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Bennu Abravanel raised to Accepted


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Thank you all. I'd like to thank Phelix - your writing's an inspiration.

(But dang, you post fast) :)


No way will I make the shawl in a week. Maaaaaaybe two-three weeks, now that I'm writing for two alts. :)


Sweet saints. Reading that fic over one more time... I am the goddess of comma splices in that thing. As an English major I'm ashamed; as a person who nearly focused on grammar for that major I'm appalled. o_0

Edited by Chikara
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To comma or not to comma: that is the question

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous punctuation,

Or to take arms against a sea of semi-colons.


Errr ... random. Carry on.

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