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Diablo 3


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Demon hunter looks cool! i guess i'll have to see more about the class before i can make up my mind propperly, though. Right now it looks a wee bit too much like an assasin to have come into it's own yet. But I'll wait!!


Just now i'm thinking imma gonna play wizard all the way, he's just way to cool :biggrin:

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I've been a hardcore Diablo fan since the first one came out! I'm soooo excited! Assassin was my forte so-to-speak in Diablo 2, but I had always wish for just a BIT more ready for the front lines. While I was usually brave enough to take it that far with my chars, the Assassin just wasn't built to go in "guns blazing". Just looking at the Demon Hunter makes me think I'm gonna get my wish. She is ranged, but it also seems that she is loaded up with traps and some NICE armor, possibly even plate from the looks of it. My only final thoughts are "bring it!"


Also, even though we all know Blizzard and their history with not having many far ahead release dates, the beta has been in action for about a month, and usually their beta's go for 6-8 months, judging off of WoW and games like that. I'm expecting to get Diablo 3 around May-June 2011 :biggrin: Happy birthday to me!

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I've been a hardcore Diablo fan since the first one came out! I'm soooo excited! Assassin was my forte so-to-speak in Diablo 2, but I had always wish for just a BIT more ready for the front lines. While I was usually brave enough to take it that far with my chars, the Assassin just wasn't built to go in "guns blazing". Just looking at the Demon Hunter makes me think I'm gonna get my wish. She is ranged, but it also seems that she is loaded up with traps and some NICE armor, possibly even plate from the looks of it. My only final thoughts are "bring it!"


Also, even though we all know Blizzard and their history with not having many far ahead release dates, the beta has been in action for about a month, and usually their beta's go for 6-8 months, judging off of WoW and games like that. I'm expecting to get Diablo 3 around May-June 2011 :biggrin: Happy birthday to me!



I was never a huge fan of assasin tbh, but demon hunter does look good!


And i hope you're right about the relese date, i don't think i can wait much longer!

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Adella it might be fun to play Diablo 2 with you. *laughs* I'm always the Sorceress, Yay for chain lighting. *laughs* I've played with another friend and he would always be upset that I would unleash the lightning and everything would die. Although that didn't work so well in the third world I think. It was the Jungle, those damn flayer creatures are just to well spaced out for the chain lightning to work well. *laughs* I think I switched to either fire or Ice at that point. I can't remember its been to long since I played it. *curses school*


I never played the other classes but my brother swears by the Paladin and my friend is the Necromancer. I killed a few of his skeletons though because they got in my way. *laughs* I was generally the Rogue in the first game. She had a good grasp of spells and ranged attacks, and unlike the Wizard didn't suck at first. LOL The Wizard in the first one took about ten or 12 levels before he got worth playing. Anyway that being said i'm totally excited for the third one. :)

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We should get some sort of WoT fan Diablo group to play when D3 comes out!


just a thought! But it would be awesome, Diablo fans can sometimes be a bit....limited...in the head.


I always either played Barbarian or Sorc, i've completed 1&2 with all characters, even hellfire! but i just can't get the hang of necro's, assasins or amazons enough to actualy be great with them...i was ok with pallys but they were more of my brothers forte.

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I always preferred characters that could be ranged AND front line, depending on necessity. I grew up playing this with my dad, brother, and sister, and they all had their specialty, so I would need something that would be able to move around and fit where needed. I think that's why the Demon Hunter is appealing to me so much.


I have played spell-casters and fighters and liked them, but I was always best with something that was both.


Rasi (and everyone else here) I think it would be AWESOME to play with you (I mean on Diablo3 >.>) and I plan on spending a lot of time playing online once I get the hang of things. I'm very curious as to how they will set up the online game play, because the way they did D2 was very different from their newer games like WoW and such. I also have a group of about 6 friends who are gonna get the game and try to play online ASAP lol, we hope to be one of the first semi-big groups of friends to play it online. Good luck with that, right? lol!

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To be honest, I lost the discs for our copy when we moved a few years back and never thought about getting a new one. Just found out that my boyfriend has it on his laptop though, and I might have to look into playing it again so I can be ready for D3 :biggrin:

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Just found this thread. I've been a hardcore Diablo fan since the first one came out. Me and a couple of guys from IT set it up on the company server and would come in on weekends to do multiplay. I still play D2 on a regular basis. I think it would be great if we could get a DM group together for D3 when it comes out. Wiki, not the most reliable, has a release date posted as 6/28/11. I'm hoping that whoever put that there is at least close to right.

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haha, i wouldnt trust wiki at all, if it aint up on Diii.net...then it aint Kosher in my books.


I recon 2012 at the earliest, although i hope i'm very wrong.


Anyhoo, i wont be able to play untill september 2012 at the very earliest since i'm away to latvia doing volountary work for 2 years as of 13 of dec, ahhhhhh!!! excited for going abroad much??? yes!


Anyhoo, glad you guys are up for getting a DM-D3 online group together...i'd love to say that i'd could do the organising, but i can't be sure of that...


A, because i'm not all that great with techonology


and B, because chances are i'll be on a 2 year LOA as of december :sad:


I know right!


But count me in for ANYTHING diablo related as soon as i'm back, i'm as mad a Big D fan as ever there was :wink:

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I've started talking with friends about what we think the online gameplay will be like. More like WoW? Or something similar to how it was in D2? I have a friend who is convinced that it will be ALL online just like WoW, and if it is I think I may be a little pissed. I loved being able to get a group together and lock the game so you could have it just be you and friends, or leave it open for pretty much anyone to play if that's what you wanted for the day.


