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*Ama almost misses a step but quickly recovers... she eyes Adella and giggles*


Ahh Player, a kiwi, can you see me waving from Oz? LOL *ticks off numbers in her head... doesn't want to think about it...laughs* League or union?

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I didnt know you were ozzy. Im originally born in south africa and i lived in the UK for 2 years. Im far to light and scrawny to play either. I used to be a really good swimmer though


Don't want to derail this thread, so ... *kidnaps dapianoplay3r for a wee while to over here:*





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I'd just like to reiterate the apology Al Jenn and i posted in the Aspie Quarters the other night. I do whole-heartedly apologise to anyone who was offended by what they read here. Al Jenn and i truly have nothing but the utmost respect for each other and would never really say those things to each other.

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