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Noal.... Jain Fairstrider?


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i'm still reading the knife of dreams and have finished all the rest of the books as well, doing another read thru for the new book. But what do you think the likely hood of Noal being Jain Fairstrider is? I know that somewhere in this book he says that Jain is a "cousin", but im thinking with all the stories that he tells to Olver and the random pieces of knowledge that he seems to pull from mid air, its a possiblity. What does everyone else think? It would also kinda explain why he, Noal, has to go to the tower of the Ghenji with Thom and Mat...

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what do you think the likely hood of Noal being Jain Fairstrider is?

I'd say between 97 and 98% likely that he is. Perhaps higher.


i'm still reading the knife of dreams and have finished all the rest of the books as well, doing another read thru for the new book. But what do you think the likely hood of Noal being Jain Fairstrider is? I know that somewhere in this book he says that Jain is a "cousin", but im thinking with all the stories that he tells to Olver and the random pieces of knowledge that he seems to pull from mid air, its a possiblity. What does everyone else think? It would also kinda explain why he, Noal, has to go to the tower of the Ghenji with Thom and Mat...

Quick one he is. This theory has been debated since CoS.


then the real question i guess is this. How did he live this long? Maybe he knows more about the Aalfin and Elfin then he says. Like maybe he went through the ter'angreal himself when he was younger and asked for either immortality or just to live to Tar'magedon....

then the real question i guess is this. How did he live this long? Maybe he knows more about the Aalfin and Elfin then he says. Like maybe he went through the ter'angreal himself when he was younger and asked for either immortality or just to live to Tar'magedon....


Err, I do not think there's much to his age. Jain was born likely a couple decades before Malkier fell, putting him at a reasonable age when he brought Cowin to justice. Fast forward to the present forty five years later, and he'd likely be somewhere in his sixties. I do not recall anything to suggest Jain was more than a young man at the time of Malkier falling.


i figured his age at older just because of "the Stories of Jain Farstrider" a few Aes Sedai made reference to reading his book when they were younger as well as most of the main characters at some point in the book. and going with the assumption that most of the main people are mid 20's, give or take. But the Aes Sedai are lots older. I thought that he, Noal, was at the least 100 years old if not older.


Well, he supposedly disappeared in 981NE, Lan was Born 953NE, so...that means he recently disappeared. Like, 10 years ago recent. We also have his age, kinda, with


"Lord Agelmar is telling the story of the fall of Malkier: "When Cowin Fairheart's treachery was revealed and he was taken by young Jain Charin - already called Jain Farstrider..." "


Young Jain Charin, so..20s? Which places him in 60s easily, possibly 70s. Still young enough to be around.


then the real question i guess is this. How did he live this long? Maybe he knows more about the Aalfin and Elfin then he says. Like maybe he went through the ter'angreal himself when he was younger and asked for either immortality or just to live to Tar'magedon....

He is probably reborn, like other heroes such as Gaidal Cain, Etc... I don't remember any spots that say he wasn't, though I totally believe he is Jain. Which leads me to the conclusion that he is reborn.


then the real question i guess is this. How did he live this long? Maybe he knows more about the Aalfin and Elfin then he says. Like maybe he went through the ter'angreal himself when he was younger and asked for either immortality or just to live to Tar'magedon....

He is probably reborn, like other heroes such as Gaidal Cain, Etc... I don't remember any spots that say he wasn't, though I totally believe he is Jain. Which leads me to the conclusion that he is reborn.

It doesn't work that way. You don't normally remember your former lives. Besides, @A2597 already corrected the timeline.


wow!!! way to go. i never even thought that they put timelines like that throughtout the book. lol. man i thought much longer than that. so its possible that it really is Jain then.... hmmm that opens up a few new things then.

Funky fact: in tDR, Mat notes that Rand and Perrin have read Jain's book and liked it, but he himself hasn't gotten around to it.


And Mat's the one travelling with him. .. Cool, never really thought about it. . .


For the record, I still maintain that he isn't.

Isn't it kinda lame to change your first name and keep your surname? Like, really? Didn't you think you'd be asked the question?


We don't know enough about clan names in the Borderlands especially Malkier to be absolutely sure of this logic.

It may be analogous to an Aiel claiming to be from a different clan, or even a different sept.

If Charin adopted some other Malkieri name, it's possible he could be outed as a liar from other holders of that name.


For the record, I still maintain that he isn't.

Isn't it kinda lame to change your first name and keep your surname? Like, really? Didn't you think you'd be asked the question?


Haha, you know, I agree. I always kinda hated the idea that Noal is Jain. Of course, its most likely that he actually IS, but still, I dont like it. Ill agree with you, that Noal isnt Jain. For some reason, i just resent the idea.


We don't know enough about clan names in the Borderlands especially Malkier to be absolutely sure of this logic.

It may be analogous to an Aiel claiming to be from a different clan, or even a different sept.

If Charin adopted some other Malkieri name, it's possible he could be outed as a liar from other holders of that name.

By that logic, people might know that there was no Charin named Noal. It's even likelier than people knowing members of some obscure family he might choose.


We don't know enough about clan names in the Borderlands especially Malkier to be absolutely sure of this logic.

It may be analogous to an Aiel claiming to be from a different clan, or even a different sept.

If Charin adopted some other Malkieri name, it's possible he could be outed as a liar from other holders of that name.

By that logic, people might know that there was no Charin named Noal. It's even likelier than people knowing members of some obscure family he might choose.


We just don't know enough about Malkieri naming systems.

Since Malkier is supposed to be based somewhat on Nepal, I'd hold to this logic.

A Rai who called himself a Limbu, Gurung or Thapa (all Nepali clans) would be outed the instant he met a genuine Thapa, Gurung or Limbu.

He'd be much more likely to get away with just changing his first name/ using a nick, and keeping the surname.


I'll concede that we actually know next to nothing about the matter. But it seems to me that there are quite a lot of Malkieri surnames in circulation. Is the same true for Nepal?


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