).


- Jayce and I Bonding.


- IRC chat... all incarnations of it... (the good and bad times... Joram, April, Mazzy, BenT, Cay, Emp, Turi <--- haha, etc.)


- Joining the Black Tower as a civie and getting to know Dali, Mike, Rune, Davrem, Master Lu (Eggy!) and a bunch of others. Mike and I went on to RP (and Bond) a lot together in some of my favorite RPs ever.


- Then I pretty much went LoA and now coming back and making awesome new friends within the Community Blues and the Kin.


Okay, that's all I can think of off the top of my head. There's so much more I remember when people mention things though.


Thanks to all who keep it running! 8)


Well, as a relative newcomer to DM, (compared to some) my list is kinda short.


1. (always) Meeting my Dearest Bonded, Leane...because of DM we have now been dating about six months, and it's going strong. (At least, I think it is)


2. Meeting the others I have been fortunate enough to meet. Lor, Mo, Cleo, Dwyn, Ely...And I hope more in the future.


3. The all night convos on MSN with the people from all over the world...never would have happened anywere else. (for me anyway)


Oh man... how long have I been here.


1. Sammael and being a part of SG. My Pink Tutu and how I wore it as a badge of honor.

2. IRC chat - Mazzy, Joram, Jhae, Rune, Sketchy, The Bunnies (Seri, Aissa, Pookie, Myriam... ack I am missing one), BenT, Mike, Davrim, Ampris, Rinny, Raeyn and all the others that popped in

3. The Seanchan... the org I am proud of to be a member of and to have had the honor of running for.. wow.. many years. All the members that were once a part and continue to make the org a great place to visit.

4. Community Admin... twice.. even though the second time was short lived.

5. My second home.. the children of the light. OH Justen Diablos how I miss theee, Paityr, Dave Burnette, JIM BLONDE!!!, Yveva

6. Be Seen chat - refresh already

7. All the breakings... how they torment us with the promise of a quick turnaround and a year later we are still on ezboards.

8. Meeting some of the most important people in my real life - Yveva and Seri

9. Meeting Dmers at Dcon (come on, we can't let TV take over Dcon!)

10. Posting as Irked (yep back when I was comm admin)

11. Geeze the lotion of growing... still brings a grin to my face to this day

12. Fantasy Football champion

Ben-T Gaidin led the attack force and we beat a lot of shadowspawn just to get to Mat. As wew rescue her' date=' our party got assaulted by a Gholam. Josef al'March and I stayed behind to cover the retreat. We managed to get away, but I nearly lost an eye and Josef was mortally wounded. If not for the WT healing and the many Accepteds tending to Josef, he defeated death as well.[/quote']


I remember sparring with that Gholam, too. Then then I got struck by lightning while carrying Josef off the battlefield! But did I get any Accepted? Nooo...


Okay, I did have Serafelle to take care of me, but still. *laughs*


Let's see, good memories...


Being chosen by Serafelle as her Warder, after what, a year or so of competing for the position? *grins*


Writing Silly Stories with everyone, and being an official Grinner.


Being fired as Incarn, and ignoring it. *grins*


Meeting everyone at DragonCon for the first time. When I first arrived, I mistook Kartos for Kathana, because she was wearing the stole!


And of course, every DM birthday where I get to say that I was here since the very beginning! *laughs*

Guest Segurant

I lost an eye so I might have missed your fight with the Gholam. 1999? WOW no wonder I forgot it. I barely remember how the site looked


My time with DM only started beginning of the year on the Temp boards. I have fond memories of that board. My first experience of the site being hacked into, led to me meeting up with Tessa Sedai in RL and we have been good friends ever since.


One amazing memory of the new site will always be finding a PM from Kathana on my return from holiday, asking me to be a Mod on the Newbie board. It was totally unexpected and nice to know she trusted me with the responsibility.


The overriding memory I will always have of DM, are the people. I have made friends, got to know people from all over the world and met up with some really nice ones in RL. Cheers to you all and those I have yet to come accross :P



Memory time! My favourite!! lesseeeeee...


1. Being scared of Kat when I first joined, for about a week. (and not being scared since :P)


2. Finally admitting to my inner dork and becoming a Brownie


3. BeSeen and Bravenet.

3b. The bonding party/dance off (Ender and I were ROBBED)


4. Chatting with Mat and deciding to bond


5. The first breaking, when the images all looked partially destroyed and it was RP and Comm integrated (so fun!)


6. The many different jobs I've had here, Head of the Browns, Historian, Incarn, ATC Writer, brief Ogier Org Leader, Chief Chef, Designing three of the Org themes (Ogier, CotL, Brown Ajah), Sitter for the Browns, chat mod (for the chat revival).


