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Mafiaholics Annonymous


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That is probably a good thing as your underage :P *Tries to look innocent while saying that comment*


Lily you could always join the Org here I'm sure you would love it, I find this place quiet similar to the Green Ajah boards :) (Wishes there was a discipline like that)


Well I'm off to find some mafia games... I feel the urge to Herbal!

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  • Club Leader

Al Jenn, you are welcome on the GA boards anytime. I would join, but sadly, I'm deeply involved in two Orgs as it is (as in, people count on me,) and then there's the one my sister runs, and the one my Warder runs, and I'm probably going to have to drop the other one I belong to as it is. But thanks for the thought.  :-* (Limi, can I do that? lol)





  • Club Leader


Lily is here!


Ed is mafia

[glow=red,2,300]Vote Ed[/glow]


I can prove it. He always points the finger at me when he's scum. Metagaming, I know,  but it's true.



  • Club Leader

LMAO - I nightkilled him for the same reason once! My game that is coming up is a points based game. It actually says in the rules "You will lose points for Ed-type spam."  :P


  • Club Leader

Darling, I didn't give you a chance to spam that game. I'd had enough in Pete's game. You were slated for nk from the minute I got my role from Min. Who knew you were the other godfather? *giggle*



i have to admit, when there is too much spamming in a game, it can be annoying, lol. Especially when it goes on for pages!


Lily...you do know that you seem very much at home here... would you like some brownies..


*offers some Brownies to Lily*

  • Club Leader

You two!


Talya, there's something in the far reaches of my memory that says not to eat your brownies. So, thanks, but I'll pass.


Al Jenn, darling, we would have won either way.  ;) Ed brought out the very best in that team by making us desperate....lol. NEVER do that to a mafia team. Desperate = creative......lol. And you ruined our twofer gambit. YOU took out our second target. You have earned one free nightkill for that. I'll get you next time.  ;D


Quick recap for those who missed it. I was Godfather. Ed backed us into a corner, making everyone say the phrase "I am not anti-town" and he was claiming to be lie detector. My whole team was scared to post at all. I didn't believe his claim and I was desperate, so I counter-claimed as lie detector. I got lynched, true, but I sacrificed myself to bring down Ed PLUS the finder. (We nearly got them both lynched, which would have been totally sweet!) It was a good trade, all in all. And a totally amazing game! I will say this about Ed's tactic - I will never support a tactic like that whether I am town or mafia, because it's not good for either side, in my opinion. I think it throws the balance of the game off.


  • Club Leader

Yeah. That was me, too. If I remember right, I put the idea out there that Ed might have a nefarious reason to get us all to say it. What can I say? I was grasping at straws, trying to save my team?  8)



That sucks!  I was thinking about revealing but that would just have given the mafia a double nk so I kept shut.  Pete screwed me over by telling everybody not to vote for you! :P


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