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From Lor

Far Dareis Mai

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I am a big believer in the punishment fitting the crime. I think the only way to drive home a point is to make it painful so that it doesn't happen again.


For this reason, I am making THIS the terms of my forgiveness.


1- You will start a thread in the Kin forum. I don't even care which one of you does it.


2- In this thread, you will speak only positive things to each other. In fact, the only language you are allowed to use within the realm of the Kin for a solid week (all the way through Valentine's Day, in fact) is language akin to flowery sonnets.


3- You can interact with everyone in the Kin. I welcome you to post whever you want inside our forum. However, you can only respond by telling people who wonderful they are and how much you wish you could join our Org when your time in punishment is up.


4- If anyone posts anything negative, derisive or sarcastic, you must respond directly by complimenting them. Be creative. It entertains me when people are creative.


5- You MUST post in this thread at least once a day and you MUST respond to everyone who’s posted in between your posts when you do. If you miss a day, you have to post twice to make up for it. I’m not completely unreasonable.


6- I am copying FDM on this PM, because I am formally inviting the entire SG Org to witness your little lovefest at the Kin and welcome them to be themselves while they do.


Only when you've met my terms will I relent.


It's love month, gentlemen! I expect hearts, chocolates and flowers ASAP!



Ladies and Gentleman Evildoers,


Please feel free to witness this very fitting punishment. I cannot actually think of anything more evil than forcing our fellow brethren to endure this. Except that we shall make them wear pink. And ruffles. That's lovey dovey, right? ;)

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