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Blood and Bloody Ashes!


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Hey everybody!


I picked up the Wheel of Time series a short while back and haven't put it down since. I'm a little behind, (I'm still on A Path of Daggers), but damnit I do love this story!!! I'm also pretty stoked about the movie, even though I imagine they'll ruin it. There's just too much going on in the books to make them into movies.


Anyway, I'm super addicted to WoT now, and based on the fact that everyone here is on a WoT forum, I'd say we have that in common.

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Hey, I have been reading for a couple of years, but I am re-reading for the 4th time. I didn't even know there was a movie, but I will look that up. Some of the White Tower politics and Daes' Dae Mar, can get rather boring, though they are ALL great reads.

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