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Red Ajah Autumn Fair-Food and Crafts

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Welcome to the 2010 Annual Red Autumn Fair Festival, Hosted by the lovely Red Ajah.


In this corner, you will find some of the Arts and Crafts during this

time of year from all across the globe. Owww...and some of the most

delicious food that gets you to thinking happy thoughts as the leaves

begin to fall.






Okay, so gather around and enjoy these traditions from around the world

and enjoy this season. We'll be posting photos with the unique stories

behind them and what makes them special. Enjoy and have fun!


Well, let me just say that if y'all haven't experienced a Southern Thanksgiving, then y'all are just missing out. We'll feed you til you can't move, then we'll feed you some more, and we'll send you home with enough leftovers to last you a week.


Now, for starters, you have the traditional Thanksgiving turkey. It's Thanksgiving, how can you NOT have a Turkey? It's just un-American.




The sides are easy:


Green bean casserole. Another Thanksgiving staple.




Sweet potato casserole, topped with brown sugar and pecans of course.




SOUTHERN potato salad. Not red potatoes and peppers tossed with olive oil and what not. Nuh uh. Red potatoes with mayonnaise, mustard, relish, boiled egg and paprika. I could eat just that and be a happy little camper.




Now the Peace de Resistance. Chicken and dressing. Again, SOUTHERN style. Not Yankee stuffing, which is good, but has way too much celery for my taste. My grandmother makes the absolute best chicken and dressing. Ever. She makes it the way her Momma did, no written recipe it's all from memory. She makes it with two loafs of homemade cornbread- baked in cast iron skillets that are probably older than my Dad. The picture that I have isn't of her dressing, for one the pan is WAY too small. :wink:





Now dessert.


You can NEVER go wrong with pie.


There's the classic Pumpkin Pie.




And one that I love to make every year: Caramel Pecan Pie





And that is a basic Southern Thanksgiving.



I think my accent really came out in that post...... :biggrin:


And I've made myself really hungry.


That was wonderful Zo! And you're very welcome, Charis!

There is a guy in our community that paints on leaves like that one

and also sycamore leaves....maybe some big maple ones. I love to see

them when he gets them done each year.


Oh I cannot wait for thanksgiving, now. That turkey... **Drool**


Last year I had 13 people, I cooked for, 24 different dishes and one trip to the ER for stitches. It was an interesting Thanksgiving.


Most Halloweens I make the kids costumes. Last year Vic was a spider and Jackie was a Mummy.




The spider is made with three pairs of black sweat pants and a shirt. Cut the legs off one pair of pants and sew one end. Stuff them full of pillow stuffing and sew them onto the shirt just below the arms. Tie a string from one pair of arms to the second pair. Cut and sew the third pair of arms to the pants legs. Take the waist of the pants and sew it together making a hat. Paint as needed. We did a hour-glass shape. This year Vic wants to be a swamp girl.




The mummy is strips of old curtain sewed onto a white sweat suite. Add dark make-up to the eyes and mouth and you are done. If the fabric you choose is too white, you can dye it with tea or coffee to make a more brown color.


I thought at Thanksgiving no one ate the bean casserole because it was the least worthy.


Whilst that is not the pecan pie/cake I'm familiar with, I just love Pecan pie.


It's a shame I'm in the true South, as it is more Beltaine here than Samhain here and then I could mention the bonfires.


feel free to share both or either if you like, Senexx.


I never had peacan pie, but I'm imagining it to be quite salty? Is that correct?


feel free to share both or either if you like, Senexx.


I never had peacan pie, but I'm imagining it to be quite salty? Is that correct?




I was just reading posts and I don't belong on this site but when I heard you ask how salty pecan pie would be- my heart went out to you. You've obviously never had this pie. At the very least, I'll send you a recipe for pecan pie but if you're adventurous enough, send me a private note with an address and I'll mail you one. I will be firing off my customary 3 dozen pies next month for Thanksgiving and if I add one more for you- no one will notice one missing. Pecan pie should be on your bucket list of things to do before you die. K


I am all about the pie myself. Thanksgiving is steadily turning into pie day for my family. Last Thanksgiving we had 12 people for dinner and 14 PIES! 14!! Funny we're talkin about pies too as I have a cherry pie in the oven with my very first successful lattice crust. I can't do the nut thing though so I can no partake of the wonderful pecan pie. I make an awesome apple though :D


feel free to share both or either if you like, Senexx.


I never had peacan pie, but I'm imagining it to be quite salty? Is that correct?




I was just reading posts and I don't belong on this site but when I heard you ask how salty pecan pie would be- my heart went out to you. You've obviously never had this pie. At the very least, I'll send you a recipe for pecan pie but if you're adventurous enough, send me a private note with an address and I'll mail you one. I will be firing off my customary 3 dozen pies next month for Thanksgiving and if I add one more for you- no one will notice one missing. Pecan pie should be on your bucket list of things to do before you die. K



:blink: that is very sweet of you Seraphim! But unnecessary, really. I'm afraid the pie would probably be spoiled by the time it arrived here (I live in Belgium) or be damaged from the trip that there'd be nothing much else left than crubms.


I'm curious though, why do you feel you don't belong on this site? You seem to have registered and show as a member.


14 pies, Mill! Wow. That is a bunch of pies! lol Cherry pie. Oh man, I am adding to my list of stuff to make.



Myst, Pecan pie is very sweet and thick. You use Karo syrup to make it, or molasses. My husband loves it but I have never been a great fan. I will eat it and it is good but my taste runs toward cherry or apple.


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