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They broke the back window out of our rental car and stole it, but left the trunk alone and everything else... we only had a hatchback, so we couldn't really hide all our stuff...apparently when we returned the car to get a new one, they told us we were the 5th couple that week.. THE FIFTH! And not a single warning, comment, nothin was made.. about it.. we were on our way to our next town, so it's not like we could have left it in the room. :\ it was really shitty, because no one really cared..


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I what? :\ I've "been back" since the 13th >.> but I'm house shopping, puppy shopping, and running a forum, and planning a wedding and ja...


I have to ask....shopping for a puppy? Or buying clothes for David?


Oh it was beyond amazing! Except for the part where I got robbed... that wasn't good, but everything there is stunning and so much fun! The colors in the Northern Island were unbelievable!



Yes. In Auckland, they stole my luggage and David's backpack... with my engagement ring in it.. left me with no clothing, no ring, and David lost a lap top.


That is horrible!

Did y'all have some insurance or anything?




*digs into the strawberries*


They broke the back window out of our rental car and stole it, but left the trunk alone and everything else... we only had a hatchback, so we couldn't really hide all our stuff...apparently when we returned the car to get a new one, they told us we were the 5th couple that week.. THE FIFTH! And not a single warning, comment, nothin was made.. about it.. we were on our way to our next town, so it's not like we could have left it in the room. :\ it was really shitty, because no one really cared..



OH! And this last word......FINISH! You can't leave us hanging like that!

Edited by ed2funy
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It's for ever lost to you since I don't feel terribly inclined to try and remember what it was supposed to say.


Also, I'm actually looking for a puppy puppy, with 4 legs, and a tail... Although David does need to go shopping.. wears the same damn out fit like every day.. *sighs*



Player - getting robbed didn't hurt it to too much..We were in southern Auckland, by Kelly Tarlton's aquarium. I was mostly just pissed because A) we had just gone shopping before we left the states, so I had new clothing, B) I had also just gone shopping in New Zealand a few days before, and C) since all my laundry was gone, we had to get new stuff... which wasn't all the easy since all I really wanted was simple t-shirts, and there really wasn't any in the place we were around...


It eventually added stress to us because I was forced to find hotels that had laundry, and to wear dirty clothing over it it wasn't an option. I didn't intend to have to do laundry while I was there since I planned on wearing each shirt twice, and brought enough pants and stuff. I also was paranoid for the rest of the trip... but we lost most our stuff, so it all fit in the back by that point.


I'm still kinda pissed about it.. just because I go to try to find something to wear and I'll remember it was gone, and with the house hunting I haven't had to time to replace a lot of my stuff. :\


But honestly, aside from that, we really did have an amazing and wonderful trip!

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Is sad to see the church deserted, dust everywhere and all the furniture in disarray. Walks over and is absolutely shocked to find a fully stocked bar.


Well, I suppose I'll pour myself a drink and reminisce about all my old friends while I start cleaning the place up

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