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A Memory of Light Speculation


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  On 12/2/2010 at 12:38 PM, Ishadar said:


I love it.........and I hate it. :wacko:


I agree that I can see that as a potential ending but I think if it does end that way, I will burn the book. :mad:


Besides your version doesn't even mention Bela :bela: and we know she will go to Shayol Ghul with the rest of them. :tongue:


Just trying to solve what I see as the biggest plot problem -- Rand and his three women -- without killing him off.


As for Bela, she carries Siuan Sedai to the Last Battle, discovers the warhorse deep inside her, comes home a horsie hero, meets Mr. Ed and falls in love, and gives birth to Flicka and Black Beauty.

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Erm, new to this forum don't really know how to quote... But to the guy with the prophecy thing: What if the Dark prophecies, Seanchan Prophecies and Randland prophecies are all the same, just differently worded? they may also be interpreted differently by each faction. ultimately they may all come true, just not the way they were interpreted by the factions.

  On 12/2/2010 at 10:23 PM, Terrel88 said:

@ Randommer,

He also shot down theories of the DO resurrecting him, I believe it was stated that his soul was tainted by Mashadar, so the DO wouldn't resurrect him, not that he can't.


Hrm. Interesting. Wish I had known this earlier, as for the longest time I've been wondering 'So what if Sammael is dead, the Great Lord could just bring him back!'


I think were are gonna see Nynaeve lay the smack down on Egwene. There will be some scene where Egwene orders Nynave to heel and Nyn just loses it on her and throws her AS Ring away and go off with Rand.


Nyn has already said that she will go to SG with Rand but I can sense Eg will try to stop her somehow. This will lead to some soul searching and have EG and the WT show up at Tarwins Gap to save the day. Thereby redeeming themselves for not helping Malkier 50 years earlier.


I hope(I doubt it) but I hope as the last living true Aes Sedai Rand raises Nyneave at the field of Merrilor. I also foresee a smackdown between Egwene and Nyneave. Nyneave needs to find herself a binder because I can foresee Egwene trying to trap her with the oaths, basically an oath to her without actually swearing on a binder.

  On 12/3/2010 at 7:56 PM, Canis Rufus said:

we will find out it has all been a ruse and that Matt is really the Dragon Reborn and that Rand was just a red herring. :bandredhand:


I think Mat is the Coramoor.


Not joking.



Jendai Prophecies

"The White Tower shall be broken by his name, and Aes Sedai shall kneel to wash his feet and dry them with their hair."


Has this already happened in a previous book? I don't recall any Aes Sedai washing his feet.


Any ideas? Maybe Rand becomes Tamyrlin or leader of the Aes Sedai?


The more I think about this series the more I think there are so many loose ends that need to be tied up the last book is going to feel like a sprint more than the slow and steady pacing of a marathon run. I also think that the reason Rand will need Perrin by his side once more (as per Min's viewing) is because the forces joined together to stop Rand will descend in to chaos until Perrin ends all debate by shattering the last remaining seals with his new shiney power forged hammer.

  On 12/3/2010 at 12:57 PM, A Rant Lord said:

Erm, new to this forum don't really know how to quote...


[ quote ] Text [ /quote ] : to just insert a quote box


[ quote=Username ] Text [ /quote ] : for the "So-and-so said" type quote. Or easier just click the reply link at the bottom of their post.


NOTE: Obviously, don't include the spaces between the brackets.

Guest new kid

Just putting it out there but Olver to attack / kill (or attack causing someone to hurt / kill) RAND........... following his " PSYCHO AIEL HATING, GOING TO KILL ANYONE WHO THREATENS ME OR MY FAIMILY INNER MONOLOGUE" coupled with the fact RJ had said he did have a purpose, who better to focus that aggression on than the AEIL BIG CHIEF?

  On 12/4/2010 at 6:10 AM, Mat said:

Twice dawns the day... - can't wait for that part!


I wondered about that. Rand fights and loses, but at the end releases so much balefire from Callandor that the entire day restarts, and he gets to do it over and fix his mistakes?

  On 12/4/2010 at 12:58 PM, Gaidin Poindexter said:
  On 12/4/2010 at 6:10 AM, Mat said:

Twice dawns the day... - can't wait for that part!


I wondered about that. Rand fights and loses, but at the end releases so much balefire from Callandor that the entire day restarts, and he gets to do it over and fix his mistakes?


Pretty sure if he released that much balefire it would simply unravel the pattern and he'd be doing the DO a favor.