What do you guys think Blizzard is going with for D3?

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well, i realy hope that it's not close to MMO style.....i realy liked the way you could play D2 with designated friends in a closed game, and i hope they continue with thing that way...although i don't think it will happen.


TBH i can see things sliding more towards a WoW stle of gameplay, and i REALY hope they don't do this too much. Diablo is great multiplayer, yeah. But at it's core it's more about story and not guilds/whatnot. i don't think they'll go that far. But i liked that D2 games were limited to 8 players....who knows though? Wait AFO? hahaha

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I always made a warrior in the first one and would find my self a magic set so I could get my spells up ridicoulsly high. A warrior that could shoot fireballs and chain lightning, as well as heal to level 13. They shut down that little loophole with the second one.

Played and beat the second with a paladin (thorns arua) and a sorceress (sparks, snow storm, and metoer).

Still haven't beaten it with my bararian, necro or druid.

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I think it will be in D2's style and not MMO





But it also seems like they are totaly re-inventing the wheel as far as game mechanics go...so how knows....but if its ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE to MMO style, i wont be happy in the slightest.

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Demon Hunter is awesomeness! Hope they don't let out that hacking software. One Hero or something. Everyone was running around with +99999 to all Attributes and 3000% Speed and spawning Baals and Andariels whenever they hit them so my lil iron sword melted :(

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Demon Hunter is awesomeness! Hope they don't let out that hacking software. One Hero or something. Everyone was running around with +99999 to all Attributes and 3000% Speed and spawning Baals and Andariels whenever they hit them so my lil iron sword melted :(


D2 had 'closed' servers, and 'Open' Servers.

Closed meaning, your character is saved on THERE server. you can not alter it.

'open' being, you can load any character that is saved on your HDD online.

The open ones, are obviously notorious for hacking, and they are unmoderated.. For a reason.

It gives people who want to cheat, a place to DO so.

And those you don't, got there own place, hacking the closed, isn't exactly easy, and if your caught that is a ban. ;)


I doubt D3 is going to be like that at all though, and its already a DUH that its not an mmorpg.

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Demon Hunter is awesomeness! Hope they don't let out that hacking software. One Hero or something. Everyone was running around with +99999 to all Attributes and 3000% Speed and spawning Baals and Andariels whenever they hit them so my lil iron sword melted :(


D2 had 'closed' servers, and 'Open' Servers.

Closed meaning, your character is saved on THERE server. you can not alter it.

'open' being, you can load any character that is saved on your HDD online.

The open ones, are obviously notorious for hacking, and they are unmoderated.. For a reason.

It gives people who want to cheat, a place to DO so.

And those you don't, got there own place, hacking the closed, isn't exactly easy, and if your caught that is a ban. ;)


I doubt D3 is going to be like that at all though, and its already a DUH that its not an mmorpg.


No idea.. i just click BattleNet and off we goo!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Demon Hunter is awesomeness! Hope they don't let out that hacking software. One Hero or something. Everyone was running around with +99999 to all Attributes and 3000% Speed and spawning Baals and Andariels whenever they hit them so my lil iron sword melted :(


D2 had 'closed' servers, and 'Open' Servers.

Closed meaning, your character is saved on THERE server. you can not alter it.

'open' being, you can load any character that is saved on your HDD online.

The open ones, are obviously notorious for hacking, and they are unmoderated.. For a reason.

It gives people who want to cheat, a place to DO so.

And those you don't, got there own place, hacking the closed, isn't exactly easy, and if your caught that is a ban. ;)


I doubt D3 is going to be like that at all though, and its already a DUH that its not an mmorpg.

Not really sure how that's a "duh" where did you see that they announced anything like that?

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  • Community Administrator

Demon Hunter is awesomeness! Hope they don't let out that hacking software. One Hero or something. Everyone was running around with +99999 to all Attributes and 3000% Speed and spawning Baals and Andariels whenever they hit them so my lil iron sword melted :(


D2 had 'closed' servers, and 'Open' Servers.

Closed meaning, your character is saved on THERE server. you can not alter it.

'open' being, you can load any character that is saved on your HDD online.

The open ones, are obviously notorious for hacking, and they are unmoderated.. For a reason.

It gives people who want to cheat, a place to DO so.

And those you don't, got there own place, hacking the closed, isn't exactly easy, and if your caught that is a ban. ;)


I doubt D3 is going to be like that at all though, and its already a DUH that its not an mmorpg.

Not really sure how that's a "duh" where did you see that they announced anything like that?


Because its not an mmorpg.

You don't pay a subscription, you don't have 50000 people running around in one server, that game just isn't built for that. Its going to be just like D2 in terms of multiplayer.


Starcraft 2, isn't an mmorpg, its simply, Multi-player. you only have upwards of what, 16-32 players in one game at a time. The MM in MMORPG stands for having 'more' than only '32' or even 256 players in 'one' server.

I don't see Blizzard altering there model for D3, they already have WoW to deal with, in terms of mmo, and keeping it a F2P singleplayer/multi-player game like D2/D1, WC1-3, and SC1-2 were, is the model that works.


If they make a Diablo MMO, it will probably be called just that.


World of Warcraft is called, World of Warcraft, not Warcraft 4.

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I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to do whatever crazy things they come up with that we wouldn't expect. But as I already said, I wouldn't like it if it happened, and it was my close friend that had suggested it. I just wanted to get peoples opinion on it *shrug*

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