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Can I be your derivative?


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Girl i wish I was your differential, coz then id be touching all your curves


or the inverse:


Girl i wish I was your integral coz then id be the area under your curves




Girl, you are sin2 X and I am cos2 X and together, we are one.


Hey babe, wanna see the exponential growth of my natural log?


i like maths. lets go to my room, add the bed,subtract ur clothes, divide ur legs and hope we dont multiply.


By looking at you I can tell you’re 36-25-36, which by the way are all perfect squares.


What’s your sine? It must be pi/2 because you’re the 1


I less than three you….. (i < 3 you)


I heard you’re sin because you’re always on top when we make tangent


You know.. it’s not the length of the vector that counts… it’s how you apply the force


i wish i were a derivative so i could lie tangent to your curves.


if i were a function you would be my asymptote - i always tend towards you.


my love for you is like a fractal - it goes on forever.


How can I know so many hundreds of digits of pi and not the digits of your phone number?


Are you the square root of 2? Because I feel irrational when I am around you.


Your face has perfect reflective symmetry


Wow, Id tan her theta any day


I wish we were vectors so I could put my head to your tail.


Your love is sweeter than 3.14159265...


I wish I were the derivative of your natural logarithm so I could be the one over U.


Let me equal awesome, and you equal awesome. Then if you go into me, we become one!


I wish we were doing vector addition so we could go head-to-tail.


Our relationship is like a modulus function, all the signs are positive.


(one for the ladies) Is that a Casio fx-9750G in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?


Baby, let me find your nth term.


Why don’t you be the numerator and I be the denominator and both of us reduce to simplest form?


Can I plug my solution into your equation?


You are one well-defined function.


I would really like to bisect your angle.


You know.. it’s not the length of the vector that counts… it’s how you apply the force


That dress would look even better accelerating towards my bedroom floor at 9.81 m/s^2


hey baby im good with numbers... so y not invite some of your friends to join us tonight?


Baby I’ll treat you like my homework — I’ll slam you on the table and do you all night long


I wish I were your second derivative so I could fill your concavities.


If I move my lips half the distance to yours… and then half again… and again… etc…. would they ever meet? no? Well in this specific case I am going to disprove your assumption.


Our love is like dividing by zero…. you cannot define it


My vector has a large magnitude, care to normalize it?


Your beauty defies real and complex analysis.


i wish you'd factorise, cos boy do i want to get inside your brackets!


If you want lots of secs diferentiate yourself with a tan


All my previous girlfriends have been like root -1... imaginary


You be Z, I'll be Z*. Now we can be conjugal


u r very 1/cos c


'there's a basis extension...in my pants


Hey baby, i know how to complete your square


You got space, I got time, les make a continuum


Your chest has perfect quartic form, can i calculate its turning points??


I'm like a fractal: I could go on, and on, and on all night.


Our love is like pi, irrational and neverending


i'm not being obtuse, but you're acute girl


Hey baby, what’s your tanx cosx?


You and I could add up better than a Riemann sum.


I need some help with my calculus, can you integrate my natural log?


I can work out the square root of any number in less than 10 seconds. What? You don’t believe me? Well, let’s try it with your phone number.


Maybe you're not in my range, but I'd sure like to take you back to my domain.


you have better curves than my polynomials


i want to differentiate your curves and lie at a tangent to them ;)


squarin numbers is just like women, if theyre under 13 just do them in your head


Would you like some 1/cosxy time??


Just like 3 + 4i, I'm complex.


fancy an Integral of 2x between 13 and 10?


our geometric sequence must be 1+1/2+1/4+1/8.... because to as far as infinity we will always be two


with coefficients like those, im pointing up like a gaussian function


I can write BOOBIES on my calculator, but I'd much rather see yours


cream 3.14159265?


lets make like sine (x^-1) and oscillate wildly


Yeah, I thought so. My glare used to be pretty famous back in the day... used it a lot more frequently too. Eh... this takes me back to old times.... you know I used to set up striptease threads to get points in SG? *grins*  I'm actually completly serious btw (clarifying cause people say it's hard to tell :P)  LOL





Oh, I didn't have to get that far... points streamed pretty freely.... lol

Gaulable fiends. I'm surprised to this day that I was never told off about that, actually  *g*





...weren't you looking for points around here?


*Waits with back turned*


Yeah, but I've discovered a new tactic since






How can I know so many hundreds of digits of pi and not the digits of your phone number?


I would possibly give my number to someone who came up to me and said this line.. And I've NEVER given my number out to a stranger before, never even considered it!


Rey...you know you can "square" it with the superscript button. I assume those are squared. ::)


Girl, you are sin2 X and I am cos2 X and together, we are one.

That dress would look even better accelerating towards my bedroom floor at 9.81 m/s2


That is all :P

Besides the fact that those were hilarious!



How can I know so many hundreds of digits of pi and not the digits of your phone number Adella?




There was a girl she was 13, she had a bra size 84, se wanted a 54 so she went to the doctor and he said 0, take these pills 2 a day..





But she took them 4 times a day so she ended up




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