  On 11/18/2010 at 3:20 PM, Wiegrief said:

Major developments:


Fields of Merilor - I foresee this linking to "The Dragons Peace" and Rand going the Fortuona to beseech her help.

- likely linked to saving Lan in Tarwins Gap

- Rand finding out Elayne is pregnant and he is a father will make for an interesting read.


Reuniting - Rand reuniting with Mat (maybe linked to Seanchan alliance) and more importantly Moiraine.


Lanfear arc - I think Lanfears 3 demands from the Flinns revolve around Lews Therins love or on revenge on him. We know that she is now in his dreams and he may pity her or try and save her. "No one has been in the shadow so long as they cannot return to the light"


Black Tower - There is the lead up to the fight in the Black Tower. Finally figure out if Taim is evil and what happened to Logain. Logain will probably reappear and be the protagonist for this arc.


The Last Battle - open to speculation, but I imagine Rand will not be the major aggressor he will protect everyone from the Dark One.



Good to write about the TOM, though it is fiction, Moriene will have influence on Egwene for the support Rand needs to subdue the dark one. Also Lanfear was taken by Moriden, as stated by Moriene. And she is the Lady Selene, in Rands dream. and Moriden will try to trap Rand somehow. Using Selene. As you say, Lanfear can support Rand. Remember, Taims camp! The aisedai cannot use their power, and the forsaken are behind it. To stop the Ashamen leaving. Yes Rand and Mat will go to see Tuon, to strike an agreement.


The Seanchan attach WT aided by their new-found ability to travel.

All the AS, including Egwene are captured and leashed.


Egwene, re-known as Tuli is given over to Empress Fortuona as her personal damane.

Fortuana beats Eg-Tuli relentlessly for two days to break her spirit.

Drawing upon her recent experiences, Eg-Tuli weeps and wails at the beatings but refuses to behave.

Fortuona is so impressed by Eg-Tuli's ability to withstand a spanking, she promptly abdicates her throne and Egwene, now known as Eg-Tuona becomes Empress-elect of all Seanchan. Eg-Tuona's first act as Empress is to continue the Suldamane-Damane system but insist that all Suldamane swear personal fealty to her on a binding rod.

A small but determined band of bloodlives, led by the new Prince of Ravens Gawyn (who has suddenly become the most able and most skilled BN ever) performs a daring raid on Seandar and recovers the crystal throne.


A few weeks later, the entire worlds armies assemble at the Field of Merrilor. The Crytal Throne of Nine Moons is placed at their head, with Empress-Amrylin Eg-Tuona at their head. Rand shows up with his three wives, Cadsuane, Nynave and Sorilea in tow.

Each of the women see the new empress and sniff, snort, pull-braid, smooth-skirt, twirl-knive, and raise eyebrow respectively and say "Now look Boy/Woolhead/Sheephead/Nerfhead/Goobhead/No-Head, this is a how a real leader behaves !"


Rand is so impressed by this bitchery that he kneels and swears fealty to the Empress-Amrylin. All prophecies are fulfilled.

Eg-Tuona rages at everyone about the foolishness of allowing men to run around and channel rampantly.

The black tower is invaded successfully by the combined forces of everyone and all the men are shielded and captured.

Eg-Tuona decides that instead of gentling and/or execution, the male channelers be shown mercy and allowed to swear personal fealty to her on the oath rod.


All men everywhere suddenly realise that they are in love with one or more women, except for about a few million women who are in love with each other, since apparently the female-to-male population ratio in Egwene-land is apparently 8:1.

A mass wedding for all and sundry is celebrated in which the men all promise to submit to the women in public and the women all promise to submit to the men in the bedroom. A new era of gender equality as envisioned by Robert Jordan is born.


Forgotten for the moment, the Dark One realizes that he would rather destroy himself than exist in such a "perfect" world. He/She balefires himself.


All is well.

  On 12/4/2010 at 2:32 PM, johthohar said:
  On 12/4/2010 at 12:58 PM, Gaidin Poindexter said:
  On 12/4/2010 at 6:10 AM, Mat said:

Twice dawns the day... - can't wait for that part!


I wondered about that. Rand fights and loses, but at the end releases so much balefire from Callandor that the entire day restarts, and he gets to do it over and fix his mistakes?


Pretty sure if he released that much balefire it would simply unravel the pattern and he'd be doing the DO a favor.


