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ToM Signing Tour Reports


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I was at Dallas as well, and was able to ask the following 2 questions while he signed:


1) What was the most jaw-dropping scene (or scenes) to you when you read the material for ToM?



"That's what you answered for Book 12. I'm asking about book 13, which I've already read"

"Everyone in line close your ears"

"The whole Tower of Ghenjei sequence. That was all written by Jim. Also, the surprise proposal at the end"



I know this is for reporting, but what is the "surprise proposal" at the end? Is that for ToM? I don't remember any surprise proposals at the end... *scratches head*


EDIT -- figured out what he meant. Would have helped if I had been thinking of the right kind of "proposal." Or if I had been surprised. Hehe.

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Before the Cincinnati signing, I asked Brandon if Lanfear wrote Mirrors of the Wheel. His response was "RAFO" and then when I looked surprised that it was actually that important an answer he changed it to mean that he had to look it up. :D


Here is one from Theoryland:


Towers of Midnight book tour 5 November 2010, Hanover, MD - Frenchie reporting


I [asked] him if Rand has met with Sorilea since his time on Dragonmount, and he said he thinks that Rand has.


And another:


Towers of Midnight Book Tour, Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Cincinnati, OH 3 November 2010 - Res Ipsa reporting


I asked Brandon since Shadowspawn die when they go through gateways was the gholam dead, or is it a construct? Brandon explained to me that it was not Shadowspawn and a gateway would not kill it. However he went on about gholam being limited by someone who can Travel. I didn't push that response because someone constantly being hunted would invariably have a moment where they were unawares so it was not really a limitation for the gholam to hunt channelers who can Travel.


I was at Dallas as well, and was able to ask the following 2 questions while he signed:


1) What was the most jaw-dropping scene (or scenes) to you when you read the material for ToM?



"That's what you answered for Book 12. I'm asking about book 13, which I've already read"

"Everyone in line close your ears"

"The whole Tower of Ghenjei sequence. That was all written by Jim. Also, the surprise proposal at the end"



I know this is for reporting, but what is the "surprise proposal" at the end? Is that for ToM? I don't remember any surprise proposals at the end... *scratches head*


EDIT -- figured out what he meant. Would have helped if I had been thinking of the right kind of "proposal." Or if I had been surprised. Hehe.


the proposal is the wedding right?


I was at Dallas as well, and was able to ask the following 2 questions while he signed:


1) What was the most jaw-dropping scene (or scenes) to you when you read the material for ToM?



"That's what you answered for Book 12. I'm asking about book 13, which I've already read"

"Everyone in line close your ears"

"The whole Tower of Ghenjei sequence. That was all written by Jim. Also, the surprise proposal at the end"



I know this is for reporting, but what is the "surprise proposal" at the end? Is that for ToM? I don't remember any surprise proposals at the end... *scratches head*


EDIT -- figured out what he meant. Would have helped if I had been thinking of the right kind of "proposal." Or if I had been surprised. Hehe.


the proposal is the wedding right?


yeah, the Thom Moiraine right? It had a feeling the ToG etc was RJ. It is something too important, like the ending, that I would say he wrote as soon as he figured out the whole thing.

I know this is for reporting, but what is the "surprise proposal" at the end?


Surely it wasn't Moiraine's marriage proposal, because it was rather expected. Maybe it was when she offered to throw away her angreal? That was surprising indeed and personally I thought that she had no right to seriously propose something like that on the brink of TG, no matter what mad passion she felt. But maybe she was very certain that Thom wouldn't take her up on it...

I know this is for reporting, but what is the "surprise proposal" at the end?


Surely it wasn't Moiraine's marriage proposal, because it was rather expected.

Brandon always did try to pretend as though Moiraine's plotline was less foregone than it actually was.


Did I miss something with the darkhound pack? Sanderson seems to be implying we should know what happened to them, but I cant even remember them being mentioned since CoT.


It was mentioned in WH ch. 13. I made a footnote about this when I put it in the interview database - Moridin said Slayer was hunting Fain. We know Slayer is the most likely candidate to be making and leading the Darkhounds.


It was mentioned in WH ch. 13. I made a footnote about this when I put it in the interview database - Moridin said Slayer was hunting Fain. We know Slayer is the most likely candidate to be making and leading the Darkhounds.

