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Spring Chat


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Hello, all! For our little discussion this month, I thought we could open up a collection of things we love and hate about Spring. If there are ways to fix the love/hate relationship we have with the season, share them!


For example, I hate that Spring is the time of year when my allergies are at their worst. A possible "fix" for this issue is eating a tablespoon of locally harvested honey once a day during Spring to build up the immunity in my system.


However, I LOVE the flowers! I love watching things grow and it makes me feel FREAKIN' AWESOME when I plant something in the right place, with the right amount of light, and the right supply of water and it grows and is beautiful!


so, what about you?

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I definitely love most everything about spring.  For me, the # 1 would have to be that spring means that winter is over!  Hooray for me because I hate the cold!  haha  Also I just love the greenness of everything and how fresh everything looks and feels and smells!  :)


I don't really have anything negative to say about spring.  Except for maybe that it's over too quickly, or at least it seemed to be over quickly my first spring here in Perth!  :)

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I love that it's getting warmer, and that we don't need to wrap up in three layers of clothing to go outside. The nice green colours on the grass and leaves are beautiful.


What is not that great in the spring is that the pollen starts again, which leads to sneezing and itchy eyes.

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I love everything about spring although I do think this is a love/hate thing for me.


I love and hate the fact that I have a need to clean things, not sure why because any other season I'm just lazy but here in spring i do actually clear all the old stuff from my part of the house :P

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I guess I will be the weird one, again. Fall and winter are my favorite months. We like to run the woods here and in the spring and summer you have to watch for things like snakes and spiders.


I love being able to get my garden going, though. This year I planted two cherry trees, lettuce, tomatoes, two kinds of peppers, and I have some potatoes and onions I need to put in. I also got a grape vine, which I cannot wait to grow (I talk to it everyday **Goofy grin**), but I think my strawberry's will not make it.  :'(


The pollen does suck, but I get most of my allergies in the fall when the mold comes out. 

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Autumn's my favourite season but Spring is a close second.


I love the lighter mornings and nights, longer days. And as Mirsh said, it's mild and the weather is nice without being too hot *ignores all the late snow this year*. I like seeing all the buds coming back out on the trees as they slowly turn green again too.



Hate the allergies and the still chilly nights and the sudden returns to winter weather when you least expect it lol.

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I love spring because it's starting to get warm out, but it's not too hot or humid yet. Plus I love the flowers of spring, especially the lilacs. Plus, a a little more than halfway through spring my summer break starts, which means sock knitting and gardening!

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Well its no secret I LOVE FLOWERS!  *grins* so spring is awesome for that!  But like TOrriekins my seasons are Fall and WInter!


This year though, I am really anxious and happy for the warm weather because I don't hurt!  and I must admit, one of my little happy moments each day, is being able to sit on my swing in the morning and the early evening with a cup of coffee and watch the boys chasing butterflies!


I've always had a love/hate relationship with spring and the whole clean up and planting of stuff!  LOL  I actually enjoy the clean up of the flower beds and planting new flowers and planning how they'll look..I just hate that I tend to love them to death!  ::)


My new "hate" in my old age..is that I tend to be conscious of getting sunburned and don't just run out the door in whatever will expose the most skin to the SUN!  And that I can't do it all in one day anymore!  LOL  There may be a benefit to that though...enjoying a more relaxed pace doing the yard and more often! 

Thankfully..allergies are not a problem for me!


OH my god..the greatist love and joy of spring?  My darling BIll is NOT driving in ice and snow for another six or seven months and relaxes! :-*

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I have the most lovely mental image in my head of you sitting on the porch swing, gently swinging.  The air is cool and the coffee is steaming.  Perhaps you are humming gently to yourself as you watch the butterfly-chasing.  What a wonderful picture!!  :)

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LOL  *hugs Cel*  Thank you love!  That is a pretty picture!  Now if it wasn't me......


Not really...and change the image just a tad..it is in the middle of my back yard by one of my flower gardens, and huge leafy tree's all around!  Oh..and add to the picture..while the young pup is chasing the butterflies..the old lab is laying with my feet resting on him while I'm swinging so my toes rub his back...


Ok have any of you tried one of those topsy turvy plant things?  I really want to can salsa again this year..so am thinking I will get one of them to try and grow the topsy turvy tomatoes.  It looks incredibly easy and successful on the tv of course..just wondered about the reality of it all..

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Actually I think that out in the middle of the garden surrounded by huge leafy trees sounds much more delightful!  And yeah I am quite intrigued by the topsy turvy tomato thingy.  I keep mentioning it to the hubs in the hopes that he'll take the hint but he hasn't yet...I might have to prod harder!  haha :)

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I love spring for the flowers, the warmth, and being able to kick out my shorts and show off my awesome socks. Oh don't lightning bugs start coming out in spring? I can't recall but I will keep my eye out =P


I hate spring for the spiders/bugs, the fact that it's warm but just barely not warm ENOUGH to wear shorts or anything light *especially if the wind picks up any*... oh and I hate the fact that the weeds in my yard that were dormant now have our house held captive because I don't have time to wipe them out and make a pretty garden like I want to =(

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Actually I think that out in the middle of the garden surrounded by huge leafy trees sounds much more delightful!  And yeah I am quite intrigued by the topsy turvy tomato thingy.  I keep mentioning it to the hubs in the hopes that he'll take the hint but he hasn't yet...I might have to prod harder!  haha :)


LOL, well, if you're successful, let me know! I almost bought one today, but talked myself out of it because I've heard some negative things about the moisture staying in the thing and rotting the roots of the plant.



*grins* Know what I love about Spring... all the dormant gardeners I didn't know were out there surprise me by talking about flowers with me! YAY for gardeners!

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