Perhaps there will be a total solar eclipse... I have always thought that this would be how the day dawns twice and it would be kind of fitting to herald the events at Shayol Ghul to the wider populace of Randland... What do you guys think??




So, I just saw the announcement that Tor.com would be submitting reader questions to Brandon for him to answer personally about all things Sanderson(WoT, SLA, Mistborn, etc.) and got all excited. Logged into Tor.com. Got some well thought out questions all lined up in my head. Scrolled down to the bottom to start typing them in................. only to find out the article had been closed to comments to be sent to Brandon 10 minutes before I got to it. Kinda hating myself right now.


P.S. I know this isn't really the appropriate place for it but its the only thread I saw that even came close to being a right place and I just had to vent my frustration somewhere.


The WT battle will go something like this:


The Seanchan open a gateway into the tower's lower passages. They start massing forces down there, knowing from their AS captives that anyone being down there would be incredibly unlikely. Right on cue, one of the storage room doors opens and out walks Matrim Cauthon. He looks dusty from rummaging through chests and is holding the HOV. He names himself the Prince of Ravens orders them to (quote) 'Knock it off and take me to your bloody leader.' Blowing the HOV and using Artur Hawkwing as a character reference may be involved. Back through the gateway they go to talk to his spouse.


The conversation goes like this:

Spouse: They must be leashed. The DR must kneel. It says so in the prophecies.

Mat: Nuh-uh!

Spouse: Uh-huh!

<more back and forth, removed for brevity>

Spouse: Listen, let me show you the prophesies so you can read it yourself. You are of the Imperial Family so you're allowed to go there now.


Off they go by gateway to the Towers of Midnight, where Seanchan legend says that in time of dire need the imperial family will return to right what was wrong (straight from the glossary). It's where the original prophesies are stored, in their original ancient language (straight from my head). Mat reads a translation and agrees to his dismay that the dragon is supposed to kneel.


Then something ta'veren happens, or perhaps an old memory surfaces. Mat realizes, as Inigo Montoya once did, that 'You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.'. The translation has been tampered with and the Forsaken have killed everyone who understood the old tongue well enough to detect it. Fortuona realizes that she's the one who's supposed to kneel. She goes to the FOM and does so, and suddenly the light has a huge army full of channelers and beasties to help them on the borderlands.


After the good guys win, Mat turns to his wife and says 'Now, let's talk about that whole leashing women thing...'

  On 12/4/2010 at 2:32 PM, johthohar said:
  On 12/4/2010 at 12:58 PM, Gaidin Poindexter said:
  On 12/4/2010 at 6:10 AM, Mat said:

Twice dawns the day... - can't wait for that part!


I wondered about that. Rand fights and loses, but at the end releases so much balefire from Callandor that the entire day restarts, and he gets to do it over and fix his mistakes?


Pretty sure if he released that much balefire it would simply unravel the pattern and he'd be doing the DO a favor.


Actually the DO wants to rule within the realm of the pattern. he wants to be in charge. if he had wanted the pattern to unwravel he would have commanded the forsaken to balefire everything all the time. BUT it came a point where both sides just stopped using balefire. Do you think the shadow would stop using balefire without the DO giving the "ok" for it? i dont think so.

  On 12/10/2010 at 1:59 AM, Tale a said:

Mat realizes, as Inigo Montoya once did, that 'You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.'. The translation has been tampered with and the Forsaken have killed everyone who understood the old tongue well enough to detect it. Fortuona realizes that she's the one who's supposed to kneel. She goes to the FOM and does so, and suddenly the light has a huge army full of channelers and beasties to help them on the borderlands.


After the good guys win, Mat turns to his wife and says 'Now, let's talk about that whole leashing women thing...'

May be one of the best Princess Bride references ever. I love this. But, nothing in the WoT can be that simple. I do like the idea of how the prophecies were tampered with because, if im not mistaken, Ishmael did that very thing.


I am still waiting for when Mat tells Rand hes married to the Empress. I want Mat to do it, not Perrin who i think will have the pleasure of doing so. SOMEBODY has to do it.

Actually the DO wants to rule within the realm of the pattern. he wants to be in charge. if he had wanted the pattern to unwravel he would have commanded the forsaken to balefire everything all the time. BUT it came a point where both sides just stopped using balefire. Do you think the shadow would stop using balefire without the DO giving the "ok" for it? i dont think so.


No, the Dark One wants to break free of his prison and destroy the pattern. He doesnt want the Forsaken to unravel the pattern because he would still be trapped.


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