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Most infuriating moment in WoT.


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Ah yeah, god I hate those people.  What the hell have they ever done besides act like belligerent shitheads at every  opportunity?  I get the impression RJ wanted them there for some cool naval warfare scenes but just said to hell with it.  Now we just got these orphaned useless characters.


I was really angry at Egwene to trick Mat into leaving the Band in Salidar and go follow Nyneave & Elayne to some random Supergils failure. She did so to have him out of her way, AND to keep the Band nearby to increase the recruiting potential for Bryne's army, AND to keep him safe from mischief by the Supergirls. Not in any way to help the SuperfailureGirls.


I was really angry at Egwene to trick Mat into leaving the Band in Salidar and go follow Nyneave & Elayne to some random Supergils failure. She did so to have him out of her way, AND to keep the Band nearby to increase the recruiting potential for Bryne's army, AND to keep him safe from mischief by the Supergirls. Not in any way to help the SuperfailureGirls.


Using the band to increase recruitment potential was actually a pretty smart idea. I did love it however when Talmanes is basically like, "Yeah Mat needs me for some reason. I am going to stay here and help a King win a civil war. have fun."


The whole Ebou Dar situation is incredibly annoying actually


Elayne: Man, finding the bowl of winds is hard

Birgitte: Maybe we should ask Mat for help. He is ta`veren.

Nynaeve: *sniff* just get himself into trouble

Elayne: I wish he would stop bothering Queen Tylin, she seems like such a nice woman. And Beslan is such a dear boy.

Nynaeve: Whoa, I just saw some old woman heal another person. We should find out where she lives

Elayne: Doh, lost her. Oh well, finding the bowl of winds is so hard.

Birgitte: You know, Mat is ta`veren.



What I don't get is why didn't they have Egwene or one of the Aiel dreamwalkers find that building with the bowl?  Sure, they can't find it again themselves, but why not ask someone else to do it for them and then tell them where it is?


Also, why didn't Moghidien just find it in the dream world as opposed to having the Black Ajah just wander around looking?


And ya, the Sea Folk are annoying and pointless.



especially Windfinders

Yes, I totally agree.  They need a serious lesson in humility.  All they cared about was getting the better half of the bargain before agreeing to assist with the Bowl of the Winds.


A scene that really ticked me off was in TSR when Faile insisted on being rude to Perrin, and tricking Loial into taking her to the Two Rivers.  I just really despised Faile from that point on, and it irritated me that the whole rescuing subplot took over 3 books to resolve.  Faile=fingernails on chalkboard.  Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh



especially Windfinders

Yes, I totally agree.  They need a serious lesson in humility.  All they cared about was getting the better half of the bargain before agreeing to assist with the Bowl of the Winds.


A scene that really ticked me off was in TSR when Faile insisted on being rude to Perrin, and tricking Loial into taking her to the Two Rivers.  I just really despised Faile from that point on, and it irritated me that the whole rescuing subplot took over 3 books to resolve.  Faile=fingernails on chalkboard.  Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh

I forgot that faile TR's bit that pissed me off, especially when she knew that Perrins family and friends where in trouble


It seemed more like the Ways scene in The Shadow Rising was written to point out to us how different an Aiel's sense of humor is from ours with the Bain, Chiad and Gaul plot.


It seemed more like the Ways scene in The Shadow Rising was written to point out to us how different an Aiel's sense of humor is from ours with the Bain, Chiad and Gaul plot.

Hmmm, I didn't sense that before. I'm in the process of re-reading the series (just started EotW), so I'll look for that when I come to that scene.



Hmmm, for me, any scene involving the Supergirls tends to make me want to smack someone  ;D. Maybe its the male in me.


They tend to run around without asking help, and when things fall in place with minimum help from them, they take all the credit. By far the best female character is Brigitte, who shows a lot of male tendencies anyway (checking out chicks/drinking etc).


I really hated Egwene's character until the Gathering Storm, and Faile is a fail for me. Nynaeve I can condone as she had the leader role put on her from really early on and she continues to browbeat people, whilst Elayne and Avienda are ok most of the time. 


At least Nynaeve didn't throw away any loyalty to the people she grew up with and cared for the second any new thing came along, even if she is a complete bitch half the time.  Egwene's looking better after TGS but the AS have been so terrible in general that's not much of an accomplishment.  I'm not exactly sure what she has really done except managed to not cry out after getting her ass cheeks spanked all day every day.  Hell, I learned how to do that by the time I was 7.




Anyway, there's 3 big points in the book that bugged me (plus a lot of minor Elaida moments). They are:


-Egeanin's attitude about the conquered people at Falme and really believing she was above everybody in The Great Hunt.


