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For all those that have read Towers of Midnight...


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I think I'm going to get it tomorrow. But in the mean time, I was just curious if those that had a chance to read it could tell me, in a word or two, if its lived up to the anticipation? Thanks, ceeeeeeeeee. I'd like to live vicariously for a few more hours!!


Expectations are always personal, and subjective to the individual. So, nobody could even give you a clue in this matter. What dissapoints one might enthral another, and same for the other way round.


It will def get you full of emotions - good, bad, happy, sad, and blahh at some points. Overall, it's a good book though I think I'm gonna need couple more re-reads to get all of the things that happen in it, which is good, since the MoL won't be out for a good while.


It definitely has it's good/bad moments but I still enjoyed it, probably more than TGS which was a very good book in opinion. A lot happens, that's for sure.


Was planning on flying up to the US to get it on a midnight release.. But of course, I had to stay in Panama.. So, it's gonna take me however long it takes Amazon to ship it to Central America to read it..



Although many of my predictions were accurate for this book and I felt like I knew things before they happened. I thought this was a fantastic book, and in my view, even better than TGS which I love. My suggestions is to just not look on the spoiler boards. I just don't understand the people who are asking for spoilers on that section... why wait a year and then a week or a day before you get the book, find out the things that make it truly awesome before figuring it out? Also, Brandon and RJ hit my favorite character Mat, dead on in this book.


I'm kind of torn on finishing my reread or diving into the new book tomorrow when i get it. i'm on Path of Daggers now. when TGS came out i read a few chapter before i realized i had forgotten too much, so i read that again before finishing TGS. so technically i'll just have to finish 8, then read 9 and 10 if i cannot fight the urge to read ToM. I have thins feeling that i'll be jumping into ToM, hahahaha. I agree on not hitting the spoiler boards. I'm curious, but not that curious!


I havn't shed so many tears in the last year as I did during this read. Tears of awe, of sorrow and of joy. It was fantastic.


One of the PoV's made me put the book down three times because I had to collect myself during and after reading it. I was utterly shocked. I will say that had not happened for me in several WoT books, and it was damn good writing. I managed to avoid the spoiler boards this time and was very glad that I did.


I think I'm going to get it tomorrow. But in the mean time, I was just curious if those that had a chance to read it could tell me, in a word or two, if its lived up to the anticipation? Thanks, ceeeeeeeeee. I'd like to live vicariously for a few more hours!!


I only need one word to describe Towers of Midnight.




Is that clear enough? :)


One of the PoV's made me put the book down three times because I had to collect myself during and after reading it. I was utterly shocked. I will say that had not happened for me in several WoT books, and it was damn good writing. I managed to avoid the spoiler boards this time and was very glad that I did.


this. i don't know if we're thinking of the same scene, but I suspect we are. there is some damn fine writing in this book, it really runs the emotional gamut from outright joy to utter despair.


I've seen some reviews bagging on it because the writing style and pacing is much more Brandon's this time around, but to me, that's a very good thing. Jordan wrote Jordan's style extremely well, and Sanderson writes Sanderson's style extremely well, I think TGS suffered at times from Sanderson trying to conform too much to Jordan's style. He cut loose a bit more this time and the book is better for it.


ANYWAYS, the OP wanted a 2-3 word summation of whether the book lived up to my expectations? here you go "Expectations Vastly Exceeded."


I thought the focus and plot progression in TGS was epic and that this book would be far slower since it's split into many more slices of PoV, but the truth is the exact opposite. This book is, in its own way, quicker paced than TGS. Almost every chapter is eventful. Every time I've reread the series I've tried to make myself read every chapter but have always ended up skipping some of the dull bits... this book is one I know will have no skipped parts. It's as epic as easing a badger.


I thought the focus and plot progression in TGS was epic and that this book would be far slower since it's split into many more slices of PoV, but the truth is the exact opposite. This book is, in its own way, quicker paced than TGS. Almost every chapter is eventful. Every time I've reread the series I've tried to make myself read every chapter but have always ended up skipping some of the dull bits... this book is one I know will have no skipped parts. It's as epic as easing a badger.


I don't know if you have read any of BS's other works, but pacing with lots of POVs is something he does very well. i love how everything just slowly builds to a breaking point then BOOM! BRANDANVALANCHE! I can see how some people are put off by it, but for me, its one of my favorite things about his writing. Elantris is probably the best example of this phenomenon, though the Way of Kings does it very well as well. ToM is great because there are lots of little slow builds and Brandanvalanches, it really keeps the story moving along.


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