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It was taken from some of the Comments when new people join the boards. They didn't understand the Orgs...so it was decided to call them Social Groups to explain it more. We have had some people get copnfused between the RP and us, so this was to help make it clearer.


The board changes were for the same reason, to help make it flow more. Everything is pretty easy to find, and within no time you will know where everything is.


Personnally, looking at the structure now, I think it makes sense. It seems a lot less cluttered.



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What happened to the rumor about new boards we were supposed to get? is this it? or was it just another one of those rumors? And I liked the org better...short and sweet. I never was confused either though :/ since the role playing boards say "ROLL PLAYING" on their title...

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I know, but you have been around a while ;)


it was for those that are joining now, there has been some confusion about it all.


As for the new boards. We will still be getting them. It has taken longer, but I think they are looking at getting this right so that when it comes to upgrading in the future, we won't need new boards, they will be able to update those.


The changes here were an interim, just to get the organisational structure of the board in place.



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