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I am bored and want to play....


So there are a few options. I have two AS that have some experience with BTers OR I also have a BT character myself. I really have no idea what I want to do, only that I am in the mood for an BT rp.


Any takers??

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along the lines of............. crazy? But then being crazy is old hat around here. So I suppose that means I need to be more original.


As it stands I have a Yellow Sedai that was once bonded by an Asha'man. They were the cutest pair (FYI Eqwina is 4'10" and her Ashie was 6'5") anways they ended up as friends, but in the end Isha begged Eqwina to kill him and she did. That had much to do with her life's darker changes. Anyways, I can see her being curious about others of your kind. So we could do an RP with her.



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Well Covai's hanging around the BT, so I'm up for it. Or we can have your AS as one of the first to visit the BT along with the AS already bonded. As long as we have the chronology worked out for the record, AS can turn up the the BT :)


Any BTers wanting to RP at the WT, either need to be part of the bonding party we've had already, or we can retcon you into it. Unless you're looking at a month or more down the line?


Just rambling some input, since I wanna RP too :D

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If you're using Eqwina and Ful's bio gets reapproved. Young Ful was Isha's mentee and present at the Full House thread after the Watchers so he knows about Linten and Isha bonding Faile and Eqwina, respectively. Also, as a sidenote for WT RP, Saline knew of Isha wanting to die only she couldn't find it in herself to kill him (yes she was a red but she thinks there is a bettter way, plus she has her oaths . . .) so we could Rp about Isha and Corwin or something if you're up for it.


I'm bored too  ;D

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I am up for pretty much anything.


Sooo, lets go for a training RP with Mathis and then Eqwina can meet some of you crazy BTer men. Then of course anything where I can torture Eqwina with her past is good.

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