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Caption Contest


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Sorry I was a little late on posting this one up, had a bit of a problem with Photobucket this morning but now I got the picture I wanted so lets continue.




This was a rather funny week and also another difficult one to choose.


But this weeks winner of the Lulz is...




Congratulations on your win.


Now, as for this weeks picture it is this.




Let the Lulz begin!


Edit: Censored out the curse word on the left egg.



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I guess it wasn't the best one for this week.


But this weeks winner is Ellianora.




and there is going to be a change in the rules.


Starting today, whoever wins gets to host the picture for the caption contest and will choose the winner for that week.


Now to post this weeks picture.



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Since Talya hasn't posted for a week, I'll take back over.


Does anyone have any objections to the new rule of whoever wins the weekly contest gets to choose the next picture?


If so, I'll just keep the job. xD


But since I want this game to be back up and running. Here we go.


This weeks picture.



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Hey, guys.


Sorry I'm doing this late.


Been sick the past two days from my convention in Seattle.


Karaoke for 7 hours is NOT a good idea.




Lost my voice all of Sunday and Monday.


But anyway.


Samurai wins. xD His was the lulziest.


Here is the next picture.




Deadline for captions will be on Monday as usual.

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*man walks up to closed door and puts hand on closed door*


Announcer: in 1960 there was Jaws, then in 2012 we brought you Jaws 3D.  Now we take a leap into the future and bring you ...


*dramatic pause as man opens the door and shark tries to eat him*


Announcer: Jaws RLD(Real Life Deminson)!!! Comming this summer to a plasma life sucking screen near you!!


Fast announcer: Jaws RLD is a trademark of Warner Bros Inc and Speilberg Enterprise, and holds no liabilitys for any harm and/or death that may occur to the veiwing audience.

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