-Perrin killing the Aiel that was helping Faile. It always felt like murder to me, even though it wasn't.


-Newer, the scene between Rand and Hurin. That guy just about worshiped Rand and was treated like dirt. It was even worse than his long-awaited reunion with Tam.


Those were supposed to bother you.


What I don't get is why didn't they have Egwene or one of the Aiel dreamwalkers find that building with the bowl?  Sure, they can't find it again themselves, but why not ask someone else to do it for them and then tell them where it is?


Also, why didn't Moghidien just find it in the dream world as opposed to having the Black Ajah just wander around looking?


And ya, the Sea Folk are annoying and pointless.


I never thought of the first point, nor have I seen anyone suggest it.  Presumably, they did not either.  It's a really good idea, though.


Moghedien, on the other hand... when you hunt something by need, each step is made with eyes closed, never knowing if you might land in a viper's den.  I can't imagine Moghedien ever using this particular technique of Tel'aran'rhoid.


And the Sea Folk--the Sea Folk have been incredibly annoying since book five or six.  But back when they were first introduced in book four (Elayne and Nyneave's journey from Tear to Tanchico), they were really quite nice.  I think the issue is that only the "savvy" Sea Folk who are able to rise to the top behave so unreasonably.  The ones who would actually consider not trying to drive the hardest possible bargain at all times never rise higher than Sailsmistress of a fairly small vessel.


Somewhere in the beginning of The Shadow Rising Nynaeve asks the Wise Ones and Egwene to locate what was harmful to Rand. Egwene is already in the Waste at this point and the Wise Ones say Egwene can't have Nynaeve's need because she is not there and not the hunter. They leave Nynaeve on her own and she locates the male a'dam. So that's probably why the Wise Ones weren't asked to help with the bowl.


Oh this one is easy.


When Tuon and Selucia leash 3 channelers in less than a second.  Sure, Jolien, Edesina, and Teslyn are idiots, but they are Aes Sedai who could bind them both in the time it takes to blink.  There is no way Selucia is that good.


Oh this one is easy.


When Tuon and Selucia leash 3 channelers in less than a second.  Sure, Jolien, Edesina, and Teslyn are idiots, but they are Aes Sedai who could bind them both in the time it takes to blink.  There is no way Selucia is that good.


Yeah, I never quite got how Selucia coulda leashed 'em so fast w/o them being able to do anything.


Egwene taking the three oaths was pretty infuriating.  Any scene with Gawyn in it makes me wanna pull teeth. No more Gawyn PoV's por favor?

Yeah, I never quite got how Selucia coulda leashed 'em so fast w/o them being able to do anything.



1. Selucia is practically a ninja, remember?

2. She collared the first two, Jolien and Teslyn(?), at the same time.

3. Tuon had slipped on the two bracelets before Selucia acted.

4. Tuon, apparently an active channeler, used Teslyn and Jolien to bind Edesina while Edesina was still shocked.


That's from half a year back though, so I may be wrong.


Yeah, I never quite got how Selucia coulda leashed 'em so fast w/o them being able to do anything.



1. Selucia is practically a ninja, remember?

2. She collared the first two, Jolien and Teslyn(?), at the same time.

3. Tuon had slipped on the two bracelets before Selucia acted.

4. Tuon, apparently an active channeler, used Teslyn and Jolien to bind Edesina while Edesina was still shocked.


That's from half a year back though, so I may be wrong.


Makes sense except I guess we're to believe that these 3 Aes Sedai are going to go in and say what Joline says and not be wary?  I mean I guess they were focused on Tuon and didn't pay any mind to Selucia.  Aes Sedai are so arrogant and think they're the be all end all to anything makes it work I guess.



Egwene taking the three oaths was pretty infuriating. 




meh, that didn`t bother me so much as how easy it was to trip up a black sister.   That was weak sauce.  



And my thing with Selucia goes with the whole Seachean battle prowess.  You have Ingtar stone cold murdering Lord Turoks best men.  Then you get Mat and Perrin and Hurin (back when they were kinda green) wiping out Turoks elite bodyguard.  And Rand, who at that point in the novels didn`t know which end of the sword was the pointy end... beating a GD blademaster.


At that point I thought the Seanchean were pansies who cried at sunsets.   Then you get a line from Egeanin in WH that though Bayle Doman was tough, she thought there was no way in the world he could have defeated Turok.


Then you get the Seanchen army sweeping past everything except when one of the main characters massacres 2 or 3 armies at once.  Rands curb stomp into Altera which would have gone well if he hadn`t lost control of the crystal sword.  Mat`s destruction of a bunch of armies.  And Ituralde`s beat down in Arad Doman.


