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Green Ajah - No babies?


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Has anyone else wondered why many of the Green Ajah are implied to continually get down and dirty with their Warders, but there is no army of babies in the Tower? I have some theories on Aes Sedai contraception.


1. Power-wrought Hysterectomy - perhaps a Green can convince a Yellow to tie her tubes (I'm not familiar with the surgery, so I'll leave it simple).


2. Air Condoms/Air Diaphragms - an easy flow of Air to produce either a condom or a diaphragm, perhaps a touch of fire for a warming sensation, who knows the secret weaves of the Green?


3. Delve/Heal Abortion - I think if this form were common, the Yellow Ajah would start a crusade


4. No Contraception - Maybe the Greens actually have babies all the time, leaving the Tower for a time, and give them up. Not likely...


Myself, I think that Option #2 is most likely, although #1 would be interesting. Maybe there is a farm full of babies roaming in pasture somewhere though...


There's a tea they can drink to prevent conception. Min comments to Aviendha about it right after they bonded Rand - she says something along the lines of: "She should have drunk the tea. She'll get with child from this."


There's a tea they can drink to prevent conception. Min comments to Aviendha about it right after they bonded Rand - she says something along the lines of: "She should have drunk the tea. She'll get with child from this."


What she said. Though I think there might be something to do with the Power too. Seeing as the Yellows hate herbs. Maybe other AS do too. :-\


Ah i forgot about the tea. I knew there was tea used to prevent pregnancy in some fantasy series, but I was thinking of its use in Brent Weeks' Night Angel trilogy, where it is drank afterward I think. I forgot there is tea for everything in WOT. Thanks guys.


But I like to think the Greens have special weaves just for intimate use. Well, knowing Greens, they probably do ;)


Does it say anywhere if there have been Aes Sedai who have had children? I've always assumed they can, but that it's against custom, because it would make them weak and give them other priorities. And it would also be painful, since they're likely to outlive their children. If though channelling is genetic, since only about 3% could channel during the AoL, it seems not all channellers get children who can channel. And even if channellers usually get children who will channel, the Aes Sedai don't seem to that - if they did, they probably wouldn't have culled the ability away. And, who wants to outlive his or her children?


But I believe they can. Samitsu tells Damer:


You must! I will give you all the gold I possess, bear your child, whatever you wish, but you will tell me all that you can.

- A Crown of Swords, Chapter 36


True, it might be just an expression, but I doubt she'd be able to offer if she couldn't.


Wasn't there a reference to their cycles slowing down (similar to their aging)? I'm not talking about matching another woman, like Elayne and Birgitte, but actual slowing.


If so, that would make for a comical conversation for an AS who wanted a child. I mean, talk about counting days...


She could tell her warder/husband, "Look, I'm most fertile on days 512, 513, and 514. If you want a baby, come and see me those days."




Maybe it's more to do with the way aes sedai identify themselves with their use of the one power and their control over it, and themselves.  We know from Elayne's experiences that pregnancy does some funky stuff to a womans ability to control saidar.  The AS like to stay in control and if it is known that carying a child will cause a loss of that control I would suspect many would just forgoe it all together on purpose.  They are obviously capable and they obviously enjoy a good romp now and then so they are making a concious decision to ensure no babies get in the way and ruin that calm aes sedai demeanor.  Seems there is an awful lot of pillow friendships going on as well.  Just sayin.  If you don't dally with the other side it won't happen either.


2. Air Condoms/Air Diaphragms - an easy flow of Air to produce either a condom or a diaphragm, perhaps a touch of fire for a warming sensation, who knows the secret weaves of the Green?

  ;D You really thought that one out, hey...


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