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*waits anxiously for Twinnie to arrive*


*glares at Sam*  You be gentle with our Twinnie!


I chatted to Twinnie on the phone this morning  ;D it was super cool. Caught her on the boards and dragged her on to msn and then the phone lol.


Her computer's temperamental and still on the fritz. Looks like they have a virus on it and it needs completely wiped and the OS reinstalled, so meantime she's having trouble getting connected to the internet.


She's feeling better too, in a little less pain now the weather's warming up and she was sounding quite positive.  :) Thought you might all like the update. Hopefully it won't be long now before she's back.






I thought this was for me since I has a twin.





*waits with group pretending like he knows what he is doing*



Hi Twinnie! Person I have not met. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

*giggles and Twaps Sam for the pinch, then tacklesnugglehugglestickleskissiesmoochiesholdstightgigglesnoopydanceseveryone and cries*


Hi everyone!  Light how I have missed all of you!  *grins*  So many of you have been Raised and all active and doing stuff!  Taking care of my Sistertwin too! 


Hi ed!  Are you a new Kinster?  *grins*  Welcome if you are and if you're not...why not?  LOL!


Yes I did get to talk to Tay on the phone...she has such a lovely voice and accent..it was just a joy!  LOL  and I have talked to Lor off and on, so she knew I was alive somewhere in Oklahoma..blah!


I hope and pray I am back for good now!  LOL  The computer has been more spastic than me on a good day..which is a bad day for me!  HOpefully we have it worked out and on it's way to computer health!


I'm ok..just had things going on so along with the computer not working, buried myself in reading lots of books, taking lots of naps, surviving the holidays and cold weather!  I am so loving spring..TORNADOS and all! LOL


Enough about me..tell me all about everything I've missed!  Meaning each and everyone of you of course!  How's the baby Sam?  Torrie..did you get your craft room set up yet?  *smiles and throws an arm around Dar*  now no anxiety love!  How's the horses?  *grins and waits to hear the news*


*winks at ed*  and YOU, you just sit by me and tell me alllll about YOU!  *grins and pats the seat next to her on the swing*

Hi ed!  Are you a new Kinster?  *grins*  Welcome if you are and if you're not...why not?  LOL!


I am a member, though not very active, especially since I don't have my laptop at the moment.

And ummmm...I was...introduced....to the Kin, in the worst of ways. All my fault. :-[ Here


But I will rectify this issue..in time...because time heals everything. Except paper cuts.




*sits on the swing*

Well, let's see. I joined SG first (says a lot right?), branched out to the WT, the Aiel, and the BT...raised all sorts of hell, drama, and just plain ol' craziness. Infamous for quite  a few things I think. But, I have gotten better...


Most of the time. :D


How about you?


The baby is good.  She is a year old now.  We tried to adopt a pitbull from a rescue shelter.....he was great with all the kids, especially the baby, but my older dog didn't take to him very well.....so a couple of dogfights (and 800 dollars) later, I was forced to return him to the shelter. 


Bethany has been playing in her first soccer league.  Nathaniel has taken an interest in bowling and I have rekindled my love of golf.  That about sums up the last few months.  ;D


*squeezes!  I'm so sorry hon..that had to be a rough go!


LOl  I was trying to figure out how old the baby was in the Family album..man a year already!  I used to be a super bowler!  LOL  Grew up in a bowling family..one of my brother's even won a PROAM tournament back in the day! 


Does Bethany like soccer?  I don't remember soccer being an option as a kid..I bet I might have liked it and been healthier and skinnier if I had had those options!  It's really good to have the kids involved!


LOL golf?  I read about the Baseball game..now you are adding sports!  Work settled down then?  and how's the MRS?


OH ED!  I'm so sorry didn't mean to forget an answer to you!  lol you know how it is when you talk to old friends you haven't for awhile?  Got all excited and just pressed post! duh! ::)


WEll congrats for making a great choice and finding the Kin and joining!  did you get your knitting needles from anyone yet?  *winks*  Let me know and I'll take care of you!


What do you mean the worst of ways?  Did you upset our Elegant Eldest? Hmm?  That's a definite NO NO!  LOL


ME...*sighs*  I am a fixture of the Kin...it is my DM family and the first Org I joined.  Unfortunatley I have been MIA alot the last couple years because of Health issues and an idiotic computer..but these wonderful and amazing people I am proud and happy to call family always welcome me back and let me bounce around, chatter and plan fun things I bully them into playing with me! LOL


I've seen you in the WT already..and really, these days that is the only other Org I am active in!  I used to be in the Band and over involved, then Lor asked me to be on the Council here and focused my energies here..I am also an absetee member of the Ogier, and have been involved in the Illuminator's Guild..now the Art, Writer's, Crafter's etc Guild!


At home I am a wife, crafter, mommy of two black labradors!  And that's about it!  *laughs*  What about you?



Oh...I think she was mad...



At home, I am an 18 year old college student, and looking for a job...

I am also in a volunteer (sort of training) program called Explorers, through our Sheriff's Department.


Other than that...not much. :-\


Well, with the bowling, I seem to be stuck in a rut.  I just can't seem to break through to a 200 average.  Although I guess that technically isn't true, as the last three seasons I have averaged around 180 the first half and 215 the second half.  Just have never finished a season above 199. 


Golf was something I used to do a lot of before the kiddos came along.  I was never really good at that either, but it is a nice way to enjoy some fresh air and scenery.  (And cuss my brains out at a litle white ball)  ;D


And baseball is just something I attend.  I don't play that one...lol.  Tammy is doing good.  She changed jobs a couple months ago.  She went back to her Mom's dog grooming shop and is trainiing as a groomer, and eventually may take over the business, when her Mom wants out. 


thats still a pretty good average Sam!  I carried a 180 to 195 when I was bowling regularly..lol these days I'd be surprised to get more than a gutter ball! *rolls eyes*


That's cool with Tammy and the grooming!  Anymore animal and pet stuff is very lucrative!  I know I want a shitz zu and we haven't pursed finding a dog yet because they do need regular grooming and we just can't swing that right now!


Never played golf!  LOL  My only experience was trying out my brother's putter in the back yard and putting a hole in my neighbors house..I do however, LOVE LOVE LOVE  driving around in little golf carts!  What a hoot!


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