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Some would argue that kittens = tastiEST


Even tastier than a bird stuffed in a bird, stuffed in a bird, stuffed in a bird, stuffed in a bird, Stuffed in a pig... AND THEN WRAPPED IN BACON?


... Actually your right... That other thing sounds pretty revolting... If not epic:

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there was a guy i heard about on the news who was caught with a cat marinating in his car boot.....


he was gonna eat it, he said




he is now on animal cruelty charges.


odd, how when we eat meat from the supermarket it is fne, but once we eat our pets.... noooooo, that is cruel....

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Guest BaLefireP

Do we count as people? I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you. I don't much like people.


Strangely I agree.


That settles it, we are not people, we are "IT"!


We just are, there is no why or being...

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Guest BaLefireP

this has nothing to do with anything, but can sany of you guys see my signature pic? i cant....


I can't see it... It must have been rated for more than pg-13 viewing.

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odd.... it is just a picture of a guy holding a fireball with a volcano and 'shayol ghul' on fire in the background.


maybe it has to do with the fact that i uploaded it onto a different site and got the URL from there.


how do you guys get your sigs to work?

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