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Okay, I get how the Blue Ajah fouind Salidar, even understand that.


But how did the other Rebel AS find Salidar?


I know there were the "Salidar Six," (Sheriam, Anaiya, Myrelle, Beonin, Morvin, Carliyna), none are yellow.

How did they figure it out?


Nyn and Elayne seemed to have discovered it completely by Luck and memory


Just kinda always bothered me that "Boom! Usurpation!" then "Let's gather to a place known to Blues" then "Wow! Lots of non-blues!" and "the tower knows about this place!"



Or did i miss something?


I think that in the aftermath that the blue ajah sent out their message to the eyes and ears, and that on the way some of those blues brought other AS who had fled and slowly the other ajahs came in


Siuan drew a deep breath before answering.' "Siuan Sanche has been stilled." Her voice did not even

tremble; she was proud of that. "Elaida a'Roihan is the new Amyrlin." She could not keep a hint of bite out of

that, however.

Mistress Tharne's face showed no reaction. "Well, that explains some of the orders I've gotten. Some of

them, maybe. Stilled her, did they? I thought she'd be Amyrlin forever. I saw her once, a' few years ago in

Caemlyn. At a distance. She looked like she could chew harness straps for breakfast." Those impossible scarlet

curls swung as she shook her head. "Well, done's done. The Ajahs have split, haven't they? Only thing that fits;

my orders, and the old buzzard stilled. The Tower's broken, and the Blues are running."

Siuan ground her teeth. She tried telling herself the woman was loyal to the Blue Ajah, not to her

personally, but it did not help. Old buzzard? She's old enough to be my mother. And if she was, I'd drown

myself With an effort, she made her voice meek. "My message is important. I must be on my way as soon as

possible. Can .you help me?"

"Important, is it? Well, I'm doubting it. Trouble is, I can give you something, but it's up to you to cipher

it Out. Do you want it?" The woman refused to make this any easier.

"Yes, please."

"Sallie Daera. I don't know who she is or was, but I was told to give her name to any Blue who came

around looking lost, so to speak. You may not be one of the sisters, but you carry your nose high enough for

one, so there it is. Sallie Daera. Make of it what you will."

Siuan suppressed a thrill of excitement and made her face dejected. "I never heard of her, either. I'll just

have to go on looking."


@DovienGleeman Yes, but Siuan was only talking to that woman because her tavern carried signs that she's an agent for the Blues. Another sister wouldn't recognize the sign. Also, the home town of a Blue Amyrlin long forgotten? Do you think each and every sister would be able to make that connection?

  On 10/12/2010 at 9:30 PM, yoniy0 said:

@DovienGleeman Yes, but Siuan was only talking to that woman because her tavern carried signs that she's an agent for the Blues. Another sister wouldn't recognize the sign. Also, the home town of a Blue Amyrlin long forgotten? Do you think each and every sister would be able to make that connection?

No, you're right, but I imagine a large portion of the non-blue sisters arrived in company with blue sisters who did have access to such contacts. Also, every Aes Sedai (supposedly) is taught about past Amyrlins as part of their history lessons.


Ya, that was a bit weird. There was the whole big thing about how it was a secret location that you needed to decipher this code that only the Blues knew in order to get there, but then everyone and their dog found it without much trouble, including all the people that they were trying to hide from.

  On 10/13/2010 at 11:24 AM, Tom Sawyer said:
[...]but then everyone and their dog found it without much trouble, including all the people that they were trying to hide from.

Maybe this is another thing we can put down to 'generic aes sedai stupidity'.


well, it may have been the giant sign they left at the gates, or the banner they left on the steps, or the strongly worded note they left on the front desk, or the one who ran up and down the halls shouting it or...


Basically, Aes Sedai are only good at hiding things people need to know, when someone shouldn't know something around Aes Sedai they automatically find out.

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Obviously, the Blues got the word out to Aes Sedai they thought would be sympathetic to their cause. We see many examples of inter-Ajah cooperation before the split. There are rivalries, but for the most part everyone puts the good of the Tower above all. It's only the Aes Sedai who stay with Elaida who devolve into vicious infighting between Ajahs, and that occurs because the Black Ajah is deliberately stirring it up at Mesaana's behest.


I don't really get what is so surprising. After the split, each Aes Sedai asked themselves "what now?". Aes Sedai might have thier flaws, but I am sure that most of them with a bit of intelligence could figure out that the Ajah that just got banished would start up a rebellion somewhere. And the blues would have been looking to gather in supporters. So you have both parties looking for each other, not that much of a stretch that they would find one another.


As for the Tower finding out....it really would have been rediculous if they hadn't found out almost as soon as a non-blue stepped into Salidar. These are Aes Sedai we are talking about, a third of them didn't even align themselves to either group, loyalties during the split were hardly black and white. Even Aes Sedai who were loyal to Salidar may have leaked the info. In a civil war the lines become a bit fuzzy.


And Nyn didn't find out just by luck. They were looking through Tower documents. It's called intel :wink:


The point is the pointlessness of it. Why have it be such an obscure reference to find the place if everyone who gave a rat's ass where they were knew it without any problem. Why not just post a note in the Tar Valon Times that anyone who thinks Elaida is a big poo-poo head should come down to Salidar and work on looking important while doing nothing of any use and ignoring that the world's falling apart around them?

  On 10/14/2010 at 7:15 PM, Tom Sawyer said:

The point is the pointlessness of it. Why have it be such an obscure reference to find the place if everyone who gave a rat's ass where they were knew it without any problem. Why not just post a note in the Tar Valon Times that anyone who thinks Elaida is a big poo-poo head should come down to Salidar and work on looking important while doing nothing of any use and ignoring that the world's falling apart around them?


That's politics for you.


Just because keeping the secret would have been nearly impossible does not mean that the Aes Sedai in charge at Salidar would not make the effort? But, I mean, we'ver never seen governments go down swinging pointlessly to protect thier secrets, right?


Even beyond that, there are unofficial channels to consider. Keeping it as secret as possible to as many people as possible may avoid a Whitecloak army from descending on them.


Let’s not forget that Beonin, one of the first leaders of the Salidar Aes Sedai, joined the rebels with the intention of becoming a mole for Elaida. It’s probable that once she learned where the rebels would relocate, she immediately left a note for Elaida before going completely undercover.


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