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Dragonsworn is awesomeness incarnate!


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It's time that I give my little brother the praise that he deserves, and maybe a bit of roasting as well. Anybody have any spare hot coals lying around?  ;D


Pete and I met over a noose and a knife. Oh, and a polyjuice potion or two. I am a huge Harry Potter fan - books, not movies. He was running an HP themed mafia game. We started talking about the game, and one thing led to another, and before I knew it he offered to mentor me in mafia. I desperately wanted to learn to play, and became addicted to the game immediately. Then our chats became more personal, and we discovered that we have far more in common than a ruthless, competitive nature. (Boy, that's hard to mask sometimes......lol.) We both write poetry (sorry to spoil your manly image, bro, but hey, what are sisters for?  ;D) We both see things in the same way. We rarely have to explain even the most convoluted statements. We very nearly read each other's minds.


Pete is a strong man, and a determined one. I watched him go through a very painful time, and he handled it with strength and with just plain grit. I admire those qualities very much. He had been kicked so hard by life that a lesser man would have caved. He did get somewhat lost, but found his way eventually. Now, I love what I see, where he's come to, who he has become. I'm very proud of him, and love his wife to pieces, because I know she gets some of the credit for his finding his way. He would have done it on his own, I have no doubt, but there's nothing wrong with being strong enough to let someone help.


I have faced challenges lately that only Pete has been able to pull me through. Actually, ever since I've known him, he's been doing that. When we met, I'd pretty much given up on dating. Men were all jerks, etc, etc. And then I came to know Pete and my WT Warder, Sam, and learned that there were good men out there. The things they do for their ladies, and the depth of their caring gave me hope. So, I started dating again. (Internet dating. Ugh! Very much not for me.) Eventually, I did meet a good man, through my sister, Minuet, actually. Without Pete's example, I probably would have given up. I'll be the first to admit that I like being on my own, so the bar is already set pretty high. Pete and Sam nudged it up a few notches. *grin* I don't talk much about this, but I have some emotional health conditions. Sometimes I can't just take the lumps that life gives me and deal with them. Sometimes they devastate me. Pete is always there for me, and always gets me through whatever it is.


Flaws? Hmm....... Does Pete have flaws? He can be a bit arrogant, but I enjoy that quality in a person, as long as it's not overdone, so..... nope, not a flaw. Oh, yeah, here's one! Sometimes his mind runs so fast that he has trouble communicating what he means to say. For someone as communication-based as I am, that can be a bit difficult. Oh, yeah, here's another one. He broods. He's got Irish blood and they are champion brooders. Sometimes I just want to slap him out of it. But I don't. I love him through it, because that's what he would do for me.


We are from totally opposite sides of the country, backgrounds, generations, genders, you name it, yet, on the inside, we are exactly alike. I am happy to have this amazing young man in my life, and can't wait to meet in person, get to know his wife, and spoil the heck out of his children, once they have them. We never would have found each other if not for mafia games......lol.


Never forget, bro, I always have a noose with your name on it. Just waiting for you to be scum again......lol.


(Pandy, did you not know how wordy I am? He asked me for a few paragraphs.....lol. Sorry if I make anyone's eyes bleed....)


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*prances in scattering rose petals*


Sorry, this isn't a wedding? Oh well, shame to waste them. *scatters more rose petals*


Congrats you two. As the newest member of our Bond, I am ABSOLUTELY ecstatic.


*sighs and sits down* You two are so awesome. *basks in their awesomeness*

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