7. Still being friends with people who haven't set foot in DM for years (Koe, Joram, April, etc).


8. Meeting a LOT of people in person without ever attending DragonCon(sorry if I forget anyone: Emillith, Karana, Reile, Sam d'ma Shadar, Ihsara, Branwen, April, Koe, Joram, Jayce, Lanfir, Alhifar/Oliver, (another dmer at their house but who I forget now), Phrygiana and Ghalren (kinda cheating because they lived in my town and I got them to join in the first place), Shecky, Majsju, Empy).


9. Making slippers for a number of DMers for Christmas :)


10. CotL with Koe, JD, Paitmonkey, Jim Blonde, QB, and all you other monkeys. Kenya and the CotL party bus.


11. CoL month, when we passed the torch on all the boards.


12. Going completely nocturnal Christmas of 1999 because I was chatting to too many DMers.


13. My Brownies. You know who you are and you know why you're on my list. The Semi-secret exchange, the NDB, the ongoing, longlasting friendhsips.


14. Procrastinating on a grad school paper that was making me cry by presenting an Empy.


15. Meeting some superspifftastic people who are lifelong friends and there for ups and downs. We'd still be friends even if the internet broke. *nods*


well when aragono the knife dude nearly killed my character



he beat Ramza so bad that without a wise one he would have died in 30 minuets or less depending on blood loss and kidney failure, i have the whole list some where of what happened........the only thing i did was i stabbed him in the foot before i passed out







those were the days


I think my slippers at my parents house. I don't think I brought them here, if I did they got lost in Katrina <frowns>




my fondest memory is probably my highly inappropriate introduction to elmindreda, which lead to a long relationship, and a bonding. :lol:


also of course, I've loved meeting all the people on these boards (though I have yet to meet any in RL), taking Egwene's place as Chief of introducing new members to the Asmodean thread, putting forward my crazy Demandred theory, and constantly debunking peoples problems with many quotes and page numbers. 8)


OH! and my long discussion with Werthead about The Sword of Truth series.


and here's to many more!


Lessee here... favorite memories:



1. Finally figuring out how the whole RP thing worked (it took me about a year before I got out of newb-semi-god-mode).


2. Krachend's raising to Sovin Nai Second... particularly the part where Argono got the stuffing beat out of him by the whole Society.


3. The Rose and Dagger Silly RP. I think that me and Wolfsbane are the only two left from that, and Mehrin may be the only original character left from it.


4. Mehrin and the Seanchan battle at Bandar Eban, with Ehlana's capture and subsequent death.


5. Krachend and the Battle for the Stone.


6. Mehrin being promoted to Captain General of the Infantry about a month before being promoted to Commander of the Band of the Red Hand.



1. Jhara Sarumeki, a short-lived Tower Trainee who was last seen trying to master the basic sword forms... two years ago.


2. Tren Reaver, a Soldier at the Black Tower, burnt out and turned insane Darkfriend. May his tormented soul rest in peace.


3. Kuro Ketsukei, a woman disguised as a man and a member of the Infantry of the Band of the Red Hand.


4. Txarki, former Sovin Nai Society Leader and Krachend's trainer.


5. Jhirrad, former Clan Chief, killed in a lion hunt.


6. Ehlana, Band Commander, captured and killed at Bandar Eban.


7. Anya Tarin Winter, Infantry corporal and Mehrin's lover, killed at Emond's Field.


8. Hari, Kurli, Moh, three NPC Sovin Nai known for their antics.


My bondings will stand out as my most important memories. I still have wonderful relationships with my sisters Nia, MJF, and Mighte. I love them dearly.


I agree with LDD that my best memory was also my worst. I bonded Eire...and well, I won't depress people by writing about it in detail here.


*hugs Dwyn*


Mata, I will have to make you some new slippers, or ones for your kidlets! (ooh, a mission!)


Rune, will they know who you are if I call you Rune?


They should, Yveva. That's the name he's gone by here. :) I'd say hi, but for some reason that's never been revealed, April shut me out. I have no idea what I did or would do to make someone hate me that much.


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