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Welcome Charis To The Black Tower!!!


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Welcome Charis!


Some basic info: Our Taintedly Beautiful OL is Talya, the M'Hael (Leader of the Shadow) is TheMasterDude, and Logain (Leader of the Light) is Ellianora.

You can blame any problems on the Taint.

And you can get points in various ways to level up.


Why don't you tell us about yourself?


Hey Charis welcome to the BT... I'll try to make this simple and clean since you have so much homework...


Here at the Black Tower we are laid back, friendly, and a bit crazy. It is likely the taints fault, but who knows...


Talya is our fabulous Org leader and you will see her around here quite often though she is in England time zone (Eastern +5 hours)


We then have, like Talmanes said, Elli and TMD. TMD is currently LoA for exams and I'm not sure where Elli is.


We have four moderators myself, Rey, Locke, and Pale. Feel free to ask us any questions you want. We are here to help you.


Soon you'll be granted access to the Arena where we play games, have Saidin battles, do reviews of books/movies, and have competitions. You'll also get access to the Farmhouse where we assign points and do promotions. Additionally there is the Village with the Tainted Tavern, our local hang out place. The village is the place to relax and say as much as you want about what you will.


Again we are very laid back and welcoming so poke around and say hi!




*flyingmegaglomptacklessnuggles Charis* Why Hello my Lovely!





*looks at everyone else* Any one messes with Charis will have to answer to me. -_-


*ponders the philosophy of that* :\ HHmm...




Any one who messes too badly with Charis with get beat up by me at the very least...


Allowances - Stabbing, poking, and feeding brownies too. <3


*ponders the philosophy of that* :\ HHmm...




Any one who messes too badly with Charis with get beat up by me at the very least...


Allowances - Stabbing, poking, and feeding brownies too. <3

*feels much safer from the tainty folk*


*flyingtacklehugglesnugglebitesmunchesglompsloves Limilove*


Hi everyone! And thanks for the warm welcomes!


Let's see, about me:

I'm 20 years old, from the midwest, (EST), and I'm a theatre major at school with (hopefully) one year to go. I'm an actor and a singer, and yes, I plan on making a career out of that! :D


I'm also a member of the Lummies and the WT.


I'm Limi's partner in Crime wherever we go, so WATCH OUT!


When I can yank myself away from school and the computer, I like to read, cook, be with friends, make music, take long walks on the beach, (which is INCREDIBLY hard to do around here...)and watch TV. (What? I'm an actor, its part of my job!)

ANything else you'd like to know?


First you ask if she's wearing any and THEN you ask for the color.... duh :P  ;D


I learned that in stalking 101 ^_^







You're right love, I'm done for the day, I'm just saying... IF and I do mean IF I am still in my leotard, well, you can fill in the rest...









Luckily, I MAY have changed since this morning. ;)


COPY AND PASTERS!!! :P  Where's the originality?! :P


But anyhow, welcome to the BT Charis.  By now, you've probably got most of the basic stuff, *glares around* :D but if you've got any question 'bout anything, feel free to ask. ;)


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