If that interpretation is correct, I have to agree with another exasperated reader. Seriously? Padan Fain is in the freaking Blight, how hard could he be to find, Darkhounds? I know Slayer was recently reassigned, but come on, Fain is right in the Shadow's hand. It would be hilarious if the huge Darkhound pack is turned into zombie Darkhounds via Fain's new abilities. Fain could end up with a pretty kick arse bunch of Shadowspawn as a personal army at this rate.


A couple of tidbits from the Bailey's Crossroads signing:


-Brandon mentioned that the publication date for A Memory of Light was going to be pushed back. He said that he needs to re-read the entire WoT series before starting on AMoL, which will take some time. He stated that the book may come out around the time of DragonCon, or by March 2012. He indicated that the latest the book would come out is Christmas 2012.

-I asked Brandon about the chapter with Aviendha and Nakomi. I stated that it was a very striking encounter, and it reminded me thematically of the meeting with Tom Bombadil in LoTR, i.e., something mysterious an unexplained. I asked him if he would develop the encounter any further. He stated that he did not want to discuss the character any further at the moment, because he might explore the encounter in AMoL. I told him that I hope he never explains Nakomi. ;)


It was mentioned in WH ch. 13. I made a footnote about this when I put it in the interview database - Moridin said Slayer was hunting Fain. We know Slayer is the most likely candidate to be making and leading the Darkhounds.

If that interpretation is correct, I have to agree with another exasperated reader. Seriously? Padan Fain is in the freaking Blight, how hard could he be to find, Darkhounds? I know Slayer was recently reassigned, but come on, Fain is right in the Shadow's hand. It would be hilarious if the huge Darkhound pack is turned into zombie Darkhounds via Fain's new abilities. Fain could end up with a pretty kick arse bunch of Shadowspawn as a personal army at this rate.

Fain probably hasn't been in the Blight all that long. There is some evidence he has been hopping around quite a bit using the Ways.


nobody thinks Demandred is Paitar? it fits super well.

We know that Demandred's alter ego had not been seen on screen as of KOD. Paitar was seen in the prologue of TPOD.


A couple more reports:




Just came back from a signing, where, interestingly enough, BS confirmed that Carlinya's death was NOT an error. He said that he would explain things eventually (not sure if he meant in a later interview or RAFO,) but that Min's viewing of her is generally assumed to mean something that it does not. Make of that what you will.




Rand destroyed Aginor – Brandon is 90% sure of this fact.

Taim may not be a standard 3rd Ager. Brandon wouldn’t say any further because he has about 5 chapters revolving around the BT to write for the beginning of the next book and he didn’t want to spoil, so it was half a RAFO.


Someone else (two different people, actually) asked about Nakomi. Brandon RAFO’d, but then said that there were some very interesting theories out there, and that some hard core fan freaks may have had some that were more accurate than others he’d seen. I don’t know if he’s referring to TL specifically or just the OCD fan community in general.


I asked BS how, now that Mesaana is braindead and all, she got around the oath rod. He told me that one of the three ways the Aes Sedai had surmised was correct. Considering it probably would have been mentioned if they found an oath rod among her things, that it probably was the weave the investigators had rediscovered.


I just got back from the Boston signing. When BS was signing my book I asked him if we could expect to get more insight into Avi's vision from ToM and he immediately said "RAFO."


Also, for any RPers out there, I asked for clarification of Aiel male channelers. BS said that once they learned the taint was cleaned, no Aiel men were/would be sent to the blight.


By the way, Terez, I did this at the Boston signing, not New York.


It's been full for a long time. I don't like erasing mails, and I don't like struggling to keep all of them copied over. My email is pretty widely available; it's on every page of the database, for example. And you could have always PM'd me here. ;)


Not nearly as much work as it is for me to keep that inbox clear without losing PMs (which I hate doing). You can also email me through Theoryland; it's just as easy as PMing. Most people figure that out after it tells them my box is full. Some people amusingly try to send the PM multiple times before they give up. It sends me an email notification every time someone tries.


I was impressed with BS at the Boston signing today. I'd heard multiple reports about how laid back he was and it was definitely true.


I was even more impressed with Harriet, it was amazing talking with her. She seemed to really appreciate the fans, it was very humbling.


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