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How to get your friends to read Wheel of Time?


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I often try, as I'm sure most of you do, to get my friends to read Wheel of Time, and spread the joy that is Robert Jordan's fantasy series. Now, I'm sure they would love them if only they started reading them. Unfortunatly, the idea of reading a 12 book series doesn't really grasp their imagination right away.


I'm wondering, if anyone has any ideas in how we could spread the Wheel of Time expieriance to our friends?



(I apologise if this is in the wrong forum. I wasn't sure where to put it.)


honestly, I don't know. I got one friend of mine to read it by buying him EotW for his birthday, and telling him about the books before hand, making him read some of the cooler passages.


But I've been unable to get ANYONE from my family to read the books. My brother's always like "I KNOW!! IT'S ON MY LIST!!" But my brother doesn't really read fiction, he's more of a non-fiction fan, so he either reads history books or Harry Potter. And I'm always like "This series is SO MUCH BETTER!!!" but he won't listen to me. And now he's basically decided to refuse to read it because I won't shut up. :oops:


And I've really tried with my mom too, but she works as an english teacher and says she doesn't have the time. Which, techincally she doesn't. Plus she says I talk about it so much, that she already knows the whole story, and to that I always say, "Ok, name me five of the Forsaken?" Which she can't do. So I win. 8)

Guest Egwene

lol.. your poor mum, Kadere!!


I have just started my niece on the books... and yes, talking too much about them is almost like saying 'I am trying to convert you to another religion'... so having said my bit, given her the book whilst she was here on holiday, I then shut up....


...and let her sit next to me whilst posting on DM *devious grin*. Just happen to visit the thread where people say how they got into it for example...


When I send her back to her parents she was about two hundred pages into tEotW *grin*





The Wheel of Time is my favourite book and yet somehow I find it a bit uncomfortable myself to recommend such a long series that is yet unfinished, but at the same time I would like to spread the word, so this is what I do -


I have made sure that the only books I have on display at my place are the Wheel of Time books, all of them in one long line maximising the chances that they will catch someones eye -


and then you need to invite lots of friends over and sit a gaze at the bookshelf or something like that


and that way I don't have to recommend them and if they don't like it, it's there own silly fault. :)


I actually had my sister hoocked on the series! she stopped reasing after book five tho.. but she's a DMer jsut like me! :D


and my brother really likes the books too!!


so I guess I have had some small degree if success!!


I keep trying to get my wife to read the series, but I think it is a lost cause as she hates fanstasy and SF novels. I did get her to read the first of Tad William's Otherland, becuase I said it was based in this world. She did in fact enjoy it, but she can never enjoy the suspense and just wanted me to tell her what happened in the following books. I think there is no way she could cope with the unfinished threads of the story and would never accept RAFO as an answer.

My brother says he has put it on his list, but I do think the fact it is twelve books is daunting.


[quoteI made the mistake of getting my friends and family to read the books and now I am missing 2 of them! :x


Dont do it! They will steal your books!!! :wink:


Man that happened to me too with some of my friends. I loaned one friend books 2-6 (what I call the meat of the series) and I never got them back. It's a good thing that I had read those books so many times, I only need an occasional glance at a summary or a mention of an event to recall what basically happened in those books.


I especially mourn the loss of books 4-6. We all know in those three books alone lie some of the greatest fantasy fiction to ever grace a page of print. They constitute my favorite trilogy.


I got my roomate to read the books and he wasnt much of a reader before hand. Although he has been sitting on the newest since a week after release. I also turned my cousin on to them when he was like eleven. That is about it, but GRRM is easy. Ive got like 20 different people to read those, and subsequently they have passed them on also.


I'm still working on a few of my friends who are truly some avid readers yet bulk at the size on just one of RJ's books. Sheesh, if I got them to read Dune then this should have been a piece of cake.


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