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Stabbing? Bah... Whats happening to evil these days?

Back in my days, killing people would involve laying overly complicated schemes that included giant death traps...

How about useing sharks with laserbeams attached to their heads?


Lacking that... Wouldent it be more stylish to just go with slipping in a bit of posion in the food?

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KNIVES!!! is this what people use to kill these days!


*embraces the source and burns a crater 5 miles wide in ever direction in an epic explodion, killing you all*


THAT is how to kill people!


Stabbing? Bah... Whats happening to evil these days?

Back in my days, killing people would involve laying overly complicated schemes that included giant death traps...

How about useing sharks with laserbeams attached to their heads?


Lacking that... Wouldent it be more stylish to just go with slipping in a bit of posion in the food?







All right young ones, gather round and Aust will tell you something about *stabbing*


A *stab* with a shiny steel blade is a time honored tradition. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster - an elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.


Anyone can go blowing things up, but to assail someone with a good *stab* takes finesse, class, and skill (all of which I of course embody...). You can *stab* someone in the eye, or both eyes just for kicks ( XoX ) or better yet, just stab someone's eyelids so that they can see even when they're clenching their eyes closed in panic! There is the classic *stab* in the back - who doesn't love a cliche? And the gut-wrenching *stab* in the stomach, which causes fun little spurts of stomach acid (this is SG after all children!) and then there is my favorite - the 'rabid squirrel tumbles from the tree onto your head'-100-*stab*-frenzy! You get artistic merit points if you froth at the mouth while doing this!


So go forth grasshoppers and kill in the style of SG, and perhaps you'll make something of yourselves one day!

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stabbing? oh please, how could stabbing be more painful to our victims than slowly consuming them in fire?


see? example A *stabs random villager in gut. Villager screams and falls back*


barely any pain at all, now... *shoots fire at anohter villager. the villager starts running around like a headless chicken on fire*


much more pain involved with fire.


and here at shayol ghul, pain is the name of the game

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  • Club Leader

Blackhoof, while we do enjoy all forms of torture and violence, a stab is the way we greet one another around here. That's why you see it so much. *stabs*


Of course, then you get the freaks like me who have a fetish for bladed weapons.


Now are you beginning to see?

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That's one way I suppose. A bit crude and undisciplined, if you ask me. There is nothing like the sweet feel of a knife in my opinion. I prefer to give my victims that blade kiss.

*kisses Lily with her blade, right between two ribs* Just helping with your fetish dear :rolleyes:

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  • Moderator

All right young ones, gather round and Aust will tell you something about *stabbing*


A *stab* with a shiny steel blade is a time honored tradition. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster - an elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.


Reference caught, and appreciated. Good work.

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All right young ones, gather round and Aust will tell you something about *stabbing*


A *stab* with a shiny steel blade is a time honored tradition. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster - an elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.


Reference caught, and appreciated. Good work.


A good Star Wars reference is always appreciated. Good catch Verbs

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Stabbing? Bah... Whats happening to evil these days?

Back in my days, killing people would involve laying overly complicated schemes that included giant death traps...

How about useing sharks with laserbeams attached to their heads?


Lacking that... Wouldent it be more stylish to just go with slipping in a bit of posion in the food?


Budget cuts, sorry. We have seabass, though

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