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Hi ed, thank you for the explanation, I know the green is there is spirit! Though I did sick Adella on you for last nights non green in the main thread..I'm sure if you use the phone card again she will go easy on you! I'll assume if you don't write in green it is only because you are using a phone, and I will still expect you to promote it to others!


aside from that bologna what are you up to?

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Well, like I said in the other post, you are the Soul, so as long as you make an effort to harass remind the other greens about the text invasion, they cant really do too much if you arent..though I did sick Adella on you (sorry she just seemed soo upset last night when I told her not to pick on you yet)


Oh, bagel? I like bagels!

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yes, I don't recall what it was about exactly but I know it turned to the lack of green in your text and I said I would let it slide because you are new to the position. Adella looked said cause she wanted to deal with you, I said the next time you are caught slacking off in the invasion I would send you her way. OR something like that..I can't find the reference now!

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*cries* It would be sad! I am very happy being a mentor and have gotten really lucky to have an active Mentee!


I think it is important to have an active mentor. I think the WT would keep more people active if they actually talked with their mentees.



Mintee ~ -_- they don't get that >_>


And by the way, I call you MINTee cause mint is a green thing :P >_> not that this has anything to do with this topic, it just popped into my head is all.

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