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How long does it take???


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Well, it depends on which group you submitted to... I know the White Tower is usually pretty good about getting back to you within a couple of days, maybe longer if you've got special circumstances (like a sparker or a Talent).


Where are you looking to RP?


PS~ Remember that this is a global site, and many of the admins are from countries on opposite sides of the globe, so if they have to communicate about your bio it might take longer. ;)

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A Warder,and it's been over a week.





That does sound long. All I can say is sometimes things happen. I managed to submit my application right before the major site upgrade that just happened, which meant new registrations were blocked... it took almost a full month to get registered and approved to RP.


Just be patient and ask polite questions... it will help. :happy:

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I heard from Lars on Wednesday. He approved my bio and said he was going to post it to the bio section. That has yet to be done.


I know that people have real lives and that things can come up, but if you have a position of responsibility on a site, you have to get

things done in a reasonable time. And you also have the responsibility to let people know if you cannot fulfill those responsibilities

in a timely manneer.

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I presume that Devon sent you an email on Wednesday since he's not been on the forum since last Sunday. I've heard back from Eqwina and she's looking into it right now.


For future reference, if you find a bio checker/staff member isn't dealing with things as quickly as you'd like, please contact the relevant RP Group Leader as they'd be your next point of contact. Failing that, a PM to either Owen or myself would be your final stop. We can't assist unless we're aware there's a problem. :smile: All contact details are listed on The Welcome Inn board. Thanks for your patience.

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I am glad that devon did respond to your email, but I apologize that he did not get a chance to post your bio. As you said, we all have real lives and I am sure that he simply just got caught up in his. After all emergencies happen, and there always events outside of our control.


That being said, you should not have to wait to join our ranks. We will get your bio taken care of asap.


In the future please feel free to contact me with any questions or issues you are having. I will be happy to help you in anyway that I can.


Blessings, and Welcome to the Warders.


~Eqwina (Crystal)

Warder DL

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Hi sorry to jump on Roberts topic but since my question was the same as his I thought it better than starting a new post! I sumbitted my bio for the WT division on 10th November, and still haven't heard anything back. I know Elgee was on LoA which is why I waited to say anything. Did it get lost in cyber space maybe?

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Hi sorry to jump on Roberts topic but since my question was the same as his I thought it better than starting a new post! I sumbitted my bio for the WT division on 10th November, and still haven't heard anything back. I know Elgee was on LoA which is why I waited to say anything. Did it get lost in cyber space maybe?


Taren, I just checked and we definitely didn't receive a bio from you. Where did you send it to? The email address is dmwtbios@gmail.com

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