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Skirmish Event - Open RP Planning


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Was wondering if anyone was interested in mixing it up a bit on the border of the blight.  I'm imagining a medium scale skirmish involving a borderlander's patrol encountering a raiding party of shadowspawn.  You know the drill (or maybe you don't and want to pretend) you mix it up a bit, maybe fulfill a Req or two, get dirty and bruised up then go home and massage your ego.  Anyone interested in helping with plotting, or throwing ideas around just speak up!


I got a Fadeling who needs some live engagement experience so as i'm the one who brought it up i'll put myself on the list first.  I'll check daily so for those of you interested i'll just drop your name on my little list and we can meet for cookies or something in cyber space  ;)

Interested Parties- forum name and character name.

1. Myyrth - Myyrth - Active

2. Asfaloth - Pending - Active

3. Minisamus - Saline - Active

4. Nynaeve - Saar'eve - Active

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First draft of the opening post is prepared as of this moment.  Can i get a roll call of the people interested/still interested.


I can post the opening three paragraphs here if people want to see how i presented it.  I can then add anything.  At this point it is only from the perspective of the Shadowspawn raiding party.  Leaving it up to you lightfools to flesh out your side of the deal.

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Opening post is up.  Merely a brief introduction to the Shadowspawn force with some narrative exposition from Myyrth's perspective.  Details on the force are in the post along with expectations for what comes next.  I really want this story to grow naturally from our shared experience.  I leave it to those more experienced and involved than I to set the scene for the Borderlanders.


It's labeled as Open so anyone can just hop in, I just ask that if someone not currently listed below jumps in that they could post their forum name and their character name here so I can keep an up to date list of active players.  I would be grateful if you feel like dropping out that you inform me so I can move you from active to nonactive.  My goal for this story to keep it moving along is perhaps 1 post from each person involved a week if that would be possible.


Let's all have a bunch of fun!  If you want me to do anything with the story, or change anything or clarify anything please ask.  This isn't just my plot afterall!  ;D


Link to RP Thread.


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Awesome!  Curious about the boy though  Mind divulging your plan for him?


Well Minisamus has got them HU-manz up and running i'm going to wait a little bit longer before advancing to the conflict.  If nobody posts tuesday (tommorrow) i'll drop in an advancement.  Thinking it will be of a pair of saldaean outriders that get attacked by the vanguard of the raid.  One of them escaping to bring the bloody tale back... maybe that's too cliche.  ::)

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Okay took me a while to get around to this, but I'll post the advancement by tonight.  I'd also like to encourage the other people who expressed interest in this RP to at least put a scene or two in sometime this week or next week.  We are all busy people i know it, but if you find that you really don't have time for this then just let me know and I can take you off my list of active participants so I'm not waiting for long periods of time for other people to post before continuing the story.

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hey guys,


would this be something Freelanders could join in on? If there's Borderlanders that are not part of any division, then those will by default belong in FL. And we got Aiel too, in case you want to mix them in there as well.


So feel free to post a thread on the FL boards to this RP in case some of them have missed it. Participating in these battles will definately count towards their weapon scores, me thinks. :)




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added note: I've written up a massive RP arc in which people will have to agree that 'if they do not post within a given period then they agree that their characters can be minor NPC'd by the Arc Masters in order to avoid stalling the rest of the RPers and the story'. Maybe this might be something you would like to consider to for this.

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Anyone is MORE than welcome to come.  I'd love as many people as possible.  The engagement is intended to be relatively large while still remaining manageable.  a couple hundred of soldiers on each side in a brutal engagement.  It is up to each participant to come up with an explanation for why they are part of either party or perhaps just passing through.  The actual occurrence is some indeterminate time post Bowl of Winds, so winter is coming on and it is damn cold.


There is a list of soldiers that make up the shadows forces in the first post.  I'll post a link in the FL section.

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i hadn't really decided, but considering how serious the general ramifications would be if a patrol of three hundred or more borderlanders got wiped leaving a substantial force of shadowspawn free to ravage the countryside out it'll probably be the bad guys that lose.  How typical... :P


I was hoping it would sort of develop naturally from the conflict.  Considering at this point it looks like no dreadlords will be present on the shadow side, if any Aes Sedai are with the human forces it might end up being pretty decisive.


We could put it to a vote?

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A perfect, me an minisamus are hovering in limbo atm.  I was considering just forwarding the story along without any others but that's perfect. Right now the two forces have not clashed yet though it is imminent.  You can insert yourself however you want.  Thanks for climbing aboard!

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