But then you get crazy stuff like the Deathwatch guard who was able to sneak out of the middle of the Band of the Red Hand?  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING?  And the raid at the White Tower in which they were kicking ass and kidnapping the darn Amyrlin until Egwene gets a hold of the most powerful McGuffin?  And Sulicia beating first a mob out side of the Hell (not a scratch, even thought she was unarmed and Mat and Thom both got cut a bit), then powning 3 Aes Sedai?


Are the Seanchan hard core or push-overs?  It really depends on the page number.


1. When everyone doubted Rand cleansed Saidin even though they had evidence (ie. Narshima going to Rebels and allowing to link, or at least, he could do it to prove it, donno if that happened.)


2. Sea folk trying to mess with everyone to get a good bargain when TG is round the corner, come on, get your priorities straight.


3. Nynaeve and Elayne's treatment of Mat, (not even telling him that Moghdein was after them LIKE THAT WASNT IMPORTANT) them wanting to steal his foxhead and dig into him when he only wants to protect them. (Birgitte sets them straight, that was epic.)

Continued from that note, when Mat is with Egwene and he makes his elaborate bows and such to her as Amyrlin, sticking up for her because all of the other AS thought she was a puppet. THen she goes and uses him and the Band without even a single hint of regret or thanks for his support.


4. Egwene thinking she knows best about Rand. Come on, he now has memories from the AoL, he is more knowledgeable than all of them put together.


5. Elayne being a fool because she knows her children will be born and goes and gets captured by the BA. How many thousands of men died for her foolishness that day? Two sisters aswell. she completely disregarded her duties as ruler of Andor, her people, Birgitte, herself (just beacuse her children will be born, doesnt mean she wont be burnt out/loose several limbs.)


6. Rand not checking on the BT and the way he treats Logain, i mean, hes a good guy, but Rand is a prick to him.


There is many more, but i will stop now.




I <3 bacon, but I must disagree.


1. Borderlanders = Win (Every single time, including Hurin)

2. Mat had the Dagger ('nuf said)

3. Perrin, well, good point...

4. Rand had the Void/Turok's arrogance (Turok was winning, but then he started toying with Rand, like Galad vs Valda)

5. Because Turok would have seen Bayle as a threat immediately, Rand was like a kitten attacking a lion

6. Channelers sway the tide of battle, alot. Especially the ones who make heads explode.

7. Seanchan troops are good, the Altarans/Taraboners led by Seanchan we see Mat/Rand/Ituralde fight against, aren't.

8. Altara/Tarabon/Amadicia didn't have a unified fighting force strong enough to resist.

9. The Deathwatch never sneaked into or out of the Band..? Where did you read this?

10. In battle, Damane > Aes Sedai, but Egwene + Sa'angreal > Everything. How is this hard to understand, you said it yourself, Egwene found Vora's wand.

11. Selucia = Superninja


Also, Egwene taking the Oaths = Major Plot Device and tripping up a woman who cries herself to sleep many nights is not as hard as you might think...


Haldmir, your Point 9.


In KoD, When Karede finds the band, he rides in, and his man servant Ajimbura shaved his braid and ran off as soon as he saw that Tuon was there to tell Musenge.  Chapter 36, under an oak.  There is no freaking way.  The Band is constantly referred to and considered the best force in the world at this point.  No way is he going to get out of the Bands perimeter, AND HE DID!?!


And the Selucia superninja thing?  I call BS.  In A New Spring.  Lan al` fracking Mandragon was in exactly the same situation.  But he had a sword, and is an actual Blademaster, and he took hits.  Maybe I`m being sexist, but I can not buy Seluica > Lan.



He did, but after the one dude had sneaked away.  Now I don`t mind him trying.  But he should have been brought back like a pig at a bbq.  Oh and Cadsunae demanding Nyneves loyalty in TGS.  Nyneave outranks her, and Cadsune has done 1 or 2 good things by accident, but mostly shes a weary old tart who screwed up working with Rand.


I find it absolutely irritating that noone, not a single person is grateful for all that Rand is doing. He has gone through so much, prepared to go through so much more to save their hides yet not a soul has thanked him for it.

If I was the Dragon, and the world around me was so ungrateful, I would have taken up Ismy's offer. ;D


Elza: Hmmm. Ive been Compelled to protect Rand. *kills Dashiva*


Elza you stupid bitch.


Egwene: I found a sa'angreal, girls. Now link with me.

Groupies: Yay o yay Egwene you're so great, because while there are hundreds of Aes Sedai that should have thought of linking, it was you! You can die now.


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